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ARTH: Art History (UG)

Introduction to Art History
MWF 8:15 am - 9:20 am
A. Nygaard
02/04 - 05/24
CRN 20388
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
02/04 - 05/24
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:15 am
9:20 am
OEC 414


8:15 am
9:20 am
OEC 414


8:15 am
9:20 am
OEC 414


Subject: Art History (UG) (ARTH)

CRN: 20388


St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Education Center 414

Old Core Requirements Met:
     UG Core Fine Arts
     UG Core Human Diversity

Other Requirements Met:
     Writing Intensive

  Amy Nygaard

Through a series of case studies, this course examines the importance of art as cultural expression across time and from a global perspective. In each course section, students will analyze the style, subject, and patronage of works of art, and will explore art's relationship to religion, ideology, society and economy, gender roles, and the interaction of cultures. Case studies will include architecture, sculpture, painting, and other arts, such as ceramics, textiles, and photography. This course fulfills the Fine Arts and Human Diversity core requirements. Consult the department website for details about the specific sections offered.

4 Credits

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