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PHIL: Philosophy

Philosophy of Human Person
MWF 8:15 am - 9:20 am
C. Toner
09/04 - 12/20
CRN 42767
4 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 28
Waitlisted: 0
09/04 - 12/20
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:15 am
9:20 am
MHC 204


8:15 am
9:20 am
MHC 204


8:15 am
9:20 am
MHC 204


Subject: Philosophy (PHIL)

CRN: 42767


St Paul: Murray-Herrick Campus Center 204

Old Core Requirements Met:
     UG Core Moral/Phil Reasoning

  Chris Toner

An examination of fundamental conceptions of the human person in ancient, medieval and modern philosophy. Possible topics include: the existence and immortality of the human soul, free will and determinism, the immateriality of the intellect, the relationship between mind and body, and the relevance of different conceptions of the human person for ethics and religion. Attention is given to relevant issues of human diversity. The development of logical and critical thinking receives special attention. This course, with PHIL 214, fulfills the Moral and Philosophical Reasoning requirement in the core curriculum.

4 Credits

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