
Enrollment and waitlist data for current and upcoming courses refresh every 10 minutes; all other information as of 6:00 AM.

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GRSW: Social Work (Grad)

Fam Res/Div: Immigrant/Refugee
T 4:40 pm - 7:05 pm
P. Khatiwoda
09/04 - 12/20
CRN 41120
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 8
Waitlisted: 0
09/04 - 12/20
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:40 pm
7:05 pm
SCB 206


Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 41120


St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 206

Parmananda Khatiwoda

This course presents the family resilience framework as a foundational context for working with diverse populations, focusing on strengths and adaptive capacity. Specifically, this course explores critical issues, theory and skills related to social work practice with immigrants and refugees. Consideration is given to the macro context of immigration including related policy responses. Key factors in resettlement and transition, such as migration trauma, the social work delivery system, and the role of the social worker with clients, communities and organization will be addressed.

3 Credits

SOWK: Social Work (UG)

Fam Res/Div: Immigrant Refugee
T 4:40 pm - 7:05 pm
P. Khatiwoda
09/04 - 12/20
CRN 41131
4 Cr.
Size: 5
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
09/04 - 12/20
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:40 pm
7:05 pm
SCB 206


Subject: Social Work (UG) (SOWK)

CRN: 41131


St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 206

Parmananda Khatiwoda

This course presents the family resilience framework as a foundational context for working with diverse populations, focusing on strengths and adaptive capacity. Specifically, this course explores critical issues, theory and skills related to social work practice with immigrants and refugees. Consideration is given to the macro context of immigration including related policy responses. Key factors in resettlement and transition, such as migration trauma, the social work delivery system, and the role of the social worker with clients, communities and organization will be addressed.

4 Credits

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