
Enrollment and waitlist data for current and upcoming courses refresh every 10 minutes; all other information as of 6:00 AM.

Refine Search Results

ENGL: English (UG)

Critical Thinking: Lit/Writing
MWF 10:55 am - 12:00 pm
D. Gardiner
02/03 - 05/22
CRN 23302
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 19
Waitlisted: 0
02/03 - 05/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

10:55 am
12:00 pm
OSS 122


10:55 am
12:00 pm
OSS 122


10:55 am
12:00 pm
OSS 122


Subject: English (UG) (ENGL)

CRN: 23302


St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall 122

Old Core Requirements Met:
     UG Core Literature/Writing

Other Requirements Met:
     Writing Intensive

  David Gardiner

Students will read and write about literary texts critically and closely. The course emphasizes recursive reading and writing processes that encourage students to discover, explain, question and clarify ideas. To this end, students will study a variety of genres as well as terms and concepts helpful to close analysis of those genres. They will practice various forms of writing for specific audiences and purposes. Students will reflect on and develop critical awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses as readers and writers. The writing load for this course is a minimum of 12 pages of formal revised writing.

4 Credits

Advanced Search

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