
Enrollment and waitlist data for current and upcoming courses refresh every 10 minutes; all other information as of 6:00 AM.

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ACCT: Accounting

Principles of Accounting II
MWF 10:55 am - 12:00 pm
O. Asdemir
02/03 - 03/21
CRN 21861
2 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 21
Waitlisted: 0
02/03 - 03/21
M T W Th F Sa Su

10:55 am
12:00 pm
MCH 108


10:55 am
12:00 pm
MCH 108


10:55 am
12:00 pm
MCH 108


Subject: Accounting (ACCT)

CRN: 21861

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 108

Requirements Met:
     Honors Course
     Sustainability (SUST)

  Ozer Asdemir

Managerial accounting is used internally by businesses for cost management, planning and controlling, and strategic decision-making. Managerial accounting emphasizes the relevance and timeliness of data. The managerial accounting topics covered in this course include application of cost within corporate environment, break-even analysis, budgeting and differential analysis. 2 credits Prerequisites: ACCT 100 or ACCT 210 Note: Students who receive credit for ACCT 200 may not receive credit for ACCT 215.

2 Credits

HIST: History

HNR: Hist Mod World Since 1550
TR 9:55 am - 11:35 am
S. Ahmadi
02/03 - 05/23
CRN 22416
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 21
Waitlisted: 0
02/03 - 05/23
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:55 am
11:35 am
OEC 307


9:55 am
11:35 am
OEC 307


Subject: History (HIST)

CRN: 22416

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Education Center 307

Core Requirements Met:
     [Core] Historic Analysis

Other Requirements Met:
     Honors Course
     Writing Intensive

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Shaz Ahmadi

Introduces students to historical reasoning. Students learn to analyze evidence from the past in context in order to explain how the past produced the ever-changing present. This course surveys the foundation and expansion of global networks from the sixteenth-century exploration to the contemporary world, and it examines the resulting breakthrough in communication and cultural exchanges between Europe and Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Key aspects of the modern world are explored, such as state power and citizenship, economic systems and human labor, ideas about belonging and community, and the relationships and activities that constitute daily life.

4 Credits

PHIL: Philosophy

HON:The Person and the Good
TR 8:00 am - 9:40 am
M. Rota
02/03 - 05/23
CRN 21311
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 22
Waitlisted: 0
02/03 - 05/23
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:00 am
9:40 am
MHC 202


8:00 am
9:40 am
MHC 202


Subject: Philosophy (PHIL)

CRN: 21311

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Murray-Herrick Campus Center 202

Core Requirements Met:
     [Core] Phil/Theo

Other Requirements Met:
     Honors Course
     Writing Intensive

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Michael Rota

Using philosophical methodology, and with substantial attention to Catholic intellectual tradition, this course enquires into the foundations of ethics, including how our conception of the human person affects our understanding of the moral life. It considers also the question of the rationality of belief in God and the difference (if any) God makes to our understanding of the person and the good. In addressing these topics, the course develops and applies basic logic skills, introduced as an essential part of philosophical method and an indispensable tool of critical thinking.

4 Credits

HON:The Person and the Good
MWF 10:55 am - 12:00 pm
J. Stuchlik
02/03 - 05/23
CRN 21698
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
02/03 - 05/23
M T W Th F Sa Su

10:55 am
12:00 pm
MCH 106


10:55 am
12:00 pm
MCH 106


10:55 am
12:00 pm
MCH 106


Subject: Philosophy (PHIL)

CRN: 21698

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 106

Core Requirements Met:
     [Core] Phil/Theo

Other Requirements Met:
     Honors Course

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Joshua Stuchlik

Using philosophical methodology, and with substantial attention to Catholic intellectual tradition, this course enquires into the foundations of ethics, including how our conception of the human person affects our understanding of the moral life. It considers also the question of the rationality of belief in God and the difference (if any) God makes to our understanding of the person and the good. In addressing these topics, the course develops and applies basic logic skills, introduced as an essential part of philosophical method and an indispensable tool of critical thinking.

4 Credits

HON:Environmental Ethics
TR 9:55 am - 11:35 am
E. Jerndal
02/03 - 05/23
CRN 22150
4 Cr.
Size: 18
Enrolled: 10
Waitlisted: 0
02/03 - 05/23
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:55 am
11:35 am
MHC 207


9:55 am
11:35 am
MHC 207


Subject: Philosophy (PHIL)

CRN: 22150

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Murray-Herrick Campus Center 207

Core Requirements Met:
     [Core] Phil/Theo
     [Core] Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     Faith and Praxis Minor or Cert
     Honors Course
     Writing Intensive

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Emma Jerndal

Who (or what) is worthy of our moral consideration? Should we care about the well-being of animals? Plants? Species? Ecosystems? If so, what should we do about it? Should we be willing to sacrifice human interests for the sake of the interests of other beings? What habits will we have to give up—or take on—to be responsible stewards of the environment? The course will examine environmental ethics as an emerging field in conversation with historical perspectives in ethics, including the Catholic intellectual tradition. Prerequisites: PHIL 110, PHIL 115, or PHIL 197; and Honors.

4 Credits

HON:SW:Environmental Ethics
TR 9:55 am - 11:35 am
E. Jerndal
02/03 - 05/23
CRN 22160
4 Cr.
Size: 2
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
02/03 - 05/23
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:55 am
11:35 am
MHC 207


9:55 am
11:35 am
MHC 207


Subject: Philosophy (PHIL)

CRN: 22160

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Murray-Herrick Campus Center 207

Core Requirements Met:
     [Core] Phil/Theo
     [Core] Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     Faith and Praxis Minor or Cert
     Honors Course
     [Core] Signature Work
     Writing Intensive

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Emma Jerndal

Who (or what) is worthy of our moral consideration? Should we care about the well-being of animals? Plants? Species? Ecosystems? If so, what should we do about it? Should we be willing to sacrifice human interests for the sake of the interests of other beings? What habits will we have to give up—or take on—to be responsible stewards of the environment? The course will examine environmental ethics as an emerging field in conversation with historical perspectives in ethics, including the Catholic intellectual tradition. Prerequisites: PHIL 110, PHIL 115, or PHIL 197; Honors, and at least 80 credits completed. Students may not receive course credit for both Signature Work and non-Signature Work offerings of the same course.

4 Credits

PSYC: Psychology (UG)

General Psychology
B. Scott
02/03 - 05/23
CRN 22542
4 Cr.
Size: 36
Enrolled: 37
Waitlisted: 0
02/03 - 05/23
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Psychology (UG) (PSYC)

CRN: 22542

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
     [Core] Soc Sci Analysis

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Britain Scott

An introduction to the research questions, concepts, theories, methods, and findings of psychological science. Although the selection varies with instructor, topics include brain function, psychological testing, sensation and perception, cognition (learning, memory, language), states of consciousness, motivation, human development, personality, origins and treatment of disorders, social behavior, stress and health, and applied psychology (workplace, community, environment).

4 Credits

HNR General Psychology
B. Scott
02/03 - 05/23
Directed Course
CRN 20835
4 Cr.
Size: 4
Enrolled: 8
Waitlisted: 0
02/03 - 05/23
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Psychology (UG) (PSYC)

CRN: 20835

Online: Asynchronous | Directed Course


Core Requirements Met:
     [Core] Soc Sci Analysis

Other Requirements Met:
     Honors Course

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Britain Scott

An introduction to the research questions, concepts, theories, methods, and findings of psychological science. Although the selection varies with instructor, topics include brain function, psychological testing, sensation and perception, cognition (learning, memory, language), states of consciousness, motivation, human development, personality, origins and treatment of disorders, social behavior, stress and health, and applied psychology (workplace, community, environment).

4 Credits

THEO: Theology (UG)

HNR Foundation: Bible Then&Now
MWF 8:15 am - 9:20 am
D. Pioske
02/03 - 05/23
CRN 22497
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
02/03 - 05/23
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:15 am
9:20 am
MHC 207


8:15 am
9:20 am
MHC 207


8:15 am
9:20 am
MHC 207


Subject: Theology (UG) (THEO)

CRN: 22497

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Murray-Herrick Campus Center 207

Core Requirements Met:
     [Core] Phil/Theo

Other Requirements Met:
     FYE CommGood/Learning Comm
     Honors Course

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Daniel Pioske

This course introduces students to foundational concepts within Christian theology. This section examines the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and the New Testament in their ancient contexts and then uses that knowledge to better understand the role played by the Bible in contemporary moral, political, and theological debates (such as those concerning human nature, faith, economics, ecology, gender, and more).

4 Credits

HNR Found: Bible Then & Now
MWF 10:55 am - 12:00 pm
D. Landry
02/03 - 05/23
CRN 22509
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 17
Waitlisted: 0
02/03 - 05/23
M T W Th F Sa Su

10:55 am
12:00 pm
JRC 246


10:55 am
12:00 pm
JRC 246


10:55 am
12:00 pm
JRC 246


Subject: Theology (UG) (THEO)

CRN: 22509

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: John Roach Center 246

Core Requirements Met:
     [Core] Phil/Theo

Other Requirements Met:
     Honors Course
     Writing to learn

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  David Landry

This section examines the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and the New Testament in their ancient contexts, and then uses that knowledge to better understand the role played by the Bible in modern moral, political, and theological debates (such as creation vs. evolution, the morality of war and slavery, the role of women in society, antisemitism and the Holocaust, and more).

4 Credits

HNR Found: Bible Then & Now
MWF 1:35 pm - 2:40 pm
D. Landry
02/03 - 05/23
CRN 22510
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 9
Waitlisted: 0
02/03 - 05/23
M T W Th F Sa Su

1:35 pm
2:40 pm
JRC 247


1:35 pm
2:40 pm
JRC 247


1:35 pm
2:40 pm
JRC 247


Subject: Theology (UG) (THEO)

CRN: 22510

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: John Roach Center 247

Core Requirements Met:
     [Core] Phil/Theo

Other Requirements Met:
     Honors Course
     Writing to learn

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  David Landry

This section examines the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and the New Testament in their ancient contexts, and then uses that knowledge to better understand the role played by the Bible in modern moral, political, and theological debates (such as creation vs. evolution, the morality of war and slavery, the role of women in society, antisemitism and the Holocaust, and more).

4 Credits

HNR Bridges: God & Beauty
TR 1:30 pm - 3:10 pm
M. McInroy
02/03 - 05/23
Topics Lecture 8
CRN 22520
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 17
Waitlisted: 0
02/03 - 05/23
M T W Th F Sa Su

1:30 pm
3:10 pm
OEC 319


1:30 pm
3:10 pm
OEC 319


Subject: Theology (UG) (THEO)

CRN: 22520

In Person | Topics Lecture 8

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Education Center 319

Core Requirements Met:
     [Core] Phil/Theo
     [Core] Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     Honors Course
     Writing to learn

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Mark McInroy

Is beauty "in the eye of the beholder"? Are "beauty" and "prettiness" synonymous? Are "beauty" and "ugliness" opposites? Might beauty still be considered a transcendental aspect of being along with the true and the good? Is it possible that Beauty is a name for God, or a means by which God reveals God's self in the created order? This course examines a variety of theological approaches to these questions, both ancient and modern. It also explores the implications of varying answers to these questions for the arts, and for lives of faith. 

4 Credits

HNR Faith&Ethics: Love&Justice
TR 8:00 am - 9:40 am
B. Brady
02/03 - 05/23
Topics Lecture 1
CRN 22506
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
02/03 - 05/23
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:00 am
9:40 am
MHC 208


8:00 am
9:40 am
MHC 208


Subject: Theology (UG) (THEO)

CRN: 22506

In Person | Topics Lecture 1

St Paul: Murray-Herrick Campus Center 208

Core Requirements Met:
     [Core] Phil/Theo
     [Core] Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     Honors Course
     Writing to learn

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Bernard Brady

This course explores principles, methods, and topics of Christian theological ethics. It addresses the relation of Christian faith to moral reflection and decision making (both individual and social); the contribution of the Christian tradition to understanding the human person; the significance of love, justice, and commitment to the common good in Christian moral life; and the role of the believing community in its relation to culture. Topics might include sex, marriage, and family; crime, justice, and forgiveness; war, peace, and revolution; immigration; environmental sustainability and animal rights; poverty and economic justice, among others.

4 Credits

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