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CATH: Catholic Studies (UG)

Church&Culture:Soc Dim of Cath
TR 3:25 pm - 5:00 pm
R. Kennedy
02/05 - 05/24
CRN 21066
4 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
02/05 - 05/24
M T W Th F Sa Su

3:25 pm
5:00 pm
55S 207


3:25 pm
5:00 pm
55S 207


Subject: Catholic Studies (UG) (CATH)

CRN: 21066

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Sitzmann Hall 207

Old Core Requirements Met:
     UG Core Faith/Catholic Trad

2020 Core Requirements Met:

(2020 Core Planning Guide)

  Robert Kennedy

This course provides an investigation into the ways in which Catholicism is inherently social and ecclesial. Its specific focus is on the Christian engagement with the world. The course's framework will be taken from the analysis of society into three spheres of action (culture, politics, and economics) as described in Centesimus annus. We will examine the ways that Revelation, the sacramental life, and the teachings of the Church call Catholics to seek holiness and to witness to their faith in the world. Specific topics may include social and economic justice, politics and public policy, lay and religious apostolates, education, and marriage and family. Course materials may include resources from philosophy, theology, history, economics, and political science.

4 Credits

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