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ENTR: Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship & Innovation
TR 5:30 pm - 7:15 pm
A. Rao
04/02 - 05/24
CRN 22052
2 Cr.
Size: 35
Enrolled: 27
Waitlisted: 0
04/02 - 05/24
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:30 pm
7:15 pm
MCH 236


5:30 pm
7:15 pm
MCH 236


Subject: Entrepreneurship (ENTR)

CRN: 22052

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 236

Requirements Met:
     FYE Changemaking

  Adam Rao

Entrepreneurship is a way of thinking and acting in the world that creates positive impact through the development of new and better solutions to customer and societal problems. Entrepreneurs see the world differently, noticing problems that others have overlooked and using passion, creativity and business skills to craft new and better solutions that address those problems effectively and sustainably. In doing so, entrepreneurs create value for others and advance the common good, whether in a startup enterprise, or an established company, or in a social-impact enterprise. In this course, business students of all disciplines will get an introduction to the entrepreneurial process, gaining knowledge and experience in core practices of entrepreneurial discovery and creation. The course is experiential – students will learn by doing, whether through in-class exercises, an exploratory field study, or case study analysis and discussion. Students will learn how this process advances the common good and will identify how it can be deployed within multiple fields of study. Note: Students who receive credit for ENTR 100 may not receive credit for ENTR 200 or ENTR 260.

2 Credits

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