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LAWS: Law (Grad)

Employment Discrimination
R 1:30 pm - 3:25 pm
A. Rud
01/22 - 05/17
CRN 22789
2 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 24
Waitlisted: 0
01/22 - 05/17
M T W Th F Sa Su

1:30 pm
3:25 pm
MSL 458


Subject: Law (Grad) (LAWS)

CRN: 22789


Minneapolis: School Of Law 458

Requirements Met:
     LLM/MSL Elective
     LLM US Law Elective

Angela Rud

This course will examine the federal laws prohibiting discrimination in the workplace, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Equal Pay Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students will learn about basic requirements for proving discrimination, by both overtly discriminatory employment policies and facially neutral rules with a discriminatory impact. Topics also will include affirmative action, pregnancy in the workplace, sexual harassment and reasonable accommodation under the A.D.A.

2 Credits

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