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EDUC: Education (UG)

Education: Issues and Policies
TR 9:55 am - 11:35 am
M. Trout
02/05 - 05/24
CRN 22378
4 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 17
Waitlisted: 0
02/05 - 05/24
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:55 am
11:35 am
MHC 305H


9:55 am
11:35 am
MHC 305H


Subject: Education (UG) (EDUC)

CRN: 22378

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Murray-Herrick Campus Center 305H

Requirements Met:
     FYE Changemaking

  Muffet Trout

This course is a critical analysis of education as a career choice, as a tool of society, and as a crucial path to a positive future in a rapidly changing world. Education's impact is examined from personal, historic, philosophic, social, and policy perspectives; schools are studied as complex organizations within an increasingly assessment and technology-driven context and global environment. The course includes a research-based exploration of critical issues in education and a guided, reflective, in-school field experience (30 hours).

4 Credits

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