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ENGL: English (UG)

Environmental Lit of Midwest
L. Morgan
09/04 - 12/20
CRN 42239
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 8
Waitlisted: 0
09/04 - 12/20
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:00 am
9:40 am
JRC 246

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: English (UG) (ENGL)

CRN: 42239

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: John Roach Center 246


Old Core Requirements Met:
     UG Core Literature/Writing

2020 Core Requirements Met:

Other Requirements Met:
     FYE CommGood/Learning Comm
     Sustainability (SUST)
     Writing Intensive

(2020 Core Planning Guide)

  Luke Morgan

The Midwest is a geographically sprawling region with astounding environmental diversity and a long history of continuous inhabitation and cataclysmic change - from indigenous societies to colonization, from an agricultural utopia to sprawling urban landscapes. It is home to environmental features essential to the American imagination – the Mississippi, the Great Plains, the Great Lakes. Stories and cultures of its inhabitants have celebrated its beauty and diversity and have born witness to, and often participated in, its transformation. This course will take an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the connection between environment and culture in the American Midwest. We’ll study literature, film, history, and works from social and environmental science to help us understand the complexity of Midwest environments and the ways humans have changed and been changed by them. We’ll explore basic principles of critical theory and apply these theories to better understand how race, class, gender, and ecological orientation shape the stories we tell about place. We’ll pay particular attention to patterns in stories and environmental knowledge about the Midwest that help us make sense of change and prepare for the environmental changes becoming a part of our everyday experience. The writing load for this course is a minimum of 15 pages of formal revised writing. This course satisfies the WAC Writing Intensive requirement, an Integration in the Humanities requirement, and counts towards the Sustainability minor. Please note that ENGL 202 is non-repeatable; students wishing to take a second 200-level Texts in Conversation course will need to register for ENGL 201, 203, or 204. Prerequisite: ENGL 121 or 190.

4 Credits

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