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LAWS: Law (Grad)

Lawyering Skills I
TR 10:30 am - 11:55 am
J. Oseid
08/29 - 12/21
CRN 43704
3 Cr.
Size: 16
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
08/29 - 12/21
M T W Th F Sa Su

10:30 am
11:55 am
MSL 244


10:30 am
11:55 am
MSL 244


Subject: Law (Grad) (LAWS)

CRN: 43704

In Person | Simulation

Minneapolis: School Of Law 244

  Julie Oseid

This course introduces the analysis and writing skills essential for practicing lawyers. Students will learn to think logically and precisely about the law, and will learn how lawyers read, analyze, organize, write, and rewrite legal documents. These skills will help students analyze the law and write about specific fact situations in a way that meets legal readers’ expectations. This is a hands-on, practice-oriented course. Students will complete writing exercises, practice citation form, and edit their written work. Major written work will consist of at least two objective legal memoranda and a persuasive legal brief.

3 Credits

Advanced Search

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