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HLTH: Health

Lifestyle Change & Hlth Prom
A. Koch
02/05 - 05/24
CRN 21313
4 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
02/05 - 05/24
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Health (HLTH)

CRN: 21313

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Signature Work

  Angelica Koch

This course will examine health behavior change theories and individual, social, political, organizational, environmental, cultural, technological and economic factors influencing health behavior. Through literature review, case studies and role play exercises, students will identify and utilize evidence-based behavior change interventions to promote positive behavior change. Additionally, students will apply behavior change theories and foundations in developing a behavior modification plan, practicing health coaching, and delivering health information and support. Prerequisites: HLTH 250 or PUBH 220 or instructor approval.

4 Credits

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