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ENGL: English (UG)

Writing for Health/Human Sci
K. Davis
02/05 - 05/24
Directed Course
CRN 21928
4 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
02/05 - 05/24
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:35 am
10:40 am
OEC 305


9:35 am
10:40 am
OEC 305

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: English (UG) (ENGL)

CRN: 21928

Blended Online & In-Person | Directed Course

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Education Center 305


Requirements Met:
     Narrative Medicine Minor Appr
     Signature Work
     Writing Intensive

  Katlynne Davis

This course focuses on the rhetorical principles and writing practices necessary for producing effective documents and materials within human health and medical contexts. Students will gain experience producing such genres as patient information materials, personal statements, reviews, and reports. Readings will include scientific, academic, and popular texts as well as digital sources. The curriculum is informed by collaborative work with faculty members in health and science fields as well as current research in rhetoric and professional writing. Although this course is most relevant for students in the College for Health, the School of Nursing, and students pursuing a narrative medicine minor or postgraduate careers in health and medicine, no specific medical knowledge is required to take this course. This course satisfies a Signature Work requirement and a WAC Writing Intensive requirement. Prerequisite: ENGL 121 or 190, or transfer equivalent and 80 completed credits.

4 Credits

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