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ENGL: English (UG)

Narrative Medicine
E. James
02/05 - 05/24
CRN 21913
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
02/05 - 05/24
M T W Th F Sa Su

1:30 pm
3:10 pm
JRC 301

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: English (UG) (ENGL)

CRN: 21913

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: John Roach Center 301


Old Core Requirements Met:
     UG Core Literature/Writing

2020 Core Requirements Met:

Other Requirements Met:
     Narrative Medicine Minor Appr
     FYE Human Well-Being
     Writing Intensive

(2020 Core Planning Guide)

  Emily James

Increasingly, education for nurses, physicians, and other healthcare professionals includes the practices of reading literature, writing reflectively, and engaging in role-play to learn how to care for patients (and for themselves). This is sometimes called narrative medicine. By focusing on stories (of the patient, the healthcare professional, and the cultures and systems in which both live) and therefore humanizing the often-impersonal world of the healthcare system, it improves the quality of care for patients and reduces burnout among healthcare professionals. In this course we will read and write about literature as a means of understanding ourselves and others. The texts we'll read illuminate questions about pain and illness, empathy and the training of healthcare professionals, the health implications of racial and economic injustice, and the need for reformation of the healthcare system. The writing load for this course is a minimum of 15 pages of formal revised writing. This course satisfies an Integrations in the Humanities requirement, a requirement for the English minor in Narrative Medicine, and a WAC Writing Intensive requirement. Please note that ENGL 202 is non-repeatable; students wishing to take a second 200-level Texts in Conversation course will need to register for ENGL 201, 203, or 204. Prerequisite: ENGL 121 or 190.

4 Credits

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