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THEO: Theology (UG)

Contexts: Justice & Peace
MW 3:25 pm - 5:00 pm
09/04 - 12/20
Topics Lecture 14
CRN 40264
4 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 29
Waitlisted: 0
09/04 - 12/20
M T W Th F Sa Su

3:25 pm
5:00 pm
OEC 306


3:25 pm
5:00 pm
OEC 306


Subject: Theology (UG) (THEO)

CRN: 40264

In Person | Topics Lecture 14

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Education Center 306

2020 Core Requirements Met:

(2020 Core Planning Guide)

Instructor: TBD

This section involves an examination of the views of various religions and ideologies on issues of justice and peace, with special attention to the Catholic and other Christian teachings on such issues as war and peace, violence, economic justice, the environment, criminal justice, and social justice. Special attention is given to how fundamental presuppositions and principles of each group studied affect their views on justice and peace, and contribute to or hinder dialogue and peaceful interaction with other groups. In addition to Christianity, students will study (at least) one far eastern worldview (e.g. Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism), one tribal religion (Native American, African), Islam, and one secular worldview (e.g. Marxism, capitalism, secular humanism). Students are required to investigate one worldview in depth through a semester-long research project.

4 Credits

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