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POLS: Political Science

Signature Work Capstone
T 3:25 pm - 5:00 pm
R. Buhr
02/05 - 05/24
CRN 21433
2 Cr.
Size: 19
Enrolled: 17
Waitlisted: 0
02/05 - 05/24
M T W Th F Sa Su

3:25 pm
5:00 pm
JRC 222


Subject: Political Science (POLS)

CRN: 21433

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: John Roach Center 222

Requirements Met:
     Signature Work

  Renee Buhr

This course is intended to give political science majors and those in related fields an opportunity to reflect and to look forward. A number of class sessions will be dedicated to particular subfields of political science. POLS faculty will discuss the opportunities and challenges in their respective subfields, and will provide you with opportunities to think critically about crucial, timely issues that those subfields are uniquely positioned to address today and into the future. Other sessions will provide you with guidance and time to work on an interdisciplinary portfolio of work and accompanying integrative essay reflecting on your liberal arts training at UST. Prerequisites: Completion of at least two 300-level POLS courses or permission of instructor and 80 completed credits.

2 Credits

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