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COMM: Communication Studies

Comm of Race, Class & Gender
P. Nettleton
02/05 - 05/24
CRN 23057
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
02/05 - 05/24
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Communication Studies (COMM)

CRN: 23057

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Old Core Requirements Met:
     UG Core Human Diversity

2020 Core Requirements Met:
     Diversity/Soc Just

Other Requirements Met:
     Amer Culture & Diff Minor Appr
     Narrative Medicine Minor Appr
     Faith and Praxis Minor or Cert
     Writing in the Discipline
     WGSS Major Approved
     WGSS Minor Approved

(2020 Core Planning Guide)

  Pamela Nettleton

This course focuses on theories and research of the historical and contemporary correlation between gender, race, class, and communicative practices, including rhetorical practice and mass communication content. It includes the influence of gender and racial stereotypes on public speech and debate, political campaigns and communication, organizational leadership, news coverage and advertising. Topics include: gendered perceptions of credibility; who is allowed to communicate and who is silenced due to class and racial privilege; and the impact of gender, race and class stereotypes about human nature, expertise, and abilities on individuals and groups that want to participate in public culture and communication. Students analyze and evaluate their own communicative styles in light of course readings and activities.

4 Credits

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