

Enrollment and waitlist data for current and upcoming courses refresh every 10 minutes; all other information as of 6:00 AM.

Refine Search Results

ACCT: Accounting

Principles of Accounting II
MW 6:00 pm - 8:05 pm
D. Hoag
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30164
2 Cr.
Size: 35
Enrolled: 14
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
8:05 pm


6:00 pm
8:05 pm


Subject: Accounting (ACCT)

CRN: 30164

Online: Sync Distributed | Lecture


  Drew Hoag

Managerial accounting is used internally by businesses for cost management, planning and controlling, and strategic decision-making. Managerial accounting emphasizes the relevance and timeliness of data. The managerial accounting topics covered in this course include application of cost within corporate environment, break-even analysis, budgeting and differential analysis. 2 credits Prerequisites: ACCT 100 or ACCT 210 Note: Students who receive credit for ACCT 200 may not receive credit for ACCT 215.

2 Credits

Financial Accounting
See Details
M. Stotts
06/03 - 08/08
CRN 30165
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 21
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Accounting (ACCT)

CRN: 30165

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA
     LLM/MSL Elective

  Mark Stotts

Financial accounting is an integral part of the planning, reporting and control functions of every business. It is a means to achieving insights about the firm's financial condition, operating results, cash flows and ownership and capital structure. This course covers the fundamental terminology and calculations of financial accounting and reporting, as well as the comprehension and interpretation of financial statements. Ethical aspects of accounting are included. Prerequisites: NONE.

3 Credits

Managerial Accounting
See Details
D. Hoag
06/03 - 07/18
CRN 30167
1.5 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 10
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 07/18
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Accounting (ACCT)

CRN: 30167

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA

  Drew Hoag

This course is designed to give students an introduction to managerial accounting concepts. Students will learn how financial data including, cost information, is used in planning, controlling and decision-making. Topics include, but are not limited to, cost classification, profit planning, cost allocation, activity-based costing, contribution margin analysis, cost-volume profit analysis, and relevant decision making analysis. Ethical aspects of decision making are included. Cannot be taken for credit if ACCT 605 has previously been completed. Prerequisite: ACCT 601.

1.5 Credits

AERO: Aerospace

Field Training
M 6:00 am - 6:30 am
M. Larson
07/15 - 08/22
No Classroom Required
CRN 30010
2 Cr.
Size: 100
Enrolled: 7
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 am
6:30 am
No Room


Subject: Aerospace (AERO)

CRN: 30010

No Classroom Required

Study Away: No Room

  Matthew Larson

The Field Training (FT) course is an integral component of the AFROTC curriculum and serves to transition cadets from the General Military Course (GMC) into the Professional Officer Course (POC). It is a unique and transformational experience aimed at evaluating and preparing cadets to succeed and lead at their AFROTC Detachments. This seminal event drives the cycle of AFROTC cadet leadership development by giving purpose and focus to detachment-level cadet operations. The post-FT cadets in the POC, under the guidance of detachment cadre, plan and execute leadership laboratories and training events to prepare, mentor, and train GMC cadets to succeed. Successful completion of Field Training is mandatory for completing the AFROTC program and obtaining a commission in the Air Force. Prerequisite: AERO 212

2 Credits

Cadet Training Assistant
T 6:00 am - 6:30 am
M. Larson
07/15 - 08/22
No Classroom Required
CRN 30011
2 Cr.
Size: 50
Enrolled: 2
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 am
6:30 am
No Room


Subject: Aerospace (AERO)

CRN: 30011

No Classroom Required

Study Away: No Room

  Matthew Larson

A cadet who previously completed Field Training and who successfully competes to be assigned as a staff member in a 4- or 6-week field Training. Discharges staff responsibilities to meet the objectives described in AERO 450.

2 Credits

Professional Devel Training
W 6:00 am - 6:30 am
M. Larson
07/15 - 08/22
No Classroom Required
CRN 30012
1 Cr.
Size: 50
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 am
6:30 am
No Room


Subject: Aerospace (AERO)

CRN: 30012

No Classroom Required

Study Away: No Room

  Matthew Larson

The objective of PDT is to provide opportunities to cadets to gain knowledge and appreciation for the human relations and leadership challenge encountered by junior Air Force officers. Further, the program is designed to motivate cadets in their pursuit of an Air Force career. Normally open to junior and senior contracted cadets who have completed Field Training. However, selected AERO 100 cadets may participate in some of the PDT programs.

1 Credits

ARHS: Art History (Grad)

Engl. Fan Vault Survey
See Instructor
V. Young
05/29 - 08/22
Independent Study
CRN 30580
3 Cr.
Size: 1
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Art History (Grad) (ARHS)

CRN: 30580

Independent Study

St Paul: No Room

  Victoria Young

3 Credits

Croatia Archaeological Dig
See Instructor
A. Nygaard
05/29 - 08/22
No Classroom Required
CRN 30579
3 Cr.
Size: 2
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Art History (Grad) (ARHS)

CRN: 30579

No Classroom Required

St Paul: No Room

  Amy Nygaard

3 Credits

Intern Camp Algona POW Museum
See Instructor
A. Nygaard
05/29 - 08/22
No Classroom Required
CRN 30581
3 Cr.
Size: 2
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Art History (Grad) (ARHS)

CRN: 30581

No Classroom Required

St Paul: No Room

  Amy Nygaard

3 Credits

Cathedral of StPaul Internship
See Instructor
A. Nygaard
05/29 - 08/22
No Classroom Required
CRN 30582
3 Cr.
Size: 1
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Art History (Grad) (ARHS)

CRN: 30582

No Classroom Required

St Paul: No Room

  Amy Nygaard

3 Credits

Hennepin Co Lib Collections
See Instructor
A. Nygaard
05/29 - 08/22
No Classroom Required
CRN 30679
3 Cr.
Size: 1
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Art History (Grad) (ARHS)

CRN: 30679

No Classroom Required

St Paul: No Room

  Amy Nygaard

3 Credits

ARTH: Art History (UG)

Explorations in Art History
MW 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
J. Saffell
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30467
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 8
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

3:00 pm
5:00 pm


3:00 pm
5:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Art History (UG) (ARTH)

CRN: 30467

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
      Fine Arts
     Global Perspective

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Jessy Saffell

Through a series of case studies, this course examines the importance of art as cultural expression across time and from a global perspective. In each course section, students will analyze the style, subject, and patronage of works of art, and will explore art's relationship to religion, ideology, society and economy, gender roles, and the interaction of cultures. Case studies will include architecture, sculpture, painting, and other arts, such as ceramics, textiles, and photography. This course fulfills the Fine Arts and Human Diversity core requirement. Some sections will meet the Global Perspectives requirement. Consult the department website for details about the specific sections offered.

4 Credits

BCOM: Business Communication

Manage. Writ. & Presentations
See Details
M. Thomas
06/03 - 08/08
CRN 30168
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 7
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Business Communication (BCOM)

CRN: 30168

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA
     LLM/MSL Elective

  Milton Thomas

The course begins with a framework for understanding managerial communication and a general model for employing skills. The focus is on best practices for relatively formal written and spoken communication in the workplace. Participants respond to assigned reading and instructor perspectives with writing samples and classroom performances. They respond to feedback from guest experts, their peers and the instructor. On four occasions during the term, participant teams employ teach-backs to engage one another in what is known about best practices in various communication contexts. An individual presentation demonstrates competence in one of a variety of workplace presentation options. A final paper demonstrates competence in one of a variety of options for workplace writing. Prerequisites: NONE.

3 Credits

BETH: Business Ethics

Ethical Principles in Business
TR 6:00 pm - 8:05 pm
T. Ketcher
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30169
2 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
8:05 pm
MCH 106


6:00 pm
8:05 pm
MCH 106


Subject: Business Ethics (BETH)

CRN: 30169

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 106

  Tim Ketcher

This course plays a critical role in the principle-based education of St. Thomas business students. Through analysis of case studies, readings and other experiential exercises, students will develop an understanding of the contribution of business to the common good, professional business conduct and judgment grounded in ethical principles. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

2 Credits

Business Ethics Foundations
J. Skirry
06/03 - 07/18
CRN 30170
1.5 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 14
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 07/18
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Business Ethics (BETH)

CRN: 30170

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA

  Jason Skirry

This class explores the fundamentals of ethical decision making in the business context. It covers the psychology of ethical decision making, including individual and situational factors influencing the decision process, as well as the ethical theories needed to understand the dimensions of an ethically complex situation. The class introduces a framework for analyzing ethical situations and developing a managerially defensible solution. It also explores various strategies for dealing with ethical challenges in the workplace and ways to effectively communicate one’s decisions. Prerequisites: NONE.

1.5 Credits

BIOL: Biology

General Biology
D. Schroeder
05/29 - 07/25
CRN 30500
4 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 21
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Biology (BIOL)

CRN: 30500

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
      Natural Science

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Doreen Schroeder

Emphasizing biology as a creative, investigative process and its relevance in today's world, this course provides an overview of cell biology, genetics, physiology, and human impact on the environment. Two laboratory hours per week. Not open to biology majors, pre-professional students, or students who have completed BIOL 105 or BIOL 106.

4 Credits

General Biology / Lab
D. Schroeder
05/29 - 07/25
CRN 30501
0 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 21
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Biology (BIOL)

CRN: 30501

Online: Asynchronous | Lab


Core Requirements Met:
      Natural Science

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Doreen Schroeder

Emphasizing biology as a creative, investigative process and its relevance in today's world, this course provides an overview of cell biology, genetics, physiology, and human impact on the environment. Two laboratory hours per week. Not open to biology majors, pre-professional students, or students who have completed BIOL 105 or BIOL 106.

0 Credits

Intro to Field Research
TR 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
L. Domine
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30155
4 Cr.
Size: 16
Enrolled: 7
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:30 am
12:30 pm
OWS 266


8:30 am
12:30 pm
OWS 266


Subject: Biology (BIOL)

CRN: 30155

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Owens Science Hall 266

Requirements Met:
     School of Ed Transfer Course

  Leah Domine

This course is an introductory experience in field-based research problems in biology. Students will work individually or in small teams to define appropriate questions, design research methods, collect and analyze data, and present oral and written reports. Emphasis is on the application of the scientific method to biological problem solving and the communication of findings to others as the end product of science. Areas of investigation vary with the interests of the students and instructors and with the availability of research organisms. Generally offered in January term. Field trip of 2-3 weeks to a tropical site (Mexico, Belize, Ecuador, Jamaica, or Costa Rica) and additional fees required. Prerequisites: Open to biology majors or prospective majors. Preference is given to students in their first or second year of study in the discipline.

4 Credits

BLAW: Business Law

Legal Strategy
R. Lorentz
06/03 - 07/18
CRN 30171
1.5 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 17
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 07/18
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Business Law (BLAW)

CRN: 30171

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA
     LLM/MSL Elective

  Romain Lorentz

The course examines how the law impacts daily management decisions and business strategies and provide managers with tools to use principles of law to minimize risk, create value, attain core business objectives and to resolve legal issues before they become problems. The course uses exercises, simulations and business cases designed to provide hands-on skill development and practical application of key legal concepts. Because contracts are an essential element of business, much of the course is organized around negotiating and analyzing critical business agreements covering a range of topics, including sales of goods, intellectual property, employment, and dispute resolution with the goal of developing understanding of how to structure agreements to minimize legal and business risk, enhance economic value and relationships, and aid the organization in achieving its goals. Prerequisites: NONE.

1.5 Credits

BUAN: Business Analytics

Intro to Business Analytics
A. Sharma
06/03 - 08/08
CRN 30172
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 27
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Business Analytics (BUAN)

CRN: 30172

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     MS in Business Analytics

  Ambesh Sharma

This course teaches students how to perform data analysis using spreadsheet-based methods to effectively and efficiently solve management problems. Students will learn how to effectively build, present and communicate advanced Excel spreadsheet models, forecasting models, optimization models and simulation models to drive managerial decision making. Students will also learn how to build interactive, data driven dashboards using Power BI to discover new insights and monitor key performance indicators. Prerequisites: NONE. 

3 Credits

Data Narratives
D. Wehling
06/03 - 08/08
CRN 30173
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 19
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:00 pm
SCH 421

6:00 pm
9:00 pm
SCH 421

6:00 pm
9:00 pm
SCH 421

6:00 pm
9:00 pm
SCH 421

6:00 pm
9:00 pm
SCH 421

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Business Analytics (BUAN)

CRN: 30173

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture



Requirements Met:
     MS in Business Analytics

  Dave Wehling

This course will focus on developing ability to understand the business needs for data insights, crafting those into an analytics problem statement, and developing a coherent and persuasive narrative of any data findings. Students will learn to create well-crafted data narratives and dashboards for business leaders while being able to translate insights into managerial decisions. Students will also be able to prepare raw data sets for their data narratives, executive summaries and technical memos. The Data Narratives course focuses on providing these fundamental data narrative and storytelling abilities while leveraging various tools to assist in the process.  Prerequisites: NONE.

3 Credits

Data Life Cycle for Analytics
J. Barlow
06/03 - 08/08
CRN 30174
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 12
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Business Analytics (BUAN)

CRN: 30174

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA

  Jordan Barlow

This course covers the life cycle of data for analytics from the structure of relational and non-relational data stores, though the extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) process, and into the analysis and presentation of data using data dashboards. Students will learn and practice acquiring, extracting, cleaning, and loading data from databases and other data stores. Students will learn to interpret and create data models, write and interpret the results of Structured Query Language (SQL), practice and apply industry ETL tools to solve business problems, and effectively communicate about data through the use of a dashboarding tool. Prerequisites: NONE. 

3 Credits

BUID: Busn Interdiscipline

Integ Theory Prac W/ Internshi
See Details
J. Kalla
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30555
4 Cr.
Size: 35
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Busn Interdiscipline (BUID)

CRN: 30555

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Jen Kalla

The objective of this course is for the student to have a professional learning experience through a guided internship. Students will complete at least 100 hours in the internship. Students will integrate experiences from their internships with their prior class work, required readings, class discussions, reflections and assignments. The course includes an integrative project requiring students to research topic and to analyze and reflect on how the topic relates to both their formal business education and their professional internship experience. Prerequisites: Sophomore Standing.

4 Credits

BUSN: General Business

W 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm
J. Reiter
CRN 30083
0 Cr.
Size: 60
Enrolled: 64
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:30 pm
6:45 pm
MCH 100


Subject: General Business (BUSN)

CRN: 30083

In Person | Lab

St Paul: McNeely Hall 100

  Julie Reiter

This is the orientation component of the BUSN 200 course. Students must simultaneously register for both an orientation section and a regular section of BUSN 200. The large-group orientation section meets only one time, on the date and time indicated. The small-group regular section meets four times, on the dates and times indicated. The regular sections start with Section 10. Please see the regular sections for the full BUSN 200 course description.

0 Credits

R 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm
J. Reiter
CRN 30084
0 Cr.
Size: 50
Enrolled: 65
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

12:15 pm
1:30 pm
MCH 100


Subject: General Business (BUSN)

CRN: 30084

In Person | Lab

St Paul: McNeely Hall 100

  Julie Reiter

This is the orientation component of the BUSN 200 course. Students must simultaneously register for both an orientation section and a regular section of BUSN 200. The large-group orientation section meets only one time, on the date and time indicated. The small-group regular section meets four times, on the dates and times indicated. The regular sections start with Section 10. Please see the regular sections for the full BUSN 200 course description.

0 Credits

Busn Learning Through Service
See Details
J. Reiter
CRN 30032
0 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 12
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

10:30 am
11:45 am
MCH 215

10:30 am
11:45 am
MCH 215

10:30 am
11:45 am
MCH 215

10:30 am
11:45 am
MCH 215


Subject: General Business (BUSN)

CRN: 30032

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 215

  Julie Reiter

This experiential course offers students the opportunity to strengthen their development as effective and principled business leaders. During the course, students develop their own learning objectives and partner with their selected nonprofit to pursue those objectives, while making meaningful impact in the community and fostering a long-term commitment to service. Students complete 40 hours of volunteer service at a nonprofit organization, a series of reflective assignments, and a final creative project. BUSN 200 is required of all undergraduate students in the Opus College of Business—both majors and minors. Students are encouraged to complete BUSN 200 during their second year. Students can complete BUSN 200 while studying abroad or while away from campus during J-term or summer. Registration in a BUSN 200 Orientation section is also required. This course is graded S/R. 

0 Credits

Busn Learning Through Service
See Details
J. Reiter
CRN 30033
0 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 10
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

12:15 pm
1:30 pm
MCH 215

12:15 pm
1:30 pm
MCH 215

12:15 pm
1:30 pm
MCH 215

12:15 pm
1:30 pm
MCH 215


Subject: General Business (BUSN)

CRN: 30033

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 215

  Julie Reiter

This experiential course offers students the opportunity to strengthen their development as effective and principled business leaders. During the course, students develop their own learning objectives and partner with their selected nonprofit to pursue those objectives, while making meaningful impact in the community and fostering a long-term commitment to service. Students complete 40 hours of volunteer service at a nonprofit organization, a series of reflective assignments, and a final creative project. BUSN 200 is required of all undergraduate students in the Opus College of Business—both majors and minors. Students are encouraged to complete BUSN 200 during their second year. Students can complete BUSN 200 while studying abroad or while away from campus during J-term or summer. Registration in a BUSN 200 Orientation section is also required. This course is graded S/R. 

0 Credits

Busn Learning Through Service
See Details
J. Reiter
CRN 30034
0 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
5:45 pm
MCH 215

4:30 pm
5:45 pm
MCH 215

4:30 pm
5:45 pm
MCH 215

4:30 pm
5:45 pm
MCH 215


Subject: General Business (BUSN)

CRN: 30034

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 215

  Julie Reiter

This experiential course offers students the opportunity to strengthen their development as effective and principled business leaders. During the course, students develop their own learning objectives and partner with their selected nonprofit to pursue those objectives, while making meaningful impact in the community and fostering a long-term commitment to service. Students complete 40 hours of volunteer service at a nonprofit organization, a series of reflective assignments, and a final creative project. BUSN 200 is required of all undergraduate students in the Opus College of Business—both majors and minors. Students are encouraged to complete BUSN 200 during their second year. Students can complete BUSN 200 while studying abroad or while away from campus during J-term or summer. Registration in a BUSN 200 Orientation section is also required. This course is graded S/R. 

0 Credits

Busn Learning Through Service
See Details
J. Reiter
CRN 30035
0 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:15 pm
7:30 pm
MCH 215

6:15 pm
7:30 pm
MCH 215

6:15 pm
7:30 pm
MCH 215

6:15 pm
7:30 pm
MCH 215


Subject: General Business (BUSN)

CRN: 30035

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 215

  Julie Reiter

This experiential course offers students the opportunity to strengthen their development as effective and principled business leaders. During the course, students develop their own learning objectives and partner with their selected nonprofit to pursue those objectives, while making meaningful impact in the community and fostering a long-term commitment to service. Students complete 40 hours of volunteer service at a nonprofit organization, a series of reflective assignments, and a final creative project. BUSN 200 is required of all undergraduate students in the Opus College of Business—both majors and minors. Students are encouraged to complete BUSN 200 during their second year. Students can complete BUSN 200 while studying abroad or while away from campus during J-term or summer. Registration in a BUSN 200 Orientation section is also required. This course is graded S/R. 

0 Credits

Busn Learning Through Service
See Details
J. Reiter
CRN 30036
0 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 12
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

10:45 am
12:00 pm
MCH 215

10:45 am
12:00 pm
MCH 215

10:45 am
12:00 pm
MCH 215

10:45 am
12:00 pm
MCH 215


Subject: General Business (BUSN)

CRN: 30036

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 215

  Julie Reiter

This experiential course offers students the opportunity to strengthen their development as effective and principled business leaders. During the course, students develop their own learning objectives and partner with their selected nonprofit to pursue those objectives, while making meaningful impact in the community and fostering a long-term commitment to service. Students complete 40 hours of volunteer service at a nonprofit organization, a series of reflective assignments, and a final creative project. BUSN 200 is required of all undergraduate students in the Opus College of Business—both majors and minors. Students are encouraged to complete BUSN 200 during their second year. Students can complete BUSN 200 while studying abroad or while away from campus during J-term or summer. Registration in a BUSN 200 Orientation section is also required. This course is graded S/R. 

0 Credits

Busn Learning Through Service
See Details
J. Reiter
CRN 30037
0 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 10
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

12:30 pm
1:45 pm
MCH 215

12:30 pm
1:45 pm
MCH 215

12:30 pm
1:45 pm
MCH 215

12:30 pm
1:45 pm
MCH 215


Subject: General Business (BUSN)

CRN: 30037

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 215

  Julie Reiter

This experiential course offers students the opportunity to strengthen their development as effective and principled business leaders. During the course, students develop their own learning objectives and partner with their selected nonprofit to pursue those objectives, while making meaningful impact in the community and fostering a long-term commitment to service. Students complete 40 hours of volunteer service at a nonprofit organization, a series of reflective assignments, and a final creative project. BUSN 200 is required of all undergraduate students in the Opus College of Business—both majors and minors. Students are encouraged to complete BUSN 200 during their second year. Students can complete BUSN 200 while studying abroad or while away from campus during J-term or summer. Registration in a BUSN 200 Orientation section is also required. This course is graded S/R. 

0 Credits

Busn Learning Through Service
See Details
J. Reiter
CRN 30038
0 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 10
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:00 pm
6:15 pm
MCH 215

5:00 pm
6:15 pm
MCH 215

5:00 pm
6:15 pm
MCH 215

5:00 pm
6:15 pm
MCH 215


Subject: General Business (BUSN)

CRN: 30038

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 215

  Julie Reiter

This experiential course offers students the opportunity to strengthen their development as effective and principled business leaders. During the course, students develop their own learning objectives and partner with their selected nonprofit to pursue those objectives, while making meaningful impact in the community and fostering a long-term commitment to service. Students complete 40 hours of volunteer service at a nonprofit organization, a series of reflective assignments, and a final creative project. BUSN 200 is required of all undergraduate students in the Opus College of Business—both majors and minors. Students are encouraged to complete BUSN 200 during their second year. Students can complete BUSN 200 while studying abroad or while away from campus during J-term or summer. Registration in a BUSN 200 Orientation section is also required. This course is graded S/R. 

0 Credits

Busn Learning Through Service
See Details
J. Reiter
CRN 30081
0 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 12
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:30 pm
7:45 pm
MCH 215

6:30 pm
7:45 pm
MCH 215

6:30 pm
7:45 pm
MCH 215

6:30 pm
7:45 pm
MCH 215


Subject: General Business (BUSN)

CRN: 30081

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 215

  Julie Reiter

This experiential course offers students the opportunity to strengthen their development as effective and principled business leaders. During the course, students develop their own learning objectives and partner with their selected nonprofit to pursue those objectives, while making meaningful impact in the community and fostering a long-term commitment to service. Students complete 40 hours of volunteer service at a nonprofit organization, a series of reflective assignments, and a final creative project. BUSN 200 is required of all undergraduate students in the Opus College of Business—both majors and minors. Students are encouraged to complete BUSN 200 during their second year. Students can complete BUSN 200 while studying abroad or while away from campus during J-term or summer. Registration in a BUSN 200 Orientation section is also required. This course is graded S/R. 

0 Credits

Busn Learning Through Service
See Details
J. Reiter
CRN 30082
0 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

10:30 am
11:45 am
MCH 215

10:30 am
11:45 am
MCH 215

10:30 am
11:45 am
MCH 215

10:30 am
11:45 am
MCH 215


Subject: General Business (BUSN)

CRN: 30082

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 215

  Julie Reiter

This experiential course offers students the opportunity to strengthen their development as effective and principled business leaders. During the course, students develop their own learning objectives and partner with their selected nonprofit to pursue those objectives, while making meaningful impact in the community and fostering a long-term commitment to service. Students complete 40 hours of volunteer service at a nonprofit organization, a series of reflective assignments, and a final creative project. BUSN 200 is required of all undergraduate students in the Opus College of Business—both majors and minors. Students are encouraged to complete BUSN 200 during their second year. Students can complete BUSN 200 while studying abroad or while away from campus during J-term or summer. Registration in a BUSN 200 Orientation section is also required. This course is graded S/R. 

0 Credits

Busn Learning Through Service
See Details
J. Reiter
CRN 30328
0 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 7
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

12:15 pm
1:30 pm
MCH 215

12:15 pm
1:30 pm
MCH 215

12:15 pm
1:30 pm
MCH 215

12:15 pm
1:30 pm
MCH 215


Subject: General Business (BUSN)

CRN: 30328

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 215

  Julie Reiter

This experiential course offers students the opportunity to strengthen their development as effective and principled business leaders. During the course, students develop their own learning objectives and partner with their selected nonprofit to pursue those objectives, while making meaningful impact in the community and fostering a long-term commitment to service. Students complete 40 hours of volunteer service at a nonprofit organization, a series of reflective assignments, and a final creative project. BUSN 200 is required of all undergraduate students in the Opus College of Business—both majors and minors. Students are encouraged to complete BUSN 200 during their second year. Students can complete BUSN 200 while studying abroad or while away from campus during J-term or summer. Registration in a BUSN 200 Orientation section is also required. This course is graded S/R. 

0 Credits

Busn Learning Through Service
See Details
J. Reiter
CRN 30329
0 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 12
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
5:45 pm
MCH 215

4:30 pm
5:45 pm
MCH 215

4:30 pm
5:45 pm
MCH 215

4:30 pm
5:45 pm
MCH 215


Subject: General Business (BUSN)

CRN: 30329

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 215

  Julie Reiter

This experiential course offers students the opportunity to strengthen their development as effective and principled business leaders. During the course, students develop their own learning objectives and partner with their selected nonprofit to pursue those objectives, while making meaningful impact in the community and fostering a long-term commitment to service. Students complete 40 hours of volunteer service at a nonprofit organization, a series of reflective assignments, and a final creative project. BUSN 200 is required of all undergraduate students in the Opus College of Business—both majors and minors. Students are encouraged to complete BUSN 200 during their second year. Students can complete BUSN 200 while studying abroad or while away from campus during J-term or summer. Registration in a BUSN 200 Orientation section is also required. This course is graded S/R. 

0 Credits

Busn Learning Through Service
See Details
J. Reiter
CRN 30330
0 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
7:15 pm
MCH 215

6:00 pm
7:15 pm
MCH 215

6:00 pm
7:15 pm
MCH 215

6:00 pm
7:15 pm
MCH 215


Subject: General Business (BUSN)

CRN: 30330

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 215

  Julie Reiter

This experiential course offers students the opportunity to strengthen their development as effective and principled business leaders. During the course, students develop their own learning objectives and partner with their selected nonprofit to pursue those objectives, while making meaningful impact in the community and fostering a long-term commitment to service. Students complete 40 hours of volunteer service at a nonprofit organization, a series of reflective assignments, and a final creative project. BUSN 200 is required of all undergraduate students in the Opus College of Business—both majors and minors. Students are encouraged to complete BUSN 200 during their second year. Students can complete BUSN 200 while studying abroad or while away from campus during J-term or summer. Registration in a BUSN 200 Orientation section is also required. This course is graded S/R. 

0 Credits

MS Excel Business Applications
D. Thompson
05/29 - 08/22
No Classroom Required
CRN 30495
0 Cr.
Size: 70
Enrolled: 53
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: General Business (BUSN)

CRN: 30495

Online: Asynchronous | No Classroom Required


  Dale Thompson

The course will introduce students to the use of Microsoft Excel for business applications. Students will develop skills in using Microsoft Excel to solve business problems. This course will be online, with students using the MyEducator Excel Educator software platform. Students will submit Excel exercises to demonstrate their learning. Students enrolled in this course will pay a technology fee, and will then be granted lifetime access to the Excel Educator site. Students who feel they have mastered the content of this course may apply for a waiver of this course through an examination. Students can attempt a waiver through examination for this course only once, and there is a fee for the examination. This course is graded pass/fail. Students must achieve at least a passing percentage on each exercise, and an overall passing percentage to complete this course.

0 Credits

CHEM: Chemistry

Introduction to Chemistry
A. Gengenbach
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30547
1 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 5
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Chemistry (CHEM)

CRN: 30547

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


  Alan Gengenbach

An introduction to fundamental concepts in chemistry with an emphasis on problem solving. Topics to be covered include measurement in scientific study, the fundamentals of the periodic table, chemical bonding, chemical equations, and stoichiometry. This course is designed as a preparatory course for students who do not pass the chemistry placement exam but wish to eventually enroll in CHEM 111. Prerequisite: Math placement at 108 or above. Offered January term. NOTE: This is an online course; content will be delivered via the Blackboard portal.

1 Credits

General Chemistry II
MW 8:30 am - 11:30 am
A. Dittmer
05/29 - 07/25
CRN 30005
4 Cr.
Size: 18
Enrolled: 13
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:30 am
11:30 am
OWS 251


8:30 am
11:30 am
OWS 251


Subject: Chemistry (CHEM)

CRN: 30005

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Owens Science Hall 251

Core Requirements Met:
      Natural Science

Other Requirements Met:
     Environmental Sci. Major Appr
     School of Ed Transfer Course

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Adam Dittmer

This course continues the study of chemistry begun in 111. Topics include thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibrium, acid- base chemistry, electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. Lecture plus four laboratory hours per week. Offered spring semester and summer (when enrollment allows). Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C- in CHEM 111 NOTE: Students who receive credit for CHEM 112 may not receive credit for CHEM 115.

4 Credits

General Chemistry II Lab
MW 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
G. Uzcategui-White
05/29 - 07/25
CRN 30006
0 Cr.
Size: 18
Enrolled: 13
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su

12:00 pm
4:00 pm
SCC 405


12:00 pm
4:00 pm
SCC 405


Subject: Chemistry (CHEM)

CRN: 30006

In Person | Lab

St Paul: Schoenecker Center 405

Core Requirements Met:
      Natural Science

Other Requirements Met:
     Environmental Sci. Major Appr
     School of Ed Transfer Course

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Gabriela Uzcategui-White

This course continues the study of chemistry begun in 111. Topics include thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibrium, acid- base chemistry, electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. Lecture plus four laboratory hours per week. Offered spring semester and summer (when enrollment allows). Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C- in CHEM 111 NOTE: Students who receive credit for CHEM 112 may not receive credit for CHEM 115.

0 Credits

CIED: Curric & Instr (Grad Ed)

Ed. Equity & Inclu. Practices
See Details
C. Smith Kondo
06/12 - 08/08
CRN 30382
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 19
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
7:00 pm

4:30 pm
7:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Curric & Instr (Grad Ed) (CIED)

CRN: 30382

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Chelda Smith Kondo

Course participants will examine their racial and cultural identities through a research-based assessment tool and address personal biases that impact student learning and their instruction. The pedagogy of educational equity, culturally responsible teaching, and inclusive practices will be applied to the student learning environment, planning for instruction, and partnering with families and colleagues. Participants will learn effective cross cultural and interracial communication skills, inclusive practices, and how to translate their learning into equitable practices that impact effective learning for all students.

3 Credits

Assessment for Learning
See Details
K. Chien
05/29 - 07/25
CRN 30383
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 23
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su

3:00 pm
4:30 pm

3:00 pm
4:30 pm

3:00 pm
4:30 pm

07/10 - 07/17:
3:00 pm
4:30 pm

3:00 pm
5:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Curric & Instr (Grad Ed) (CIED)

CRN: 30383

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Khrisslyn Chien

This course focuses on the purposes and types of assessment used in school settings to understand and document student achievement. Course participants explore guiding principles for classroom assessment, articulate achievement targets, develop assessment methods, including performance assessment, portfolios, etc. aligned with achievement targets, and create effective methods for communicating about students' learning.

3 Credits

CISC: Computer & Info Sci (UG)

Intro-Programming&Prob Solving
MTWR 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
P. Akram
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30458
4 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

10:00 am
1:00 pm

10:00 am
1:00 pm

10:00 am
1:00 pm

10:00 am
1:00 pm


Subject: Computer & Info Sci (UG) (CISC)

CRN: 30458

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture/Lab


  Pakeeza Akram

This course is designed for students with majors in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences and focuses on logical thinking, the design and implementation of algorithms in a procedural language, testing, correctness, and the use of common programming structures such as arrays. In addition, basic machine concepts are covered including hardware organization and representation of information in the machine. The typical student will be adept at using the computer but will have no prior programming experience. Engineering and science majors should take CISC 130. Please see your academic advisor to ensure you select the appropriate class. Lab included. NOTE: Students who receive credit for CISC 131 may not receive credit for CISC 130. Prerequisite: Placement into MATH 108 or higher or completion of STAT 220 with a C- or better, or completion of one of: MATH 006, 108, 109, 113, 114, or 200

4 Credits

Intro-Computer Tech & Bus Appl
MTWR 10:00 am - 12:10 pm
M. Isaacson
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30459
4 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 9
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

10:00 am
12:10 pm

10:00 am
12:10 pm

10:00 am
12:10 pm

10:00 am
12:10 pm


Subject: Computer & Info Sci (UG) (CISC)

CRN: 30459

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Liberal Arts Bus Minor Appr

  Marc Isaacson

(Formerly QMCS 200) This course will prepare students to use computers in a business environment and in daily life. It will provide an introduction to programming and problem solving for non-majors. Spreadsheet and database software will be used to solve problems related to business. The course includes an overview of hardware and software, how computers acquire and process information, and related topics. NOTE: Students who receive credit for CISC 200 may not receive credit for CISC 110 or 216.

4 Credits

COMM: Communication Studies

Communication in Workplace
P. Nettleton
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30304
4 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Communication Studies (COMM)

CRN: 30304

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Writing Intensive

  Pamela Nettleton

Introduction to basic communication theories and skills as they pertain to the business setting. Text, lecture, class discussion and exercises, and individual and group presentations will better prepare students to become more effective communicators at work. The course will focus on presentational skills, dyadic communication and interviewing, and group communication.

4 Credits

Organizational Communication
S. Galarneault
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30305
4 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 10
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Communication Studies (COMM)

CRN: 30305

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


  Stephanie Galarneault

This course will examine organizational structures and the dynamics of the communication process. Major components of this class include the analysis of organizational communication including culture, socialization, roles, leadership, formal and informal communication structures, and issues of cultural diversity. Students will be involved in activities such as applying theories, examining case studies, and analyzing communication in real-life organizations.

4 Credits

Comm & Underrep Families
A. Nuru
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30306
4 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 12
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Communication Studies (COMM)

CRN: 30306

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
     Diversity/Soc Just AND Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     Comm Studies Major Approved
     Comm Studies Minor Approved
     Family Studies Major Approved
     Family Studies Minor Approved
     Writing to learn

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Audra Nuru

Given that demographic changes, immigration patterns, transnational adoption, new U.S. Supreme Court rulings impacting LGBTQ+ families, and the addition of a multiracial option on the 2010 Census have all contributed to changes in the ways that individuals and families identify, are formed, and are (re)negotiated, it is of critical importance to examine scholarship highlighting these diverse (and often underrepresented) family forms. Families in the United States today are faced with opportunities and challenges that have never been experienced by families before. The first 21 years of this century have produced large social, civil, and technological changes that impact not only the communication among family members, but has also impacted larger societal discourses about what constitutes “family.” Although family communication scholars have long called for the inclusion of more diverse samples in family research, to date this research remains very limited in the understanding of family functioning, relationships, and processes in families of color, LGBTQ families, transnational and neo-ethnic families, discourse dependent families, and other family forms. To this end, this course examines the communicative experiences of contemporary and underrepresented families.  

4 Credits

CPSY: Counseling Psych. (Grad)

Intro Group Psychotherapy
M 4:30 pm - 10:15 pm
L. Jennings
05/29 - 07/16
CRN 30110
3 Cr.
Size: 32
Enrolled: 31
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/16
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
10:15 pm
MOH 450


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30110

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 450

  Len Jennings

Theoretical models in group psychology, including group process, group dynamics, systems theory, group behavior, systems approaches to group behavior; defense mechanisms in group behavior; group leadership; task-oriented group experience.

3 Credits

Theories of Career Devel
M 4:30 pm - 10:15 pm
A. Gulden
05/29 - 07/16
Online: Synchronous
CRN 30111
3 Cr.
Size: 35
Enrolled: 36
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/16
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
10:15 pm


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30111

Online: Some Synchronous | Online: Synchronous


  Ashley Gulden

Career Assessment. Comparative theories of career choice and career development. Occupational and environmental analysis techniques. Experience in the use of occupational information and career models. Problem identification for career issues and implications for other major life issues. Prerequisite: CPSY600 recommended

3 Credits

Basic Couns Skills Lab
W 4:30 pm - 10:15 pm
L. Jennings
05/29 - 07/16
CRN 30112
3 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 13
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/16
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
10:15 pm
MOH 450


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30112

In Person | Lab

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 450

  Len Jennings

Role playing and simulation of specific counseling techniques (in contrast to counseling theories). Peer and self-evaluation techniques. Prerequisites: CPSY 600

3 Credits

Basic Couns Skills Lab
R 4:30 pm - 10:15 pm
T. Ramirez
05/29 - 07/16
CRN 30113
3 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 12
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/16
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
10:15 pm
MOH 450


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30113

In Person | Lab

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 450

  Tatyana Ramirez

Role playing and simulation of specific counseling techniques (in contrast to counseling theories). Peer and self-evaluation techniques. Prerequisites: CPSY 600

3 Credits

Counseling Prac I
W 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
J. Enstad
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30114
4 Cr.
Size: 8
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
7:30 pm
MOH 419


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30114

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 419

  Jennifer Enstad

Experience in individual and/or group counseling under faculty supervision in an approved setting. Seminar meetings for supervision, instruction, and discussion. Assignments include submission of audio- or video-taped counseling sessions, delivery of case presentations, and written self-evaluations. This course is the first of three consecutive course that entail the practicum sequence (CPSY608, 609, 610) the cumulative requirements entails 700 hours on-site activity at a minimum of 20 hours per week for at least 30 weeks.

4 Credits

Counseling Prac I
W 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
A. Aloma
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30115
4 Cr.
Size: 8
Enrolled: 7
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
7:30 pm
MOH 344


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30115

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 344

  Alina Aloma

Experience in individual and/or group counseling under faculty supervision in an approved setting. Seminar meetings for supervision, instruction, and discussion. Assignments include submission of audio- or video-taped counseling sessions, delivery of case presentations, and written self-evaluations. This course is the first of three consecutive course that entail the practicum sequence (CPSY608, 609, 610) the cumulative requirements entails 700 hours on-site activity at a minimum of 20 hours per week for at least 30 weeks.

4 Credits

Counseling Prac I
W 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
K. Swinson-Stafford
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30117
4 Cr.
Size: 8
Enrolled: 5
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
7:30 pm
MOH 418


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30117

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 418

  Kimberly Swinson-Stafford

Experience in individual and/or group counseling under faculty supervision in an approved setting. Seminar meetings for supervision, instruction, and discussion. Assignments include submission of audio- or video-taped counseling sessions, delivery of case presentations, and written self-evaluations. This course is the first of three consecutive course that entail the practicum sequence (CPSY608, 609, 610) the cumulative requirements entails 700 hours on-site activity at a minimum of 20 hours per week for at least 30 weeks.

4 Credits

Family Dynamics
See Details
A. Ramage
CRN 30119
3 Cr.
Size: 26
Enrolled: 25
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
10:00 pm
MOH 450

4:30 pm
10:00 pm
MOH 450

4:30 pm
10:00 pm
MOH 450

4:30 pm
10:00 pm
MOH 450

9:00 am
1:00 pm
MOH 450

9:00 am
1:00 pm
MOH 450

9:00 am
1:00 pm
MOH 450

9:00 am
1:00 pm
MOH 450


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30119

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 450

  Anne Ramage

An introductory-level course in marriage and family living. The course covers, but is not limited to, the following areas: family social trends, demographic data, stages of family development, characteristics of healthy families, sibling-position models of family development and of marital patterns, and varying conceptual models of family counseling. In most settings, the instructor utilizes a combination of lecture, videotape presentations and small- group discussions.

3 Credits

Intro to Marr/Fam Couns
See Details
T. Balke
CRN 30120
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 23
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
10:00 pm
MOH 417

4:30 pm
10:00 pm
MOH 417

4:30 pm
10:00 pm
MOH 417

4:30 pm
10:00 pm
MOH 417

9:00 am
1:00 pm
MOH 417

9:00 am
1:00 pm
MOH 417

9:00 am
1:00 pm
MOH 417

9:00 am
1:00 pm
MOH 417


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30120

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 417

  Tim Balke

Overview of marriage and family counseling, including application of family psychological theory to family problem solution. Intervention strategies based on family psychology theory.

3 Credits

Marriage Counseling
W 4:30 pm - 10:15 pm
K. Gehlert
05/29 - 07/16
CRN 30121
3 Cr.
Size: 27
Enrolled: 25
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/16
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
10:15 pm
MOH 402


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30121

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 402

  Kurt Gehlert

Theory and techniques of marital therapy, including dysfunctional communication patterns, pathological marriage patterns, factors in marital selection, marital stress, behavioral approaches to marital therapy, family systems approaches to marital therapy, and psychoanalytic approaches to marital therapy. Prerequisite: CPSY650

3 Credits

Marr/Fam Couns Intern
W 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
L. Trump
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30122
3 Cr.
Size: 8
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
7:30 pm
MOH 403


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30122

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 403

  Lisa Trump

Supervised clinical experience in marriage and family counseling designed to translate theory and skill development to practice. Supervision via tape, videotape, observation or case presentation methods, depending upon placement and professional ethics. Prerequisite: CPSY650, 652, 653, 608, 609 & 610

3 Credits

Marr/Fam Couns Intern
W 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
N. Schwenke
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30510
3 Cr.
Size: 8
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
7:30 pm
MOH 322


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30510

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 322

  Naomi Schwenke

Supervised clinical experience in marriage and family counseling designed to translate theory and skill development to practice. Supervision via tape, videotape, observation or case presentation methods, depending upon placement and professional ethics. Prerequisite: CPSY650, 652, 653, 608, 609 & 610

3 Credits

Diversity Issues in Counseling
TR 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
D. Williams
05/29 - 07/16
CRN 30123
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 19
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/16
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
7:30 pm
MOH 419


4:30 pm
7:30 pm
MOH 419


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30123

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 419

  Dante Williams

Counseling with cultural differences, family concepts, traditions of multicultural perspective, ethnic concerns, and approaches to therapy based on cultural differences.

3 Credits

Mentor Externship
S. Renninger
05/29 - 07/25
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30511
0 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 3
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30511

Online: Asynchronous | Online: Asynchronous


  Salina Renninger

Mentor Externship is an individual semester seminar course for students. The seminar focuses on the externship experience and links experiences in the professional setting to content from the required graduate coursework, ethics and standards of the profession. The course incorporates individualized guidance to assist each student in their self-directed professional development journey.

0 Credits

Practicum (continuation)
W 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
05/29 - 08/22
No Classroom Required
CRN 30124
1 Cr.
Size: 5
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
7:30 pm
No Room


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30124

Online: Asynchronous | No Classroom Required

Minneapolis: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Vocational/Organiz Psych
See Details
S. Renninger
CRN 30099
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
10:00 pm
MOH 419

4:30 pm
10:00 pm
MOH 419

4:30 pm
10:00 pm
MOH 419

9:00 am
5:00 pm
MOH 419

9:00 am
5:00 pm
MOH 419

9:00 am
5:00 pm
MOH 419


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30099

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 419

  Salina Renninger

Course is designed as a doctoral course in career theories and career development, including career choice, assessment tools, and career counseling, along with organizational consultation within the work place.

3 Credits

Adv Group and Social Behav
R 4:30 pm - 10:15 pm
C. Fleck
05/29 - 07/16
CRN 30100
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 13
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/16
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
10:15 pm
MOH 402


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30100

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 402

  Cory Fleck

Theoretical review of social and group processes and interactions. Integration of selected principles from social psychology, social influence, social learning, social anxiety, social cognition, self-efficacy, attitude change, prejudice with models of group behavior.

3 Credits

Contemporary Ethical Issues
T 4:30 pm - 10:15 pm
K. Stewart
05/29 - 07/16
CRN 30101
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 15
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/16
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
10:15 pm
MOH 346


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30101

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 346

  Kim Stewart

Ethical standards and rules of conduct in professional psychology. Current issues relating to ethical and professional behavior in psychology.

3 Credits

Internship: Counseling Psych
See Instructor
S. Renninger
05/29 - 07/25
No Classroom Required
CRN 30103
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 18
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30103

Online: Asynchronous | No Classroom Required

Minneapolis: No Room

  Salina Renninger

Supervised practice of counseling psychology congruent with professional standards. A 2,000 hour internship is required to be completed within 24 months. Students can complete the internship over 12 months during the fourth year or up to 24 months during the fourth and fifth years.

3 Credits

Psy Test III Cognitive/Lab
R 4:30 pm - 10:15 pm
M. Marggraf
05/29 - 07/16
CRN 30106
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 12
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/16
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
10:15 pm
MOH 418


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30106

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 418

  Matt Marggraf

Course is designed to teach administration, scoring, interpretation of standardized individual mental tests. These instruments include, but are not limited to, the WAIS-R and WISC-III. Students receive a review of psychometrics. The impact of culture on test results, methods of incorporating cognitive test results into psychological reports, and ethical issues pertaining to cognitive assessment will be examined. Students will gain experience administering, scoring, and interpreting assessment instruments under faculty supervision.

3 Credits

Psyc Testing IV-Neuropsych
M 4:30 pm - 10:15 pm
L. Hansen
05/29 - 07/16
CRN 30107
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 8
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/16
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
10:15 pm
MOH 402


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30107

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 402

  Luke Hansen

Course is designed to provide an introduction to neuropsychological assessment. A foundation for such assessment will be provided, including neuroanatomy, neuropathology, and neuropsychology followed by an overview of neuropsychometry.

3 Credits

Doctoral Enrollment
See Instructor
S. Renninger
05/29 - 07/25
Continuing Enrollment
CRN 30109
0 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 2
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30109

Online: Asynchronous | Continuing Enrollment

Minneapolis: No Room

  Salina Renninger

Doctoral students must maintain continuous enrollment from the time of admission until the dissertation is completed. During any semester in which they are not registered for a regular course (Doctoral Project or Internship), they must register for and pay a special tuition for CPSY 928 (Permits validation of student ID.)

0 Credits

Child Assessment/Treatment
M 4:30 pm - 10:15 pm
A. Murray
05/29 - 07/16
CRN 30513
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 10
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/16
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
10:15 pm
MOH 324


Subject: Counseling Psych. (Grad) (CPSY)

CRN: 30513

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 324

  Aimee Murray

Diagnostic assessment of child and adolescent psychopathology and effective intervention to treat psychopathology in children and adolescents. Basic understanding of developmental issues, cultural issues, economic issues and discriminatory factors involved in treatment of children and adolescents.

3 Credits

CSMA: Catholic Studies (Grad)

Augustine's City of God
MW 9:00 am - 11:00 am
J. Boyle
06/10 - 07/18
CRN 30360
3 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 32
Waitlisted: 0
06/10 - 07/18
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:00 am
11:00 am
55S 207


9:00 am
11:00 am
55S 207


Subject: Catholic Studies (Grad) (CSMA)

CRN: 30360

Hyflex: Flexible Learning | Lecture

St Paul: Sitzmann Hall 207

  John Boyle

Augustine began writing City of God in AD 413. His original intention was to defend the Christian church against its pagan critics, who held Christianity responsible for bringing about the sack of Rome in 410. By the time he had finished thirteen years later, the work had grown into a comprehensive engagement with the entirety of pagan Roman thought and culture in the light of the Incarnation. It is a work second only to Scripture in shaping Western Christianity. This course will consist of a close reading of City of God in its entirety, with special emphasis on how Augustine understands and engages the ideals and the reality of Roman civilization.

3 Credits

Science and Catholicism
MW 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
P. Distelzweig
06/10 - 07/18
Topics Lecture 1
CRN 30366
3 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 14
Waitlisted: 0
06/10 - 07/18
M T W Th F Sa Su

1:00 pm
4:00 pm
55S 207


1:00 pm
4:00 pm
55S 207


Subject: Catholic Studies (Grad) (CSMA)

CRN: 30366

CoFlex:In Person&Online Sync | Topics Lecture 1

St Paul: Sitzmann Hall 207

  Peter Distelzweig

The rise and dramatic development of the modern natural sciences have shaped our world in varied and prominent ways. How do these natural sciences fit into Catholic intellectual, spiritual, and cultural life? Just what are the natural sciences, really? How are they related to philosophy and theology? How are they integrated into a "Catholic imaginary”? In this course, we seek to understand and answer these important questions through an exploration of important episodes, topics, and texts from the two-thousand-year history of Christianity and science.

3 Credits

Tolstoy and the Death of Self
TR 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
B. Junker
06/10 - 07/18
Topics Lecture 1
CRN 30364
3 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
06/10 - 07/18
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:00 am
12:00 pm
55S 207


9:00 am
12:00 pm
55S 207


Subject: Catholic Studies (Grad) (CSMA)

CRN: 30364

CoFlex:In Person&Online Sync | Topics Lecture 1

St Paul: Sitzmann Hall 207

  Billy Junker

Tolstoy’s late short fiction is consumed with a central paradox of the Christian faith—namely, that our “life” as utility-maximizing selves manipulating a world of objects is not life at all, but a kind of death, while our true Life begins only in and through the death of our worldly selves. We will consider Tolstoy’s exploration of this paradox and its significance for our understanding both of Tolstoy and of Christianity through a close reading of several of Tolstoy’s short stories.

3 Credits

Catholic Education Challenges
TR 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
E. Dahdah
06/10 - 07/18
CRN 30365
3 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
06/10 - 07/18
M T W Th F Sa Su

1:00 pm
4:00 pm
55S 207


1:00 pm
4:00 pm
55S 207


Subject: Catholic Studies (Grad) (CSMA)

CRN: 30365

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Sitzmann Hall 207

  Emily Dahdah

This course explores the history, philosophy, and theology of PreK-12 Catholic education in the United States over the past 100 years. The course aims to help students understand the challenges PreK-12 Catholic schools face with respect to their mission and culture. Students will be exposed to the philosophical and theological foundations upon which Catholic schools have been built, the changes within church and society that have affected Catholic PreK-12 education, and the future of Catholic PreK-12 education. Discussions and assignments will focus on creative solutions to mission and culture challenges facing Catholic schools today.

3 Credits

DRSW: Doctor Social Work (Grad)

Career Development Practicum
MTWRF 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
K. Chigbu
07/08 - 07/19
CRN 30362
3 Cr.
Size: 10
Enrolled: 10
Waitlisted: 0
07/08 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:00 am
4:00 pm
SCB 130

8:00 am
4:00 pm
SCB 130

8:00 am
4:00 pm
SCB 130

8:00 am
4:00 pm
SCB 130

8:00 am
4:00 pm
SCB 130


Subject: Doctor Social Work (Grad) (DRSW)

CRN: 30362

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 130

  Kingsley Chigbu

In this course, students will articulate the dimensions of their identity as social work educators in preparation for seeking a teaching position in higher education. Grounded in their experience and previous coursework and input from students, classmates and instructor, students will develop and analyze their teaching skills through in vivo teaching opportunities in the classroom. Students will articulate their educator identity through seminar-based consultations with the instructor, peers, faculty development and other career-focused experts. Students will develop updated teaching and scholarship statements; formulate a curriculum vitae showing their teaching, scholarship and service/leadership accomplishments. Guided by the instructor, and with supporting evidence/detail, students will articulate their scholarship agenda and teaching philosophy through practice colloquium presentations.

3 Credits

Dissertation and Scholarship
MTWRF 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
R. Whitebird
07/08 - 07/19
CRN 30363
3 Cr.
Size: 10
Enrolled: 8
Waitlisted: 0
07/08 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:00 am
4:00 pm
SCB 140

8:00 am
4:00 pm
SCB 140

8:00 am
4:00 pm
SCB 140

8:00 am
4:00 pm
SCB 140

8:00 am
4:00 pm
SCB 140


Subject: Doctor Social Work (Grad) (DRSW)

CRN: 30363

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 140

  Robin Whitebird

In this course students will identify their primary area of scholarship and research inquiry and develop the proposal for their Banded Dissertation (BD). Students will evaluate a continuum of methodological approaches to consider for their scholarship that are both congruent with social work practice realities and representative of models of inquiry that incorporate multiple world views of knowing and understanding the human experience. Students will learn about how conceptual frameworks guide research and scholarship and identify the conceptual framework that will guide their banded dissertation. Students will learn about the role and management of the institutional review board and the effective management of research projects. Students will explore and critically analyze Boyer’s four areas of scholarship: the scholarship of discovery, scholarship of integration, scholarship of application and scholarship of teaching. Students will develop an understanding of the process for publication requirements for scholarship works in peer-reviewed journals and presentation of scholarship at regional and national conferences.

3 Credits

DVDT: Dogmatic Theology (Div.)

See Details
B. Wanless
CRN 30370
3 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/24 - 06/27:
8:00 am
12:00 pm

07/01 - 07/02:
8:00 am
12:00 pm

07/08 - 07/11:
8:00 am
12:00 pm

06/24 - 06/27:
8:00 am
12:00 pm

07/01 - 07/02:
8:00 am
12:00 pm

07/08 - 07/11:
8:00 am
12:00 pm

06/24 - 06/27:
8:00 am
12:00 pm

07/08 - 07/11:
8:00 am
12:00 pm

06/24 - 06/27:
8:00 am
12:00 pm

07/08 - 07/11:
8:00 am
12:00 pm


Subject: Dogmatic Theology (Div.) (DVDT)

CRN: 30370

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center LL07

St Paul: Brady Educational Center LL19

  Brandon Wanless

This course explores the origin, nature, and mission of the Church in Scripture and Tradition, especially the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium. The course addresses the Church as sacrament and mystery, the marks of the Church and ecumenism, the concept and meaning of the People of God, and the relationship between the laity and the ordained ministry. The course includes a special focus on the Blessed Virgin Mary as a type of the Church.

3 Credits

Fundamentals of Catholic Faith
B. Stevenson
06/01 - 06/19, 06/29 - 08/15
CRN 30371
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 13
Waitlisted: 0
06/01 - 06/19, 06/29 - 08/15
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/20 - 06/28:
8:30 am
12:00 pm

06/20 - 06/28:
8:30 am
12:00 pm

06/20 - 06/28:
8:30 am
12:00 pm

06/20 - 06/28:
8:30 am
12:00 pm

06/20 - 06/28:
8:30 am
12:00 pm

9:00 am
12:00 pm
BEC 101

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Dogmatic Theology (Div.) (DVDT)

CRN: 30371

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center 101

St Paul: Brady Educational Center LL19


  Bill Stevenson

This course presents the essential elements of the Catholic tradition. Through an examination of both primary and secondary texts, students will investigate the Church’s understanding of the human person, natural and divine revelation, reason and faith, the role of education in the Church, sacred tradition, Church doctrine, prayer, the sacraments, and Catholic social teaching’s engagement with the broader culture.

3 Credits

DVPT: Pastoral Theology (Div.)

Summer Pastoral Program I
MTWRF 8:15 am - 5:00 pm
M. Skluzacek
06/03 - 07/25
CRN 30375
0 Cr.
Size: 23
Enrolled: 22
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:15 am
5:00 pm
In Person

8:15 am
5:00 pm
In Person

8:15 am
5:00 pm
In Person

8:15 am
5:00 pm
In Person

8:15 am
5:00 pm
In Person


Subject: Pastoral Theology (Div.) (DVPT)

CRN: 30375

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: In Person

Michael Skluzacek

The program provides an opportunity to integrate theological studies with pastoral experiences involving ministry to the sick and suffering. Both didactic and practical elements are included in one of three options: Ministry to the Sick and Suffering (MSS), based in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis; Ministry to the Sick and Suffering in the home diocese (MSS-D), arranged at institutions in the student’s home diocese; and Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at an accredited medical facility. Prerequisite: DVPT 501.

0 Credits

Catholic School Leadership I
J. Slattery
06/01 - 06/19, 06/29 - 08/15
CRN 30372
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 13
Waitlisted: 0
06/01 - 06/19, 06/29 - 08/15
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/20 - 06/28:
1:30 pm
4:30 pm
BEC 101

06/20 - 06/28:
1:30 pm
4:30 pm
BEC 101

06/20 - 06/28:
1:30 pm
4:30 pm
BEC 101

06/20 - 06/28:
1:30 pm
4:30 pm
BEC 101

06/20 - 06/28:
1:30 pm
4:30 pm
BEC 101

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Pastoral Theology (Div.) (DVPT)

CRN: 30372

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center 101


  Jason Slattery

Centered on the core principles of mission and ministry of Catholic education, this course introduces students to leadership practices required to shape and direct Catholic schools with the mind of the Church. Focus areas include: contemplative leadership; mission focused strategic planning; communication strategies; the development of school culture; ongoing faith education for faculty, staff, and parents; leading within diversity and diverse learners; and continuous improvement.

3 Credits

Canon & Civil Law/Pastoral Min
MTWRF 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
A. Tadlock
06/17 - 06/28
CRN 30369
3 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 3
Waitlisted: 0
06/17 - 06/28
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:00 am
12:00 pm

8:00 am
12:00 pm

8:00 am
12:00 pm

8:00 am
12:00 pm

8:00 am
12:00 pm


Subject: Pastoral Theology (Div.) (DVPT)

CRN: 30369

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center LL17

  Amy Tadlock

This course surveys the antecedents and status of law in the Church, norms governing the interpretation of law, the rights and obligations of all members of the Church, and legal provisions regarding the teaching, sanctifying and governing ministries of the Church. It presents the Code of Canon Law as a resource for responding to canonical issues and questions arising in pastoral ministry; e.g. annulments and remarriage, encumbrances to the reception of the sacraments, and the roles and functions of parochial structures. The course also addresses civil law questions related to employment of personnel and protection of children and vulnerable adults.

3 Credits

Non-Profit Leadership for CSL
J. Buckeye
06/01 - 06/19, 06/29 - 08/15
CRN 30373
2 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 17
Waitlisted: 0
06/01 - 06/19, 06/29 - 08/15
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/20 - 06/28:
8:30 am
12:00 pm

06/20 - 06/28:
8:30 am
12:00 pm

06/20 - 06/28:
8:30 am
12:00 pm

06/20 - 06/28:
8:30 am
12:00 pm

06/20 - 06/28:
8:30 am
12:00 pm

9:00 am
12:00 pm
BEC 105

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Pastoral Theology (Div.) (DVPT)

CRN: 30373

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center 105

St Paul: Brady Educational Center LL03


  Jeanne Buckeye, Dean Maines

This course prepares Catholic school leaders to manage their non-profit, Catholic organizations, while introducing future leaders to core business principles and Catholic moral requirements, precisely as an exercise in ecclesial ministry. With a focus on efficient and organizationally sound managerial practices in an educational environment, students learn the theoretical insights and techniques appropriate in the mission focused, ministry-minded “small business environment” of a local Catholic school. Areas of emphasis include: planning; mission leadership; staff development; budget and finances; communications; marketing; relationship management; and problem solving within school, parish, and Archdiocesan communities.

2 Credits

Rural Ministry/Practicum
See Details
C. Thompson
07/28 - 08/02
CRN 30376
2 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 23
Waitlisted: 0
07/28 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

In Person

In Person

In Person

In Person

In Person


In Person

Subject: Pastoral Theology (Div.) (DVPT)

CRN: 30376

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: In Person

  Christopher Thompson, Jim Ennis

This course explores the issues, rewards, and challenges of ministry in rural settings. Based on insights from Laudato Si’, it focuses on the meaning and development of an integral ecology in a Catholic context. An onsite practicum fosters theological reflection and pastoral responses to concerns in diverse rural communities through engagement with priests, lay leaders, and others in rural ministry and service. Prerequisite: DVPT 509 or permission of instructor.

2 Credits

Summer Pastoral Program II
MTWRF 8:15 am - 5:00 pm
M. Skluzacek
06/03 - 07/28
CRN 30377
0 Cr.
Size: 10
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 07/28
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:15 am
5:00 pm
In Person

8:15 am
5:00 pm
In Person

8:15 am
5:00 pm
In Person

8:15 am
5:00 pm
In Person

8:15 am
5:00 pm
In Person


Subject: Pastoral Theology (Div.) (DVPT)

CRN: 30377

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: In Person

Michael Skluzacek

This program provides two options: the first assigns students to a local ethnic or multicultural parish where they engage in all aspects of parish ministry; the second option requires intensive Spanish language study in Mexico and immersion in the local culture. Both options conclude with a missionary trip to Venezuela (when possible).

0 Credits

Catholic School Leadership II
G. Stoffel
06/01 - 06/19, 06/29 - 08/15
CRN 30374
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 17
Waitlisted: 0
06/01 - 06/19, 06/29 - 08/15
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/20 - 06/28:
1:30 pm
4:30 pm

06/20 - 06/28:
1:30 pm
4:30 pm

06/20 - 06/28:
1:30 pm
4:30 pm

06/20 - 06/28:
1:30 pm
4:30 pm

06/20 - 06/28:
1:30 pm
4:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Pastoral Theology (Div.) (DVPT)

CRN: 30374

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center LL07


  Gayle Stoffel, Alison Dahlman

Continuing a focus on the core principles of mission and ministry of Catholic education, this course prepares students with the leadership practices required to shape and direct Catholic schools with the mind of the Church. Focus areas include: the core competencies of Catholic school leadership; Catholic school culture; contemplative leadership; the development, supervision, and evaluation of academic excellence; and organizational leadership including hiring practices, stakeholder relationships, conflict management, and time management.

3 Credits

Summer Pastoral Program III
See Instructor
M. Skluzacek
06/03 - 08/11
No Classroom Required
CRN 30378
0 Cr.
Size: 14
Enrolled: 14
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 08/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Pastoral Theology (Div.) (DVPT)

CRN: 30378

In Person | No Classroom Required

St Paul: No Room

Michael Skluzacek

This summer placement program provides pastoral experience in a parish in the student’s home diocese for deacons or for those seminarians who have completed their third year of study in the Master of Divinity degree program but who are not yet ordained to the transitional diaconate. It includes opportunities to learn about &/or exercise the responsibilities of a deacon in a parish setting, such as preaching and presiding at Word and Communion liturgies, performing baptisms, marriages, and burials, as well as other pastoral duties. Theological reflections with the pastor/supervisor are required. Prerequisite: DVPT 790.

0 Credits

DVST: Sacred Theology (Div.)

Liturgy and Sacraments
J. Froula
06/03 - 07/12
CRN 30368
3 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 9
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 07/12
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Sacred Theology (Div.) (DVST)

CRN: 30368

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: In Person

  John Froula

This course presents the revelatory, sacramental, and ecclesial principles of Catholic liturgical worship.The course examines the theology of the seven sacraments with special attention to the Eucharist, including an analysis of the sacraments in terms of sign, matter, form, cause, effects, minister, and recipient. The ecclesiological and spiritual implications of the Church’s liturgy are also addressed.

3 Credits

ECON: Economics (UG)

Prin of Macroeconomics
L. Breger
05/29 - 07/11
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30075
4 Cr.
Size: 33
Enrolled: 30
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Economics (UG) (ECON)

CRN: 30075

Online: Asynchronous


Core Requirements Met:
      Soc Sci Analysis

Other Requirements Met:
     Liberal Arts Bus Minor Appr
     School of Ed Transfer Course

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Lisa Breger

An introduction to macroeconomics: national income analysis, unemployment, price stability, and growth; monetary and fiscal policies; international trade and finance; application of economic theory to current problems. Students who enroll in this course are expected to be able to use high-school algebra.

4 Credits

Prin of Microeconomics
D. Rho
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30076
4 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
7:00 pm
MHC 206

6:00 pm
7:00 pm
MHC 206

6:00 pm
7:00 pm
MHC 206

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Economics (UG) (ECON)

CRN: 30076

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Murray-Herrick Campus Center 206


Core Requirements Met:
      Soc Sci Analysis

Other Requirements Met:
     Liberal Arts Bus Minor Appr
     School of Ed Transfer Course

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Deborah Rho

An introduction to microeconomics: theory of household (consumer) behavior, theory of the firm, market structures, market failures, economic efficiency, factor markets, and income distribution. Students who enroll in this course are expected to be able to use high-school algebra. **This course is Online: Asynchronous & In-person, with all online learning being asynchronous and three exams held in person on the St. Paul Campus. The exam dates when you will be required to be on campus are as follows: Wednesday 6/12/24, 6:00 pm-7:00 pm Wednesday 6/26/24,6:00 pm-7:00 pm Thursday 7/11/24, 6:00 pm-7:00 pm

4 Credits

TR 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm
L. Saavedra
05/29 - 07/11
Online: Synchronous
CRN 30508
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 9
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:30 pm
9:30 pm


5:30 pm
9:30 pm


Subject: Economics (UG) (ECON)

CRN: 30508

Online: Sync Distributed | Online: Synchronous


Requirements Met:
     School of Ed Transfer Course

  Luz Saavedra

An introduction to techniques used in forecasting with emphasis on analyzing economic and business data. The emphasis is on timeseries data, although cross-sectional analysis is also covered. Techniques presented include variants of moving averages, variants of exponential smoothing, regression and ARIMA processes. Prerequisites: ECON 251 and 252 and a grade of C- or higher in STAT 220, 201, MATH 303, or STAT 314. **From 5:30 to 7:30 pm, you will have a synchronous lecture and from 7:30 to 9:30 pm you will have a synchronous lab where you can work on applying the statistical analysis.

4 Credits

EDLD: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed)

Clinical Prac: Stu Affairs I
See Details
J. Rassett
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30405
3 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
7:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30405

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Jenn Rassett

The student is involved in an internship experience accruing approximately 250 hours with an on-site mentor at a college or university in a student affairs or student services position. Interns keep a reflective journal and bring the fruits of their reflections to the readings and discussions in a seminar that emphasizes the importance of reflective practice.

3 Credits

Clinical Prac: Stu Affairs II
See Details
J. Rassett
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30406
3 Cr.
Size: 10
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
7:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30406

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Jenn Rassett

The student is involved in an internship experience accruing approximately 250 hours with an on-site mentor at a college or university in a student affairs or student services position. Interns keep a reflective journal and bring the fruits of their reflections to the readings and discussions to a seminar that emphasizes the importance of reflective practice. Prerequisite: EDLD785

3 Credits

Found Ldrshp:Intell/Ethical
See Details
L. Daniels
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30407
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 24
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
7:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30407

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Latanya Daniels

This course emphasizes the responsibility of educators to be attentive to the ethical aspects of relationships and decisions, including those made in the name of the institution. The need for an ethical commitment based on human worth and dignity is stressed. A case-study approach is used to surface ethical issues.

3 Credits

Princ of School Finance
See Details
T. Sager
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30408
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 14
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
7:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30408

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Tom Sager

This course covers federal, state and local support of education; analysis of various revenue-raising alternatives; a study of the trends in receipts and expenditures for education; and the Minnesota financial accounting and reporting systems.

3 Credits

Clin Prac Sem II Superintendt
W 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
M. Lovett
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30410
1 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 4
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:30 pm
8:00 pm


Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30410

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Michael Lovett

This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to develop leadership knowledge and skills as a practicing administrator, with a focus on the knowledge and professional experiences necessary for a successful school superintendent or other central office position which works closely with a superintendent and school board. The second practicum focuses on school legislature and lobbying. Prerequisite: EDLD 865

1 Credits

Ldrship in Internat'l Contexts
J. Bongila
05/29 - 07/25
CRN 30411
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 7
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/11 - 06/25:
5:00 pm
7:30 pm
MOH 403


06/11 - 06/25:
5:00 pm
7:30 pm
MOH 403

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30411

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 403


  Jean Bongila

The course is designed as a seminar and an exploration of leadership theories and practices as applied to the contexts of the Global South or Third World countries. This capstone course intends to primarily to serve as an integrative seminar to assist students to reflect on, synthesize and integrate what they learned in their study of International Leadership. General theories will be applied to a selected region of the world suitable for student visit. The course is divided into two modules. The first module, before the trip, critically reviews major theories and cross-cultural concepts. The second module is offered in the host country as a combination of lectures, visits with local and national leaders, intercultural exchanges, and sightseeing.

3 Credits

Research Paradigms in Ed
J. Sommers
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30412
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

07/22 - 07/26:
8:30 am
4:00 pm
MOH 417

07/22 - 07/26:
8:30 am
4:00 pm
MOH 417

07/22 - 07/26:
8:30 am
4:00 pm
MOH 417

07/22 - 07/26:
8:30 am
4:00 pm
MOH 417

07/22 - 07/26:
8:30 am
4:00 pm
MOH 417

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30412

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 417


  Jayne Sommers

This course introduces students to paradigmatic assumptions that underlie various traditions, with an eye toward helping students conceptualize research problems, develop researchable questions, and select appropriate research methods to respond to those questions. In this course, students examine how ontological, epistemological, and methodological assumptions shape research in education. The traditions of inquiry discussed in this class will help students understand the underlying assumptions about knowledge and knowledge production that lead to similarities and differences within and across qualitative and quantitative approaches to research.

3 Credits

Topics: Assessment Higher Educ
M 4:30 pm - 9:30 pm
T. Bock
05/29 - 07/25
CRN 30414
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
9:30 pm


Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30414

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Tonia Bock

The topics course will vary each semester and will provide in-depth study of particular issues, concerns and trends in education.

3 Credits

Education Leaders & Learners
J. Kise
06/12 - 08/22
CRN 30415
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 17
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

07/15 - 07/17:
8:30 am
12:00 pm
MOH 417

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

07/15 - 07/17:
8:30 am
12:00 pm
MOH 417

1:00 pm
5:00 pm
MOH 417

6:00 pm
8:00 pm
MOH 417

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

07/15 - 07/17:
8:30 am
12:00 pm
MOH 417


1:00 pm
5:00 pm
MOH 417

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30415

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 417


  Jane Kise

Students explore leadership development and collaborative educational improvement through the underlying theory and practical application of psychological type, emotional intelligence, and theories of change. This course serves two purposes: (1) cohort formation, and (2) the use of theory, scholarship, and practice (tacit) knowledge to analyze educational dilemmas and make educational change. Students become members of a leadership/research team and investigate and analyze a case study involving an educational dilemma. After identifying root causes, students examine and critique underlying assumptions regarding problem definition and solution(s) using the lens of social justice, and apply adult learning and change theory to identify the opportunities for leadership and potential barriers to implementing change.

3 Credits

Scholars & Researchers in Educ
J. Sommers
06/12 - 08/22
CRN 30416
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 15
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

07/15 - 07/17:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
MOH 417

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

07/15 - 07/17:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
MOH 417

6:00 pm
8:00 pm
MOH 417

8:30 am
12:00 pm

1:00 pm
5:00 pm

8:30 am
12:00 pm
MOH 417

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30416

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 417


  Jayne Sommers

This course emphasizes the importance of learning how to access, read, review/critique, and summarize scholarly literature in education as an entry point in acquiring the knowledge, skills, and habits of scholars who later engage in research. Students learn strategies regarding how to critically read and evaluate literature. This understanding leads to knowledge about the results of educational research, and also the different methods of inquiry employed. Students become members of research teams and co-write a review of literature on an assigned research question. Students then consider and apply educational philosophy and theory to analyze and interpret review findings. Students gain knowledge and skills with regard to forming an argument, using APA style, and judging the merit of scholarly studies using established criteria in the field.

3 Credits

Framing a Research Study
See Details
J. Bongila
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30417
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 13
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

05/29 - 06/12:
5:00 pm
7:30 pm
MOH 417

05/29 - 06/12:
5:00 pm
7:30 pm

5:00 pm
7:30 pm
MOH 417

5:00 pm
7:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30417

CoFlex:In Person&Online Sync | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 417


  Jean Bongila

This course is designed that each participant develops a researchable research question for his or her dissertation work. The major outcome of the course will be a research prospectus consisting of a statement of the problem, literature review, and theoretical framework suitable as a basis for a dissertation proposal. Work will consist of library research, small group editing activities, and instructor-led discussion of the nature and purpose of a research prospectus. Prerequisites: EDLD 904 & EDLD 902

3 Credits

See Instructor
C. Chou
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30475
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30475


Minneapolis: No Room

  Chien-Tzu Chou

3 Credits

See Instructor
A. Wharton-Beck
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30476
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 3
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30476


Minneapolis: No Room

  Aura Wharton-Beck

3 Credits

See Instructor
J. Bongila
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30477
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30477


Minneapolis: No Room

  Jean Bongila

3 Credits

See Instructor
J. Bongila
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30478
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30478


Minneapolis: No Room

  Jean Bongila

3 Credits

See Instructor
S. Noonan
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30600
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30600


Minneapolis: No Room

  Sarah Noonan

3 Credits

See Instructor
C. Chou
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30479
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30479


Minneapolis: No Room

  Chien-Tzu Chou

This course is designed that each participant develops a researchable research question for his or her dissertation work. The major outcome of the course will be a research prospectus consisting of a statement of the problem, literature review, and theoretical framework suitable as a basis for a dissertation proposal. Work will consist of library research, small group editing activities, and instructor-led discussion of the nature and purpose of a research prospectus. Prerequisites: EDLD 920, EDLD 921, EDLD 922 (S, IP grade or concurrent enrollment) 

3 Credits

See Instructor
A. Wharton-Beck
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30480
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30480


Minneapolis: No Room

  Aura Wharton-Beck

This course is designed that each participant develops a researchable research question for his or her dissertation work. The major outcome of the course will be a research prospectus consisting of a statement of the problem, literature review, and theoretical framework suitable as a basis for a dissertation proposal. Work will consist of library research, small group editing activities, and instructor-led discussion of the nature and purpose of a research prospectus. Prerequisites: EDLD 920, EDLD 921, EDLD 922 (S, IP grade or concurrent enrollment) 

3 Credits

See Instructor
J. Sommers
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30481
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 2
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30481


Minneapolis: No Room

  Jayne Sommers

This course is designed that each participant develops a researchable research question for his or her dissertation work. The major outcome of the course will be a research prospectus consisting of a statement of the problem, literature review, and theoretical framework suitable as a basis for a dissertation proposal. Work will consist of library research, small group editing activities, and instructor-led discussion of the nature and purpose of a research prospectus. Prerequisites: EDLD 920, EDLD 921, EDLD 922 (S, IP grade or concurrent enrollment) 

3 Credits

See Instructor
J. Bongila
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30482
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30482


Minneapolis: No Room

  Jean Bongila

This course is designed that each participant develops a researchable research question for his or her dissertation work. The major outcome of the course will be a research prospectus consisting of a statement of the problem, literature review, and theoretical framework suitable as a basis for a dissertation proposal. Work will consist of library research, small group editing activities, and instructor-led discussion of the nature and purpose of a research prospectus. Prerequisites: EDLD 920, EDLD 921, EDLD 922 (S, IP grade or concurrent enrollment) 

3 Credits

See Instructor
S. Noonan
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30602
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30602


Minneapolis: No Room

  Sarah Noonan

This course is designed that each participant develops a researchable research question for his or her dissertation work. The major outcome of the course will be a research prospectus consisting of a statement of the problem, literature review, and theoretical framework suitable as a basis for a dissertation proposal. Work will consist of library research, small group editing activities, and instructor-led discussion of the nature and purpose of a research prospectus. Prerequisites: EDLD 920, EDLD 921, EDLD 922 (S, IP grade or concurrent enrollment) 

3 Credits

See Instructor
K. Howard
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30661
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30661


Minneapolis: No Room

  Karen Howard

This course is designed that each participant develops a researchable research question for his or her dissertation work. The major outcome of the course will be a research prospectus consisting of a statement of the problem, literature review, and theoretical framework suitable as a basis for a dissertation proposal. Work will consist of library research, small group editing activities, and instructor-led discussion of the nature and purpose of a research prospectus. Prerequisites: EDLD 920, EDLD 921, EDLD 922 (S, IP grade or concurrent enrollment) 

3 Credits

See Instructor
C. Chou
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30483
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30483


Minneapolis: No Room

  Chien-Tzu Chou

Prerequisites: EDLD 920, EDLD 921, EDLD 922, EDLD 923 (S, IP, or concurrent enrollment for EDLD 923) 

3 Credits

See Instructor
A. Wharton-Beck
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30484
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30484


Minneapolis: No Room

  Aura Wharton-Beck

Prerequisites: EDLD 920, EDLD 921, EDLD 922, EDLD 923 (S, IP, or concurrent enrollment for EDLD 923) 

3 Credits

See Instructor
J. Sommers
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30485
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30485


Minneapolis: No Room

  Jayne Sommers

Prerequisites: EDLD 920, EDLD 921, EDLD 922, EDLD 923 (S, IP, or concurrent enrollment for EDLD 923) 

3 Credits

See Instructor
J. Bongila
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30486
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30486


Minneapolis: No Room

  Jean Bongila

Prerequisites: EDLD 920, EDLD 921, EDLD 922, EDLD 923 (S, IP, or concurrent enrollment for EDLD 923) 

3 Credits

See Instructor
C. Chou
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30487
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30487


Minneapolis: No Room

  Chien-Tzu Chou

This major paper demonstrates the doctoral student's ability to research an important question in education and to present and interpret the findings in clear and logical written form. The dissertation is completed under the supervision of a faculty chair and is formally presented in an oral presentation to the dissertation committee. Refer to Doctoral Student Handbook (email soe_edlead@stthomas.edu to request a copy). A student will not be given a grade for any of the dissertation course numbers until the dissertation has been defended and approved by the committee. Prerequisite: EDLD 920, EDLD 921, EDLD 922, EDLD 923, EDLD 924 (S, IP, or concurrent enrollment for EDLD 924) 

3 Credits

See Instructor
A. Wharton-Beck
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30488
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30488


Minneapolis: No Room

  Aura Wharton-Beck

This major paper demonstrates the doctoral student's ability to research an important question in education and to present and interpret the findings in clear and logical written form. The dissertation is completed under the supervision of a faculty chair and is formally presented in an oral presentation to the dissertation committee. Refer to Doctoral Student Handbook (email soe_edlead@stthomas.edu to request a copy). A student will not be given a grade for any of the dissertation course numbers until the dissertation has been defended and approved by the committee. Prerequisite: EDLD 920, EDLD 921, EDLD 922, EDLD 923, EDLD 924 (S, IP, or concurrent enrollment for EDLD 924) 

3 Credits

See Instructor
J. Sommers
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30489
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30489


Minneapolis: No Room

  Jayne Sommers

This major paper demonstrates the doctoral student's ability to research an important question in education and to present and interpret the findings in clear and logical written form. The dissertation is completed under the supervision of a faculty chair and is formally presented in an oral presentation to the dissertation committee. Refer to Doctoral Student Handbook (email soe_edlead@stthomas.edu to request a copy). A student will not be given a grade for any of the dissertation course numbers until the dissertation has been defended and approved by the committee. Prerequisite: EDLD 920, EDLD 921, EDLD 922, EDLD 923, EDLD 924 (S, IP, or concurrent enrollment for EDLD 924) 

3 Credits

See Instructor
J. Bongila
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30490
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30490


Minneapolis: No Room

  Jean Bongila

This major paper demonstrates the doctoral student's ability to research an important question in education and to present and interpret the findings in clear and logical written form. The dissertation is completed under the supervision of a faculty chair and is formally presented in an oral presentation to the dissertation committee. Refer to Doctoral Student Handbook (email soe_edlead@stthomas.edu to request a copy). A student will not be given a grade for any of the dissertation course numbers until the dissertation has been defended and approved by the committee. Prerequisite: EDLD 920, EDLD 921, EDLD 922, EDLD 923, EDLD 924 (S, IP, or concurrent enrollment for EDLD 924) 

3 Credits

See Instructor
L. Stansberry Brusnahan
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30682
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30682


Minneapolis: No Room

  Lynn Stansberry Brusnahan

This major paper demonstrates the doctoral student's ability to research an important question in education and to present and interpret the findings in clear and logical written form. The dissertation is completed under the supervision of a faculty chair and is formally presented in an oral presentation to the dissertation committee. Refer to Doctoral Student Handbook (email soe_edlead@stthomas.edu to request a copy). A student will not be given a grade for any of the dissertation course numbers until the dissertation has been defended and approved by the committee. Prerequisite: EDLD 920, EDLD 921, EDLD 922, EDLD 923, EDLD 924 (S, IP, or concurrent enrollment for EDLD 924) 

3 Credits

Doctoral Enrollment
See Instructor
J. Sommers
05/29 - 08/22
Continuing Enrollment
CRN 30491
0 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Ed. Leadership (Grad Ed) (EDLD)

CRN: 30491

Continuing Enrollment

Minneapolis: No Room

  Jayne Sommers

Doctoral students must maintain continuous enrollment from time of admission until completion of dissertation. During any semester in which a student is not registered for a regular course, he/she must register for and pay special tuition for EDLD 928 (Permits validation of student ID).

0 Credits

EDUC: Education (UG)

Engineering in P-12 Clrm
K. Irizarry
06/12 - 08/08
CRN 30409
4 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/17 - 06/20:
9:00 am
3:00 pm
OSS 329

06/17 - 06/20:
9:00 am
3:00 pm
OSS 329


06/17 - 06/20:
9:00 am
3:00 pm
OSS 329

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Education (UG) (EDUC)

CRN: 30409

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall 329


  Kelsey Irizarry

This course will focus on an overview of current P-12 engineering education programs; exploration of pedagogy; and content; links to national and State Academic Standards; and a survey of assessment mechanisms that evaluate impact of classroom initiatives. A variety of delivery modes will be used to introduce students to methods and to educators who have successfully introduced engineering into a wide variety of classes across several disciplines. Engineering resources for teachers will be presented and discussed. A final project is required, in which students create a unit or module focused on a hands-on engineering activity for P-12 students in their licensure area.

4 Credits

EGED: Engineering Educ (Grad)

Material Science & Engineering
MTWRF 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
B. Nelson-Cheeseman
07/29 - 08/02
CRN 30146
3 Cr.
Size: 10
Enrolled: 4
Waitlisted: 0
07/29 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:00 am
3:30 pm
OSS 326

9:00 am
3:30 pm
OSS 326

9:00 am
3:30 pm
OSS 326

9:00 am
3:30 pm
OSS 326

9:00 am
3:30 pm
OSS 326


Subject: Engineering Educ (Grad) (EGED)

CRN: 30146

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall 326

  Brittany Nelson-Cheeseman

Unlock the secrets of how materials marvels, like graphene, shape memory metal, Kevlar, and diamond, attain their exceptional properties. Educators will explore why the materials around us display the collage of properties they do, and how we can engineer materials to attain the properties we desire. This course will step through the various properties of materials (mechanical, thermal, electrical, optical, magnetic, and deteriorative) and reveal how each of these is intimately linked with the underlying structure of the material. A final course project will be due near the end of the summer.

3 Credits

ENGL: English (UG)

The American Short Story
K. Larson
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30336
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 17
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: English (UG) (ENGL)

CRN: 30336

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
     Diversity/Soc Just AND Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     FYE Cultural, Social Transf
     FYE Soci Just&Cultural Transf
     FYE Social Justice
     Writing Intensive

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Kelli Larson

Even in the land of Super Targets and Big Mac hamburgers, bigger is not always better--at least not in terms of literature. Short stories, because of their compression and intensity, offer lively plots and constant surprises. To the delight of readers everywhere, American authors provide a wellspring of tales that uncover our past, define our present, and speak to our future. In keeping with our diverse American heritage, stories have been chosen from a broad cross-section of literary and cultural traditions. Alongside canonical authors such as Nathaniel Hawthorne and Ernest Hemingway, we read the works of Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Louise Erdrich, Kate Chopin, and others, examining how these diverse voices diverge from, resist, and transform the traditional American short story canon. The writing load for this course is a minimum of 15 pages of formal revised writing. This course satisfies a WAC Writing Intensive requirement; an Integrations in the Humanities requirement; and the Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice requirement. Please note that ENGL 201 is non-repeatable; students wishing to take a second 200-level Texts in Conversation course will need to register for ENGL 202, 203, or 204. Prerequisite: ENGL 121 or 190.

4 Credits

Tpc: Intro to Italian Cinema
S. Pane
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30337
4 Cr.
Size: 10
Enrolled: 7
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: English (UG) (ENGL)

CRN: 30337

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
     Global Perspective AND Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     Film Studies History&Analysis
     Writing Intensive

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Salvatore Pane

What is Italian cinema, and what do diverse directors like Fellini, Wertmüller, and Antonioni have to say about topics like fascism, love, and existential despair? Covering everything from neorealism to spaghetti westerns, this course will introduce students to film theory and demonstrate how to close-read movies and analyze them through writing. Potential films include LA DOLCE VITA, ROME OPEN CITY, and ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST. This course counts as an ENGL 200-level elective for English majors/minors, an ENGL 211+ allied course for select business majors, a History/Criticism/Theory course for Film Studies majors and minors, and a WAC Writing Intensive requirement. It also satisfies both the Integration in the Humanities and the Global Studies requirements. Prerequisites: None. NOTE: This course is cross-listed with FILM 297: there are 10 seats on the ENGL 297 side and 10 seats available on the FILM 298 side.

4 Credits

Race, Sexuality, & Technology
F. Sanchez
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30338
4 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: English (UG) (ENGL)

CRN: 30338

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
     Diversity/Soc Just AND Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     Faith and Praxis Minor or Cert
     Writing Intensive

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Fernando Sanchez

Historically, technical and professional writers have been principally responsible for contributing documentation to technological products and processes. Among the primary reasons for needing to create documentation are 1) ensuring that users understand and can work products safely and 2) complying with regulations that help to meet these goals. With that in mind, this course asks students to consider the following questions: How are individuals impacted by technological products and processes? Who is responsible for creating technological processes and products and what responsibilities they have to users who come from marginalized communities? How do marginalized users of technology usurp technological affordances to create, build, and communicate within a community network? Specifically, we will explore how women, LGBT individuals, and BIPOC communities are depicted, represented and affected by technologies when there is a disconnect between technology designers and users. In addition, students will come away with a better understanding of how marginalized communities circumvent constraints to accomplish their own goals through the use of technologies across various contexts (medical, health, communication, political, etc.). Exploring these domains will help students to pay better attention to user needs as they pursue post-graduation opportunities across such disciplines as writing, engineering, health, business, and law. This course satisfies a WAC Writing in to Learn requirement. an Integrations in the Humanities requirement, and the Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice requirement. Prerequisite: ENGL 121 or 190.

4 Credits

ENGR: Engineering (UG)

See Details
L. Dupont
05/29 - 08/22
Directed Study
CRN 30436
0 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Engineering (UG) (ENGR)

CRN: 30436

Directed Study

St Paul: In Person

Laura Dupont, Crystal Conway

This zero credit course is for co-curricular engineering practical training for undergraduate students in the School of Engineering.

0 Credits

IEP Internship
S. Wagner
05/29 - 08/22
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30367
0 Cr.
Size: 2
Enrolled: 2
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Engineering (UG) (ENGR)

CRN: 30367

Online: Asynchronous | Online: Asynchronous


  Susanne Wagner

This zero credit course is for co-curricular engineering practical training for undergraduate students in the School of Engineering.

0 Credits

K. Acton
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30310
4 Cr.
Size: 17
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Engineering (UG) (ENGR)

CRN: 30310

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


  Katherine Acton

Principles of dynamics including such topics as kinematics of particles, Newton's Second Law, energy and momentum methods, plane motion of rigid bodies, and forces and acceleration. Applied mathematics is used to solve resulting ordinary differential equations numerically with MATLAB. Emphasis on applications with integrated labs/projects. Prerequisites: Minimum of C- in CISC 130, ENGR 220, MATH 200, and MATH 210

4 Credits

Dynamics - LAB
See Details
C. Gray
CRN 30311
0 Cr.
Size: 17
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

05/29 - 06/14:
5:30 pm
7:00 pm

06/17 - 07/11:
5:30 pm
7:00 pm
SCC 401


Subject: Engineering (UG) (ENGR)

CRN: 30311

In Person | Lab

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall LL10

St Paul: Schoenecker Center 401

  Cooper Gray

Principles of dynamics including such topics as kinematics of particles, Newton's Second Law, energy and momentum methods, plane motion of rigid bodies, and forces and acceleration. Applied mathematics is used to solve resulting ordinary differential equations numerically with MATLAB. Emphasis on applications with integrated labs/projects. Prerequisites: Minimum of C- in CISC 130, ENGR 220, MATH 200, and MATH 210

0 Credits

Introduction to Electronics
C. Min
05/29 - 07/25
CRN 30056
4 Cr.
Size: 16
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Engineering (UG) (ENGR)

CRN: 30056

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     School of Ed Transfer Course

  Cheol-Hong Min

This course provides scientists and engineers with a background in electrical circuits, electronics and electric machines. Topics include DC, AC and transient circuit analysis, AC 3-phase and power, frequency response and filters, operational amplifiers and active filter, and electric machines; magnetism, magnetic materials, magnetic circuits, DC and AC motors and generators. The course consists of lectures, demonstrations, discussions and an associated hands-on laboratory. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C- in PHYS 112 or 212

4 Credits

Intro to Electronics - LAB
R 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
S. Albers
05/29 - 07/25
CRN 30054
0 Cr.
Size: 16
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:30 pm
9:00 pm
SCC 309


Subject: Engineering (UG) (ENGR)

CRN: 30054


St Paul: Schoenecker Center 309

Requirements Met:
     School of Ed Transfer Course

  Steve Albers

This course provides scientists and engineers with a background in electrical circuits, electronics and electric machines. Topics include DC, AC and transient circuit analysis, AC 3-phase and power, frequency response and filters, operational amplifiers and active filter, and electric machines; magnetism, magnetic materials, magnetic circuits, DC and AC motors and generators. The course consists of lectures, demonstrations, discussions and an associated hands-on laboratory. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C- in PHYS 112 or 212

0 Credits

Control Systs & Automation
MW 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
B. Mahmoodi
05/29 - 07/25
CRN 30050
4 Cr.
Size: 16
Enrolled: 12
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:30 pm
8:30 pm


5:30 pm
8:30 pm


Subject: Engineering (UG) (ENGR)

CRN: 30050

Online: Sync Distributed | Lecture


  Bob Mahmoodi

An introduction to automation and single-input-single-output (SISO) control systems. Emphasis is placed on continuous-time control loop theory and the use of Laplace transforms to design and analyze control systems. Topics include system modeling, block diagram representation, stability, error analysis, and proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller synthesis. Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in ENGR 240 or 350, MATH 210, CISC 130

4 Credits

Cntrl Systs & Automation - LAB
T 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
B. Mahmoodi
05/29 - 07/25
CRN 30051
0 Cr.
Size: 16
Enrolled: 12
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:30 pm
9:00 pm
SCC 310


Subject: Engineering (UG) (ENGR)

CRN: 30051

In Person | Lab

St Paul: Schoenecker Center 310

  Bob Mahmoodi

An introduction to automation and single-input-single-output (SISO) control systems. Emphasis is placed on continuous-time control loop theory and the use of Laplace transforms to design and analyze control systems. Topics include system modeling, block diagram representation, stability, error analysis, and proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller synthesis. Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in ENGR 240 or 350, MATH 210, CISC 130

0 Credits

Engineer Design Clinic I
See Details
S. Albers
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30047
4 Cr.
Size: 40
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OWS 250

5:30 pm
8:30 pm


Subject: Engineering (UG) (ENGR)

CRN: 30047

CoFlex:In Person&Online Sync | Lecture

St Paul: Owens Science Hall 250


Requirements Met:
     Signature Work

  Steve Albers

Serves as the first capstone course. Student design teams, under the direction of a faculty coordinator, will develop engineering solutions to practical, open-ended design projects conceived to demonstrate the value of prior basic science and engineering courses. Ethical, social, economic and safety issues in engineering practice will be considered as well. Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in either (ENGR 320, 350, 371, and 381) or (ENGR 331, 346, and 410) or (CISC 231, ENGR 345, and concurrent-registration in-or prior completion of either ENGR 431 or ENGR 432) or (ENGR 362, 364, and 368)

4 Credits

Engineer Design Clinic I - LAB
See Details
T. Ling
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30058
0 Cr.
Size: 40
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
FDC 202


Subject: Engineering (UG) (ENGR)

CRN: 30058


St Paul: Facilities & Design Center 202

Requirements Met:
     Signature Work

  Tiffany Ling, Keith Berrier, Chong Xu, Rita Lederle, Chris Haas

Serves as the first capstone course. Student design teams, under the direction of a faculty coordinator, will develop engineering solutions to practical, open-ended design projects conceived to demonstrate the value of prior basic science and engineering courses. Ethical, social, economic and safety issues in engineering practice will be considered as well. Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in either (ENGR 320, 350, 371, and 381) or (ENGR 331, 346, and 410) or (CISC 231, ENGR 345, and concurrent-registration in-or prior completion of either ENGR 431 or ENGR 432) or (ENGR 362, 364, and 368)

0 Credits

ENTR: Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial Thinking
See Details
J. Glass
06/03 - 07/18
CRN 30175
1.5 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 07/18
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Entrepreneurship (ENTR)

CRN: 30175

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA

  Jeanne Glass

This is a brief, introductory course designed to help the general manager understand what it takes to identify and evaluate new opportunities, and to transform innovations into profitable businesses. In this course, students will begin developing key skills and knowledge necessary for applying the entrepreneurial process within the corporate context. Prerequisites: NONE.

1.5 Credits

ETLS: Engr Tech Leadrshp (Grad)

Sensors for IoT and Autonomy
L. Koerner
05/28 - 07/17
CRN 30314
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 14
Waitlisted: 0
05/28 - 07/17
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:45 pm
8:45 pm
SCC 308

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Engr Tech Leadrshp (Grad) (ETLS)

CRN: 30314

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Schoenecker Center 308


  Lucas Koerner

The “Things” that comprise the Internet of Things (IoT) include integrated sensors that measure their environment. This course will study the electronics, physics, and performance characteristics of these sensors. We will study sensors that measure acceleration, relative humidity, temperature, magnetic fields, ambient light, pressure, and gas composition. Autonomous machines, including driverless cars and factory robots, also rely upon sensing. In the second half of this course, we will investigate the characteristics, design, and operation of the critical sensing systems of these devices, including 2D cameras, cameras for depth sensing, LIDAR, and radar. We will apply our understanding of the sensors studied, to applications that include smart homes, autonomous vehicles, and wearables for health monitoring.

3 Credits

Human Aspects of Tech Mgmt
TR 5:45 pm - 8:45 pm
R. Monson
05/28 - 07/17
CRN 30315
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 14
Waitlisted: 0
05/28 - 07/17
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:45 pm
8:45 pm
OSS 328


5:45 pm
8:45 pm
OSS 328


Subject: Engr Tech Leadrshp (Grad) (ETLS)

CRN: 30315

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall 328

  Robert Monson

Managers use written, oral and non-verbal communication to accomplish many purposes. This course teaches the student techniques and practice skills for targeting your audience, coaching and supporting employees, interviewing, salesmanship, performance management, personnel selection and employee development, conflict management, running meetings, problem solving and decision making, teamwork, networking and customer and vendor relationships.

3 Credits

Introduction to Mechatronics
MW 5:45 pm - 8:45 pm
D. Wrightsmith
05/28 - 07/17
CRN 30040
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
05/28 - 07/17
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:45 pm
8:45 pm
OSS 333


5:45 pm
8:45 pm
OSS 333


Subject: Engr Tech Leadrshp (Grad) (ETLS)

CRN: 30040

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall 333

  Dianna Wrightsmith

This course provides an introduction to mechatronic systems that is useful to individuals managing the design or manufacture of such devices or as a foundation for further study in mechatronic design.

3 Credits

Finite Element Analysis
MW 5:45 pm - 8:45 pm
J. Abraham
05/28 - 07/17
CRN 30317
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 13
Waitlisted: 0
05/28 - 07/17
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:45 pm
8:45 pm
OSS 328


5:45 pm
8:45 pm
OSS 328


Subject: Engr Tech Leadrshp (Grad) (ETLS)

CRN: 30317

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall 328

  John Abraham

This course offers an introduction to finite element analysis (FEA) in theory and practice. Students will learn the mathematical and physical foundation of the method, and will also be exposed to implementation via a commerical FEA program. Solution to real problems and projects will be integral parts of the course content and grade. Emphasis will be placed on the use of FEA for solid/structural mechanics problems, while the solution for thermal and fluid problems will be covered superficially. A strong background in mechanics of materials, physics and calculus is necessary. Knowledge of computer operating systems (windows or UNIX) and programming languages (FORTRAN, Basic, C) will be useful, but is not required.

3 Credits

Modeling & Sim for Sys Eng
MR 5:45 pm - 9:00 pm
R. Monson
07/18 - 08/29
CRN 30318
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 10
Waitlisted: 0
07/18 - 08/29
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:45 pm
9:00 pm
OSS 326


5:45 pm
9:00 pm
OSS 326


Subject: Engr Tech Leadrshp (Grad) (ETLS)

CRN: 30318

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall 326

  Robert Monson

This is an introductory course on modeling and simulation. Its purpose is to give engineering students of different engineering disciplines experience using the basic principles involved in creating models and simulations to address complex problems. The emphasis will be on the basic principles involved in modeling and simulation and the limitations of modeling and simulation. The specific principals are: (1) Problem formulation, (2) Setting model objectives, (3) Model conceptualization, (4) Data collection, (5) Model translation (translation to a simulation language- this class will use Microsoft Excel as a simulation language), (6) model verification and validation, (7) Simulation, and (8) documentation and reporting. Since the focus is on principles and not on tools, the need to learn new tools has been minimized using Microsoft Office tools (Word, Power Point and Excel) and an intuitive modeling language IDEF0 (Integrated Definition Modeling.  The course will require students to demonstrate basic modeling and simulation skills by means of creating models and simulations that address a variety of complex problems. Discrete and continuous models will be covered as will deterministic and stochastic models.  The course will have a semester long Request For Information (RFI) project that will capture what the students understand about modeling and simulation.  The students will be organized into competing teams that will be required to respond to a Request For Information (RFI) that will ask them to compete for the role as a modeling and simulation contractor to a large systems integration company. The RFI will be presented to the students during the first week of class. The RFI will ask the teams to demonstrate that they understand how to model and simulate several different domains. During the class they students will learn how to model and simulate in those domains.  The modeling and simulation principles and the experience they get using those principles during the course will provide the student with modeling and simulation skills that they will be able to apply in their careers

3 Credits

EXSC: Exercise Science

Human Anatomy with Lab
L. Scibora
05/29 - 07/11
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30509
4 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Exercise Science (EXSC)

CRN: 30509

Online: Asynchronous | Online: Asynchronous


  Lesley Scibora

This course is a study of human anatomical structure using a body systems approach from the microscopic to gross levels of organization. Of particular emphasis are unifying themes including the complementarity of human anatomy form and function, interrelationships between organ systems and the application of knowledge to homeostatic disruptions observed in human disease and other clinical conditions. This workshop-style course combines the lecture and laboratory components (three laboratory hours per week) to provide students with hands-on experiences learning anatomical concepts, developing critical thinking, understanding scientific methodology and the application of scientific principles. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

4 Credits

Medical Terminology
T. Mead
05/29 - 07/11
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30026
2 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Exercise Science (EXSC)

CRN: 30026

Online: Asynchronous


  Tim Mead

This course is intended to introduce students to technical terminology used in the health profession. Emphasis will be placed on nomenclature, medical vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling, and accurate definition. The Greek and Latin root words that form the basis of the technical terminology used in the health profession will be studied, thus providing students with an understanding of the fundamental building blocks of this terminology. (Formerly PHED 240)

2 Credits

Ex Sci/Hlth Prom Internship
P. Mellick
05/29 - 08/22
Directed Study
CRN 30057
2 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Exercise Science (EXSC)

CRN: 30057

In Person | Directed Study

St Paul: In Person

  Paul Mellick

This course meets the internship requirement for majors in the Exercise Science and Health Promotion programs. The required 100 observational hours fulfills a requirement for application to graduate clinical programs (e.g. physical therapy, chiropractic school, physician assistant school). S-R grading option only. Prerequisite: EXSC 326 and EXSC 332 must be successfully completed prior to (not at the same time as) enrolling in EXSC 450.

2 Credits

Essentials of Strength Trainin
MTWRF 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30085
4 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

1:00 pm
3:00 pm
ARC 205

1:00 pm
3:00 pm
ARC 205

1:00 pm
3:00 pm
ARC 205

1:00 pm
3:00 pm
ARC 205

1:00 pm
3:00 pm
ARC 205


Subject: Exercise Science (EXSC)

CRN: 30085

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Anderson Ath and Rec Center 205

Instructor: TBD

The subject matter of these courses will vary from year to year, but will not duplicate existing courses. Descriptions of these courses are available in the Searchable Class Schedule on Murphy Online, View Searchable Class Schedule

4 Credits

FAST: Family Studies

Comm & Underrep Families
A. Nuru
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30307
4 Cr.
Size: 8
Enrolled: 8
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Family Studies (FAST)

CRN: 30307

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
     Diversity/Soc Just AND Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     Comm Studies Major Approved
     Comm Studies Minor Approved
     Family Studies Major Approved
     Family Studies Minor Approved
     Writing to learn

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Audra Nuru

Given that demographic changes, immigration patterns, transnational adoption, new U.S. Supreme Court rulings impacting LGBTQ+ families, and the addition of a multiracial option on the 2010 Census have all contributed to changes in the ways that individuals and families identify, are formed, and are (re)negotiated, it is of critical importance to examine scholarship highlighting these diverse (and often underrepresented) family forms. Families in the United States today are faced with opportunities and challenges that have never been experienced by families before. The first 21 years of this century have produced large social, civil, and technological changes that impact not only the communication among family members, but has also impacted larger societal discourses about what constitutes “family.” Although family communication scholars have long called for the inclusion of more diverse samples in family research, to date this research remains very limited in the understanding of family functioning, relationships, and processes in families of color, LGBTQ families, transnational and neo-ethnic families, discourse dependent families, and other family forms. To this end, this course examines the communicative experiences of contemporary and underrepresented families.  

4 Credits

FILM: Film Studies

Introduction to Film Studies
S. Hoolihan
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30449
4 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 23
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Film Studies (FILM)

CRN: 30449

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
      Fine Arts

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Sam Hoolihan

FILM 200 introduces students to film analysis, providing the basic tools to understand, appreciate, and analyze the technical and aesthetic dimensions of film and to understand how these elements come together to create meaning. The course will focus on specific filmmaking techniques, provide a brief overview of film history, and introduce students to the concepts of genre, ideology and style. In addition to attending class sessions, students will be required to dedicate approximately two hours per week to viewing films in lab or outside of class.

4 Credits

Introduction to Film Studies
S. Hoolihan
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30452
4 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 22
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Film Studies (FILM)

CRN: 30452

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
      Fine Arts

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Sam Hoolihan

FILM 200 introduces students to film analysis, providing the basic tools to understand, appreciate, and analyze the technical and aesthetic dimensions of film and to understand how these elements come together to create meaning. The course will focus on specific filmmaking techniques, provide a brief overview of film history, and introduce students to the concepts of genre, ideology and style. In addition to attending class sessions, students will be required to dedicate approximately two hours per week to viewing films in lab or outside of class.

4 Credits

Topic: Intro to Italian Cinema
S. Pane
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30453
4 Cr.
Size: 10
Enrolled: 7
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Film Studies (FILM)

CRN: 30453

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
     Global Perspective AND Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     Film Studies History&Analysis
     Writing Intensive

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Salvatore Pane

What is Italian cinema, and what do diverse directors like Fellini, Wertmüller, and Antonioni have to say about topics like fascism, love, and existential despair? Covering everything from neorealism to spaghetti westerns, this course will introduce students to film theory and demonstrate how to close-read movies and analyze them through writing. Potential films include LA DOLCE VITA, ROME OPEN CITY, and ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST. This course counts as an ENGL 200-level elective for English majors/minors, an ENGL 211+ allied course for select business majors, a History/Criticism/Theory course for Film Studies majors and minors, and a WAC Writing Intensive requirement. It also satisfies both the Integration in the Humanities and the Global Studies requirements. Prerequisites: None. NOTE: This course is cross-listed with ENGL 297: there are 10 seats on the FILM 297 side and 10 seats available on the ENGL 297 side.

4 Credits

World Cinema
C. Kachian
05/29 - 07/11
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30454
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 18
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Film Studies (FILM)

CRN: 30454

Online: Asynchronous | Online: Asynchronous


Core Requirements Met:
     Global Perspective AND Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     Writing Intensive

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Christopher Kachian

Exploring cinematic innovation and legacy of some of the greatest directors around the globe. In this course, students will view, discuss, and read and write about feature-length films from Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe, and possibly India and/or the Middle East. Following critical viewing of films both in and outside of class, students will engage in critical reflection, discussion, and analytical writing as a way of practicing the art of film analysis. This course asks students to think critically about the ways in which cinema engages the world as a form of entertainment, as art, as historical document, and as an instrument of social change. It scrutinizes the ways in which institutionalized and structural power and privilege are reflected in the subject matter, creation, and audience reception of film. This course fulfills Global Perspectives, Integrations in the Humanities, and Writing Across the Curriculum requirements.

4 Credits

World Cinema
J. Kroll
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30455
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Film Studies (FILM)

CRN: 30455

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
     Global Perspective AND Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     Film Studies Major Approved
     Film Studies Minor Approved
     Writing in the Discipline

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Juli Kroll

Exploring cinematic innovation and legacy of some of the greatest directors around the globe. In this course, students will view, discuss, and read and write about feature-length films from Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe, and possibly India and/or the Middle East. Following critical viewing of films both in and outside of class, students will engage in critical reflection, discussion, and analytical writing as a way of practicing the art of film analysis. This course asks students to think critically about the ways in which cinema engages the world as a form of entertainment, as art, as historical document, and as an instrument of social change. It scrutinizes the ways in which institutionalized and structural power and privilege are reflected in the subject matter, creation, and audience reception of film. This course fulfills Global Perspectives, Integrations in the Humanities, and Writing Across the Curriculum requirements.

4 Credits

World Cinema
J. Snapko
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30456
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 17
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Film Studies (FILM)

CRN: 30456

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
     Global Perspective AND Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     Film Studies Major Approved
     Film Studies Minor Approved
     Writing Intensive

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  James Snapko

Exploring cinematic innovation and legacy of some of the greatest directors around the globe. In this course, students will view, discuss, and read and write about feature-length films from Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe, and possibly India and/or the Middle East. Following critical viewing of films both in and outside of class, students will engage in critical reflection, discussion, and analytical writing as a way of practicing the art of film analysis. This course asks students to think critically about the ways in which cinema engages the world as a form of entertainment, as art, as historical document, and as an instrument of social change. It scrutinizes the ways in which institutionalized and structural power and privilege are reflected in the subject matter, creation, and audience reception of film. This course fulfills Global Perspectives, Integrations in the Humanities, and Writing Across the Curriculum requirements.

4 Credits

FINC: Finance

Core Financial Management
K. Hejna
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30176
2 Cr.
Size: 35
Enrolled: 35
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Finance (FINC)

CRN: 30176

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


  Kevin Hejna

This course provides an introduction to the major concepts of financial management. The main topics covered include an introduction to financial management, time value of money, capital budgeting, cash flows and multinational financial management. Students learn to use calculators and spreadsheets in solving finance problems. Relevant ethical issues of financial management are discussed. Prerequisites: ACCT 100, STAT 220 or MATH 313 or STAT 314, ECON 251 or ECON 252, Sophomore standing. Note: Students who receive credit for FINC 310 may not receive credit for FINC 321.

2 Credits

Advanced Financial Management
K. Hejna
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30177
2 Cr.
Size: 35
Enrolled: 35
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Finance (FINC)

CRN: 30177

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


  Kevin Hejna

This course builds upon the major concepts of financial management delivered in the FINC 310 Core class. The topics covered include an overview of financial markets and institutions, valuation of bonds and stocks, risk & return, cost of capital and cash flow estimation. Students learn to use calculators and spreadsheets in solving finance problems. Relevant ethical issues of financial management are discussed. Prerequisites: FINC 310

2 Credits

Emerging Financial Markets
See Details
L. Samarakoon
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30297
4 Cr.
Size: 35
Enrolled: 19
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Finance (FINC)

CRN: 30297

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
     Global Perspective

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Lalith Samarakoon

The course gives students the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills, and experiences concerning emerging economies and financial markets. The main contents include understanding and analyzing economic, financial, and political systems and policies of emerging market economies, financial globalization and international diversification, market structures and investment instruments, monetary policies, exchange rate regimes, risks and returns, analysis and valuation of investments, and current issues and developments in emerging economies and markets. Students will also complete a comprehensive country analysis project. This course may be offered occasionally as a short-term study abroad course. Prerequisites: FINC 310

4 Credits

Financial Management
L. Samarakoon
06/03 - 08/08
CRN 30178
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 30
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Finance (FINC)

CRN: 30178

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA
     LLM/MSL Elective

  Lalith Samarakoon

This course will focus on the financial management of business. It will cover the following subject matter: risk, return, evaluation, cost of capital, capital budgeting, long-term financing, capital structure theory, financial analysis and planning, and working capital management. The international aspect of financial management will be covered as it applies to the subject matter outlined above. Prerequisites: OPMT 600, ACCT 601, and GBEC 600, GBEC 625 or BUAN 640.

3 Credits

GBEC: Economics (Grad)

Managerial Economics
K. Combs
06/03 - 07/18
CRN 30179
1.5 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 07/18
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Economics (Grad) (GBEC)

CRN: 30179

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA

  Kathryn Combs

This course focuses on the application of microeconomic tools and concepts to business decision-making. Every organization faces numerous decisions. Every decision-maker faces limits of money, resources, technology, and information. Optimal decisions must balance the marginal benefits of a decision with the decision’s marginal costs. The tool of constrained optimization is applied to cost minimization, output maximization, and profit maximization. Concepts covered include: optimal output volume; demand analysis and estimation; production and cost; market structure and strategic positioning; and optimal pricing strategies. Prerequisite: OPMT 600 or BUAN 640

1.5 Credits

GENG: English (Grad)

Writing for Grad School:Wrkshp
See Details
L. Zebuhr
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30493
3 Cr.
Size: 14
Enrolled: 9
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: English (Grad) (GENG)

CRN: 30493

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Laura Zebuhr

This course offers the opportunity to practice the kinds of thinking and writing that graduate programs in the Humanities often expect: the concise summaries and synthesis of scholarship found in annotations, research proposals, footnotes, and literature reviews; the detailed and rigorous close textual and literary analysis that is often the basis and inspiration for scholarship; the descriptions of the larger political stakes and implications of our work that often fuel our writing; the self-reflection and personal narrative that grant applications and admissions processes ask for, as well as the ways we speak about our work to non-specialists in professional and social contexts. These skills are key to establishing and intervening in any scholarly conversation but the processes scholars use to learn them are rarely addressed in depth. In this course students will choose short exercises and writing challenges aimed at demystifying the process of scholarly writing and receive ongoing feedback on their work, as well as their process. The course does not culminate in a longer research paper or project; instead, it aims to help students develop a personalized process for drafting, revising, and reflecting. Most of the course can be conducted asynchronously online with ongoing opportunity for instructor and peer contact in three online synchronous sessions and one-on-one contact. Please contact Dr. Zebuhr directly with questions or concerns about course delivery and scheduling. NOTE: While this course may have some overlap with GENG 513, the course is significantly different from GENG 513 in its aims and goals.

3 Credits

GEOG: Geography

Human Geography
T. McKay
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30474
4 Cr.
Size: 35
Enrolled: 15
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Geography (GEOG)

CRN: 30474

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
      Soc Sci Analysis
     Global Perspective

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Tyler McKay

This course explores the effects of social, economic, environmental, political, and demographic change from a geographic perspective. It introduces students to a broad range of topics, including the effects of population growth, human impact on the environment, economic development, and globalization. Offered every semester.

4 Credits

GMUS: Music Education (Grad)

Teaching Choral Repertoire
G. Newlin
07/29 - 08/02
CRN 30227
2 Cr.
Size: 16
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
07/29 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

07/22 - 07/26:
9:00 am
2:30 pm

07/22 - 07/26:
9:00 am
2:30 pm

07/22 - 07/26:
9:00 am
2:30 pm

07/22 - 07/26:
9:00 am
2:30 pm

07/22 - 07/26:
9:00 am
2:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30227

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center LL30A


  Georgia Newlin

Philosophy, methods and materials designed to provide a sound pedagogical and musical basis for building and enhancing a developmental choral program for children ages 7-12. Applicable to a variety of settings (elementary school community, church), the course offers experiences for building skill and knowledge in guiding vocal development (vocal exploration, pitch matching, voice control, tone production), learning strategies for developing a program, acquiring a repertoire bank, organizing a supportive administrative base and creating a sense of community, from the smallest church choir to the largest community choral organization.

2 Credits

Smithsonian World Mus Pedagogy
K. Howard
07/01 - 07/12
CRN 30212
3 Cr.
Size: 35
Enrolled: 15
Waitlisted: 0
07/01 - 07/12
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/24 - 06/28:
9:00 am
4:30 pm
BEC 120

06/24 - 06/28:
9:00 am
4:30 pm
BEC 120

06/24 - 06/28:
9:00 am
4:30 pm
BEC 120

06/24 - 06/28:
9:00 am
4:30 pm
BEC 120

06/24 - 06/28:
9:00 am
4:30 pm
BEC 120

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30212

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center 120


  Karen Howard

Audio, video, print, electronic, and human resources will be sampled in this intensive course, with the aim of learning as well as developing and understanding of ways to teach music of the world's cultures. Attention will be given to learning culture through songs, movement and dance experiences, instrumental music, and contextualized cultural components. Participants will be guided through recordings and curricular materials from the Smithsonian Folkways archives that fit the needs of students in knowing music (and knowing culture through music). Musical experiences will be tailored for use at various levels, including in classes for children, youth and adults in university and community settings, with occasional small group sessions to decipher and discuss applications for particular teaching contexts and aims. Enrolled participants will join together to share particular means of teaching world music, and will receive documentation from the Smithsonian Institution that certifies their specialized study in World Music Pedagogy.

3 Credits

Latin American Music
K. Howard
07/08 - 07/12
CRN 30218
2 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 17
Waitlisted: 0
07/08 - 07/12
M T W Th F Sa Su

07/01 - 07/05:
9:00 am
5:00 pm
BEC 120

07/01 - 07/05:
9:00 am
5:00 pm
BEC 120

07/01 - 07/05:
9:00 am
5:00 pm
BEC 120

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30218

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center 120


  Karen Howard

This course is to introduce music educators to several traditional musical genres from throughout Latin America including Puerto Rican Plena and Bomba, Mexican Son Jarocho and Mariachi, Afro-Peruvian music, and Afro Cuban genres. Pedagogical strategies will be modeled and discussed. Considerations for application in different music education contexts will be examined.

2 Credits

Advanced Dalcroze Musicianship
K. Thomsen
06/24 - 06/28
Directed Study
CRN 30208
1 Cr.
Size: 18
Enrolled: 5
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 06/28
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30208

In Person | Directed Study

St Paul: Schoenecker Center LL06

  Kathy Thomsen

The subject matter of these courses will vary from year to year, but will not duplicate existing courses. Descriptions of these courses are available at www.stthomas.edu/music/courses/graduate.

1 Credits

West Music
UMTWRFS 7:00 am - 9:59 pm
07/22 - 08/02
CRN 30228
0 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
07/22 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

7:00 am
9:59 pm

7:00 am
9:59 pm

7:00 am
9:59 pm

7:00 am
9:59 pm

7:00 am
9:59 pm

7:00 am
9:59 pm

7:00 am
9:59 pm

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30228

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center

Instructor: TBD

The subject matter of these courses will vary from year to year, but will not duplicate existing courses. Descriptions of these courses are available at www.stthomas.edu/music/courses/graduate.

0 Credits

Perf Study: Harpsichord 30'
See Instructor
J. Benda
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30245
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30245

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

  Jacob Benda

1 Credits

Perf Study: Harpsichord 50'
See Instructor
J. Benda
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30246
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30246

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

  Jacob Benda

1 Credits

Perf Study: Piano 30'
See Instructor
V. Cornett-Murtada
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30247
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30247

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

  Vanessa Cornett-Murtada

Twelve 50-minute individual lessons: 1 cr. Twelve 30-minute individual lessons: 1 cr. Arrange private lessons with the instructor before registering. Specify the instructor and duration of lessons on the course registration form.

1 Credits

Perf Study: Piano 50'
See Instructor
V. Cornett-Murtada
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30248
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30248

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

  Vanessa Cornett-Murtada

Twelve 50-minute individual lessons: 1 cr. Twelve 30-minute individual lessons: 1 cr. Arrange private lessons with the instructor before registering. Specify the instructor and duration of lessons on the course registration form.

1 Credits

Perf Study: Recorder 30'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30249
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30249

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Recorder 50'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30250
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30250

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Voice 30'
See Instructor
D. Capener
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30251
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30251

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

  Debra Capener

Twelve 50-minute individual lessons: 1 cr. Twelve 30-minute individual lessons: 1 cr. Arrange private lessons with the instructor before registering. Specify the instructor and duration of lessons on the course registration form.

1 Credits

Perf Study: Voice 50'
See Instructor
D. Capener
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30252
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30252

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

  Debra Capener

Twelve 50-minute individual lessons: 1 cr. Twelve 30-minute individual lessons: 1 cr. Arrange private lessons with the instructor before registering. Specify the instructor and duration of lessons on the course registration form.

1 Credits

Perf Study: Organ 30'
See Instructor
J. Benda
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30253
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30253

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

  Jacob Benda

1 Credits

Perf Study: Organ 50'
See Instructor
J. Benda
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30254
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30254

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

  Jacob Benda

1 Credits

Perf Study: Flute 30'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30255
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30255

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Flute 50'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30256
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30256

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Oboe 30'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30257
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30257

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Oboe 50'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30258
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30258

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Clarinet 30'
See Instructor
J. Gerth
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30259
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30259

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

  Jennifer Gerth

1 Credits

Perf Study: Clarinet 50'
See Instructor
J. Gerth
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30260
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30260

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

  Jennifer Gerth

1 Credits

Perf Study: Bassoon 30'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30261
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30261

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Bassoon 50'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30262
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30262

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Saxophone 30'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30263
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30263

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Saxophone 50'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30264
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30264

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Trumpet 30'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30265
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30265

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Trumpet 50'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30266
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30266

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: French Horn 30'
See Instructor
S. Schmalenberger
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30269
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30269

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Perf Study: French Horn 50'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30270
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30270

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Trombone 30'
See Instructor
L. Zimmerman
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30271
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 2
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30271

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

  Larry Zimmerman

1 Credits

Perf Study: Trombone 50'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30272
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30272

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Euphonium 30'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30273
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30273

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Euphonium 50'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30274
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30274

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Tuba 30'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30275
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30275

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Tuba 50'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30276
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30276

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Percussion 30'
See Instructor
W. Kemperman
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30277
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30277

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

  William Kemperman

1 Credits

Perf Study: Percussion 50'
See Instructor
W. Kemperman
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30278
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30278

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

  William Kemperman

1 Credits

Perf Study: Violin 30'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30279
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30279

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Violin 50'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30280
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30280

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Viola 30'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30281
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30281

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Viola 50'
See Instructor
D. Auerbach
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30282
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30282

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

  David Auerbach

1 Credits

Perf Study: Cello 30'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30283
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30283

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Cello 50'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30284
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30284

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Double Bass 30'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30285
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30285

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Double Bass 50'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30286
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30286

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Guitar 30'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30287
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30287

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Guitar 50'
See Instructor
C. Kachian
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30288
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 2
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30288

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Perf Study: Harp 30'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30289
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30289

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Perf Study: Harp 50'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30290
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30290

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Composition lessons 30'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson
CRN 30291
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30291

In Person | Grad Perf. - 30 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Composition lessons 50'
See Instructor
06/24 - 08/02
Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson
CRN 30292
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30292

In Person | Grad Perf. - 50 Min. Lesson

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

1 Credits

Intro to Schlrshp & Resrch Met
K. Howard
06/17 - 07/26
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30211
3 Cr.
Size: 16
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
06/17 - 07/26
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30211

Online: Asynchronous | Online: Asynchronous


  Karen Howard

This course presents a survey of current and past research trends in music, while also developing applied engagement with techniques of design and data analysis.  The aim is to provide points of connection between possible practice and research. Students in this course will read, summarize, and analyze both quantitative and qualitative research in music education and related fields; define and apply basic terminology about research methods and designs used in music education; practice the components of conducting research; and design a research proposal.

3 Credits

Teaching & Learning
See Details
D. Orzolek
Directed Study
CRN 30213
3 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 5
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/24 - 06/28:
6:00 pm
9:30 pm
BEC 111

07/01 - 07/05:
6:00 pm
9:30 pm
BEC 111

07/08 - 08/02:
6:00 pm
9:30 pm
BEC 111


06/24 - 06/28:
6:00 pm
9:30 pm
BEC 111

07/08 - 08/02:
6:00 pm
9:30 pm
BEC 111


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30213

In Person | Directed Study

St Paul: Brady Educational Center 111

  Douglas Orzolek

Comprehensive overview of learning theories, instructional theories and implications for the teaching of music to children in grades K-12. Applications of principles and concepts inherent in theories to the teaching and learning of music.

3 Credits

Realizing Diversity in Mus Ed
K. Howard
07/15 - 07/26
CRN 30267
3 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 8
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 07/26
M T W Th F Sa Su

07/08 - 07/12:
9:00 am
4:30 pm
BEC 111

07/08 - 07/12:
9:00 am
4:30 pm
BEC 111

07/08 - 07/12:
9:00 am
4:30 pm
BEC 111

07/08 - 07/12:
9:00 am
4:30 pm
BEC 111

07/08 - 07/12:
9:00 am
4:30 pm
BEC 111

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30267

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center 111


  Karen Howard

This course is designed to introduce the four domains of social justice in education: identity, diversity, justice, and action. Considerations of engendering empathy, developing a critical consciousness, and crafting a more socially just education are central to the seminar.  As a result of the course, students will: develop a working understanding and vocabulary of the social movements in education leading to the current state of diversity draft a refurbished approach to selecting repertoire that is based on a reflective and inclusive definition of quality create meaningful teaching and learning experiences that embody the underlying tenets of identity, diversity, justice, and action

3 Credits

Foundations of Music Ed
MW 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
B. Gleason
06/24 - 08/02
CRN 30214
3 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:30 pm
BEC 110


6:00 pm
9:30 pm
BEC 110


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30214

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center 110

  Bruce Gleason

Consideration of cultural, philosophical and historical contexts of music education through reading assignments and student presentations. Introduction to academic writing, research and scholarship in music education.

3 Credits

Perspectives in Music Theory
MW 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
S. Johnson
06/24 - 08/02
CRN 30215
3 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 7
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:30 pm
BEC 111


6:00 pm
9:30 pm
BEC 111


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30215

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center 111

  Shersten Johnson

Creative construction of conceptual frameworks that blend traditional analytical techniques with recent trends in music theory scholarship. Development of methodology for the perceptual and reflective study of musical process, style and meaning. Critical listening, score reading, composing and writing about music.

3 Credits

Div Persp: Instrumental Ens
D. Orzolek
07/15 - 07/19
Directed Study
CRN 30506
2 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 4
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

07/08 - 07/12:
9:00 am
2:00 pm

07/08 - 07/12:
9:00 am
2:00 pm

07/08 - 07/12:
9:00 am
2:00 pm

07/08 - 07/12:
9:00 am
2:00 pm

07/08 - 07/12:
9:00 am
2:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30506

Blended Online & In-Person | Directed Study

St Paul: Schoenecker Center LL06


  Douglas Orzolek

Diverse musics and experiences are often misrepresented in the instrumental music ensemble due to the lack of resources available to educators as well as the problems connected to the authenticity of the existing repertoire and arrangements. This course will explore the theoretical perspectives and practical approaches that can help music educators develop a more inclusive instrumental music program. The course will offer students the opportunity to discover and contemplate original music for bands and orchestras from all over the world. In addition, experiences with different types of instrumental ensembles will be provided. The goal of the course is to help music educators consider how an inclusive approach to instrumental pedagogy can enrich and expand the opportunities provided by performing and rehearsing diverse musics.

2 Credits

East Asian Music Cultures
K. Howard
06/17 - 07/26
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30268
2 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 8
Waitlisted: 0
06/17 - 07/26
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30268

Online: Asynchronous | Online: Asynchronous


  Karen Howard

This course explores traditional and contemporary music as a social and communal activity within multiple Asian cultures including: Japan, China, and Korea. It employs an anthropological and ethnomusicological approach that analyzes music in cultural context rather than solely as an object of art. Pedagogical strategies and curricular innovations will be developed with attention to avoiding appropriation and othering while aiming toward equity with a more socially just music education. Additionally, each student will select an additional music culture within East Asia to study across the semester. This course is designed to enable graduate music students to increase their understanding of diverse music cultures. The listening, research, and curriculum development skills and knowledge acquired will provide a foundation to become more critical and discerning music educators.

2 Credits

African Music Ensemble
S. Mensah
06/24 - 06/28
CRN 30209
2 Cr.
Size: 18
Enrolled: 14
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 06/28
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/17 - 06/21:
9:00 am
3:15 pm

06/17 - 06/21:
9:00 am
3:15 pm


06/17 - 06/21:
9:00 am
3:15 pm

06/17 - 06/21:
9:00 am
3:15 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30209

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center LL30A


  Sowah Mensah

Study of traditional African music (Ghanian culture) through music performance. Performance of chants, songs, music for social & festive occasions and other vocal and instrumental examples selected from a variety of styles. All instruments provided, except flute.

2 Credits

Choral Score Study and Lit. II
See Details
B. Pinsonneault
CRN 30207
2 Cr.
Size: 18
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/17 - 06/21:
9:00 am
11:45 am
SCC 106

06/24 - 06/28:
9:00 am
11:45 am
BEC 111

06/17 - 06/21:
9:00 am
11:45 am
SCC 106

06/24 - 06/28:
9:00 am
11:45 am
BEC 111

06/24 - 06/28:
9:00 am
11:45 am
BEC 111

06/17 - 06/21:
9:00 am
11:45 am
SCC 106

06/24 - 06/28:
9:00 am
11:45 am
BEC 111

06/17 - 06/21:
9:00 am
11:45 am
SCC 106

06/24 - 06/28:
9:00 am
11:45 am
BEC 111


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30207

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center 111

St Paul: Schoenecker Center 106

Bert Pinsonneault

Study of choral literature representing the Classic, Romantic and Twentieth Century style periods. Survey of historical and style evolution of major genres and analysis of representative works for each era.

2 Credits

Adv Score Reading & Lit
M. George
06/24 - 07/05
Directed Study
CRN 30210
3 Cr.
Size: 18
Enrolled: 5
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 07/05
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/17 - 06/21:
In Person

06/17 - 06/21:
In Person


06/17 - 06/21:
In Person

06/17 - 06/21:
In Person

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30210

Blended Online & In-Person | Directed Study

St Paul: In Person


  Matthew George

Designed for the experienced conductor interested in deepening skills in practical score analysis. Primary attention to addressing performance problems in the score through rehearsal preparations and physical conducting technique. Literature appropriate to class membership is selected for use in the course. This course is a prerequisite for GMUS 690 Advanced Conducting.

3 Credits

Intermed Choral Conducting
MTWRF 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
G. Shoultz
07/08 - 07/19
CRN 30220
2 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 9
Waitlisted: 0
07/08 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

12:00 pm
3:00 pm
SCC 106

12:00 pm
3:00 pm
SCC 106

12:00 pm
3:00 pm
SCC 106

12:00 pm
3:00 pm
SCC 106

12:00 pm
3:00 pm
SCC 106


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30220

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Schoenecker Center 106

  George Shoultz

Designed for the intermediate choral conductor. Laboratory course with in-depth study of conducting gesture and its effect on choral sound. Individual lessons in the choral lab setting constitute a major component of this course. Score study, rehearsal techniques and performance practice issues.

2 Credits

Advanced Choral Conducting
MTWRF 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
G. Shoultz
07/08 - 07/19
CRN 30221
2 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
07/08 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

10:00 am
1:00 pm
SCC 106

10:00 am
1:00 pm
SCC 106

10:00 am
1:00 pm
SCC 106

10:00 am
1:00 pm
SCC 106

10:00 am
1:00 pm
SCC 106


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30221

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Schoenecker Center 106

  George Shoultz

For the advanced choral conductor. Laboratory course with in-depth study of conducting gesture and its effect on choral sound. Individual lessons in the choral lab setting constitute a major component of this course. Challenging SATB and treble choir pieces and choral/orchestral repertoire. Score study, rehearsal techniques, and performance practice issues. Prerequisite: GMUS 726 Intermediate Choral Conducting.

2 Credits

Advanced Choral Conducting Lab
MTWRF 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
G. Shoultz
07/08 - 07/19
CRN 30222
1 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 3
Waitlisted: 0
07/08 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

11:30 am
1:00 pm
SCC 106

11:30 am
1:00 pm
SCC 106

11:30 am
1:00 pm
SCC 106

11:30 am
1:00 pm
SCC 106

11:30 am
1:00 pm
SCC 106


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30222

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Schoenecker Center 106

  George Shoultz

During this course, advanced choral conducting students will extend their skills by choosing, analyzing, teaching, rehearsing, and conducting a choral octavo in a conducting lab setting. Prerequisite: GMUS 727 Advanced Choral Conducting

1 Credits

Orff Schulwerk/Level I
See Details
M. Tietz
CRN 30229
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 13
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:00 am
4:45 pm
BEC 120

07/23 - 08/02:
8:30 am
4:45 pm
BEC 120

07/23 - 08/02:
8:30 am
4:45 pm
BEC 120

07/23 - 08/02:
8:30 am
4:45 pm
BEC 120

07/23 - 08/02:
8:30 am
4:45 pm
BEC 120

07/23 - 08/02:
8:30 am
4:45 pm
BEC 120


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30229

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center 120

  Meg Tietz, Michael Vasquez, Mary Beth Alexander, Mona Mann

Basic Orff elemental musicianship, including study of pentatonic melodies, ostinati, bordun accompaniments and elemental forms; soprano recorder technique; class- room application, technique and improvisation; basic move- ment skills and classroom application; folk dance.

3 Credits

Orff Schulwerk/Level I
MTWRF 8:30 am - 4:45 pm
07/22 - 08/02
CRN 30230
3 Cr.
Size: 0
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
07/22 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:30 am
4:45 pm
BEC 101

8:30 am
4:45 pm
BEC 101

8:30 am
4:45 pm
BEC 101

8:30 am
4:45 pm
BEC 101

8:30 am
4:45 pm
BEC 101


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30230

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center 101

Instructor: TBD

Basic Orff elemental musicianship, including study of pentatonic melodies, ostinati, bordun accompaniments and elemental forms; soprano recorder technique; class- room application, technique and improvisation; basic move- ment skills and classroom application; folk dance.

3 Credits

Orff Schulwerk/Level II
See Details
M. Tietz
CRN 30231
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:00 am
4:45 pm
BEC 105

07/23 - 08/02:
8:30 am
4:45 pm
BEC 105

07/23 - 08/02:
8:30 am
4:45 pm
BEC 105

07/23 - 08/02:
8:30 am
4:45 pm
BEC 105

07/23 - 08/02:
8:30 am
4:45 pm
BEC 105

07/23 - 08/02:
8:30 am
4:45 pm
BEC 105


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30231

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center 105

  Meg Tietz, Mary Beth Alexander, Michael Vasquez, Mona Mann

Study of pentatonic, diatonic and modal melodies; melodic ostinato, bordun and shifting chord accompaniments; irregular and changing meters; alto recorder, classroom applications and improvisation; sequential teaching of dance forms and folk dances. Prerequisite: GMUS 732 or equivalent. Maximum 30 students.

3 Credits

Orff Schulwerk/Level II
MTWRF 8:30 am - 4:45 pm
07/22 - 08/02
CRN 30232
3 Cr.
Size: 0
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
07/22 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:30 am
4:45 pm

8:30 am
4:45 pm

8:30 am
4:45 pm

8:30 am
4:45 pm

8:30 am
4:45 pm


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30232

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center LL03

Instructor: TBD

Study of pentatonic, diatonic and modal melodies; melodic ostinato, bordun and shifting chord accompaniments; irregular and changing meters; alto recorder, classroom applications and improvisation; sequential teaching of dance forms and folk dances. Prerequisite: GMUS 732 or equivalent. Maximum 30 students.

3 Credits

Orff Schulwerk/Level III
See Details
M. Tietz
CRN 30233
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 10
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:00 am
4:45 pm

07/23 - 08/02:
8:30 am
4:45 pm

07/23 - 08/02:
8:30 am
4:45 pm

07/23 - 08/02:
8:30 am
4:45 pm

07/23 - 08/02:
8:30 am
4:45 pm

07/23 - 08/02:
8:30 am
4:45 pm


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30233

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center LL07

  Meg Tietz, Michael Vasquez, Jay Broeker, Mona Mann

Improvisation in diatonic modes, asymmetric meters and harmonic accompaniments; ensemble performance of all recorder voices; choreography and improvisation relative to movement and music. Maximum 24 students. Prerequisite: GMUS 732 or consent of Orff director.

3 Credits

Orff Curriculum Development
D. Hawley
08/12 - 08/16
Directed Study
CRN 30235
2 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 4
Waitlisted: 0
08/12 - 08/16
M T W Th F Sa Su

08/05 - 08/09:
9:00 am
2:00 pm
SCC 106

08/05 - 08/09:
9:00 am
2:00 pm
SCC 106

08/05 - 08/09:
9:00 am
2:00 pm
SCC 106

08/05 - 08/09:
9:00 am
2:00 pm
SCC 106

08/05 - 08/09:
9:00 am
2:00 pm
SCC 106

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30235

Blended Online & In-Person | Directed Study

St Paul: Schoenecker Center 106


  Diana Hawley

Classroom application of basic Orff vocabulary, theory, sequential skills and concepts to the classroom. Implementa- tion of typical Orff activities in learning experiences designed for elementary students. In-depth objectives for each grade; development of supporting teaching strategies, orchestrations and lesson plans; skills and concepts curriculum grid. Emphasis on application of studies through small-group and peer teaching. Prerequisite: Orff Level I from any OASA approved course.

2 Credits

Kodaly Concept/Level I
See Details
L. Garner
07/08 - 07/19
CRN 30223
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 9
Waitlisted: 0
07/08 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:00 am
4:45 pm
BEC 120

8:00 am
4:45 pm
BEC 120

8:00 am
4:45 pm
BEC 120

8:00 am
4:45 pm
BEC 120

8:00 am
4:45 pm
BEC 120


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30223

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center 120

  Leigh Ann Garner, Dan LeJeune

Kodaly level I studies in musicianship and choral ensemble; materials, analysis, classification & retrieval systems; and curriculum, pedagogy and instructional techniques. Emphasis is placed on teaching grades K and 1.

3 Credits

Kodaly Concept/Level II
See Details
L. Garner
07/08 - 07/19
CRN 30224
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 4
Waitlisted: 0
07/08 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:00 am
4:45 pm

8:00 am
4:45 pm

8:00 am
4:45 pm

8:00 am
4:45 pm

8:00 am
4:45 pm


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30224

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center LL03

  Leigh Ann Garner, Becca Buck, Casey Barker, Dan LeJeune

Kodaly Level II studies in musicianship and choral ensemble; materials, analysis, classification & retrieval systems; and curriculum, pedagogy & instructional techniques. Emphasis is placed on teaching grades two and three. Prerequisite: Kodaly Level I (GMUS 741 or GMUS 750, GMUS 751, and GMUS 752) or equivalent.

3 Credits

Kodaly Concept/Level II
MTWRF 8:00 am - 4:45 pm
07/08 - 07/19
CRN 30225
3 Cr.
Size: 0
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
07/08 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:00 am
4:45 pm
BEC 101

8:00 am
4:45 pm
BEC 101

8:00 am
4:45 pm
BEC 101

8:00 am
4:45 pm
BEC 101

8:00 am
4:45 pm
BEC 101


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30225

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center 101

Instructor: TBD

Kodaly Level II studies in musicianship and choral ensemble; materials, analysis, classification & retrieval systems; and curriculum, pedagogy & instructional techniques. Emphasis is placed on teaching grades two and three. Prerequisite: Kodaly Level I (GMUS 741 or GMUS 750, GMUS 751, and GMUS 752) or equivalent.

3 Credits

Kodaly Concept/Level III
See Details
L. Garner
07/08 - 07/19
CRN 30226
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 4
Waitlisted: 0
07/08 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:00 am
4:45 pm

8:00 am
4:45 pm

8:00 am
4:45 pm

8:00 am
4:45 pm

8:00 am
4:45 pm


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30226

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Brady Educational Center LL07

  Leigh Ann Garner, Dan LeJeune, Casey Barker, Becca Buck

Kodaly Level III studies in musicianship and choral ensemble ; materials, analysis, classification and retrieval systems; and curriculum, pedagogy & instructional techniques. Emphasis is placed on teaching grades four and five. Prerequisite: Kodaly Level II ( GMUS 742 or GMUS 753, GMUS 754, and GMUS 755) or equivalent.

3 Credits

Musicianship I
MTW 9:00 am - 1:15 pm
K. Thomsen
07/01 - 07/05
CRN 30219
1 Cr.
Size: 16
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
07/01 - 07/05
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:00 am
1:15 pm
SCC 106

9:00 am
1:15 pm
SCC 106

9:00 am
1:15 pm
SCC 106


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30219

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Schoenecker Center 106

  Kathy Thomsen

Studies in musicianship, including systematic sight-reading, aural transcription, and analytical skill development. Course is required for Master of Arts students.

1 Credits

Supervised Teaching
See Instructor
07/22 - 08/02
Independent Study
CRN 30236
2 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
07/22 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30236

In Person | Independent Study

St Paul: No Room

Instructor: TBD

Faculty direction and observation of each student's teaching Students will videotape their own piano pupils for the basis of the class. Prerequisite: completion of pedagogy courses.

2 Credits

Psych. Found. of Arts Ed
MW 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
D. Orzolek
06/24 - 08/02
Directed Study
CRN 30217
3 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 3
Waitlisted: 0
06/24 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:30 pm
In Person


6:00 pm
9:30 pm
In Person


Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30217

Online: Sync Distributed | Directed Study


  Douglas Orzolek

This course explores the cognitive foundations of music. The course will examine the full range of physical, psychophysical, and cognitive mechanisms that lead to musical experience. The course begins with the physics of musical instruments and the physical qualities of musical pitch. This leads to the psychophysics of hearing and why some sounds are experienced as consonant and others as dissonant. The course will then turn to perceptual organization and develop the sense in which music is an emergent phenomenon. Finally we examine the structures in working memory that allow individual pitch events to be organized into musical expressions. Along the way we will look at the general principles that govern the structure of music and also investigate the extent to which other species understand and hear music as music. The course will also include a deep analysis of musical expectancy in terms of fractal structure and dynamic systems.

3 Credits

Directed Research
K. Howard
07/22 - 08/02
Directed Study
CRN 30237
0 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
07/22 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30237

Directed Study

St Paul: In Person

  Karen Howard

Required for all students who are working with their supervisor on the thesis.

0 Credits

MA Project - Howard
See Instructor
K. Howard
07/22 - 08/02
CRN 30238
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 3
Waitlisted: 0
07/22 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30238


St Paul: No Room

  Karen Howard

Required for all students completing GMUS 876 thesis work and filing for graduation.

1 Credits

MA Project - Gleason
See Instructor
B. Gleason
07/22 - 08/02
CRN 30239
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
07/22 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30239


St Paul: No Room

  Bruce Gleason

Required for all students completing GMUS 876 thesis work and filing for graduation.

1 Credits

MA Project - Cornett
See Instructor
V. Cornett-Murtada
07/22 - 08/02
CRN 30240
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
07/22 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30240


St Paul: No Room

  Vanessa Cornett-Murtada

Required for all students completing GMUS 876 thesis work and filing for graduation.

1 Credits

MA Project - Orzolek
See Instructor
D. Orzolek
07/22 - 08/02
CRN 30241
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
07/22 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30241


St Paul: No Room

  Douglas Orzolek

Required for all students completing GMUS 876 thesis work and filing for graduation.

1 Credits

MA Project - Johnson
See Instructor
S. Johnson
07/22 - 08/02
CRN 30243
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
07/22 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30243


St Paul: No Room

  Shersten Johnson

Required for all students completing GMUS 876 thesis work and filing for graduation.

1 Credits

MA Project - Schmalenberger
See Instructor
S. Schmalenberger
07/22 - 08/02
CRN 30244
1 Cr.
Size: 6
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
07/22 - 08/02
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Music Education (Grad) (GMUS)

CRN: 30244


St Paul: No Room

  Sarah Schmalenberger

Required for all students completing GMUS 876 thesis work and filing for graduation.

1 Credits

GRSW: Social Work (Grad)

History /Phil of Social Work
MW 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
R. Aspholm
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30147
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:00 pm
7:00 pm
SCB 150


4:00 pm
7:00 pm
SCB 150


Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 30147

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 150

  Roberto Aspholm

This course provides a foundation for the graduate social work and includes some texts that will be used across the curriculum. Special emphasis is placed on understanding the history, legacies, philosophy and values of social welfare and social work. This course provides students the opportunity to explore the historical development of the ethics, purposes, and sanctions characteristic of professional social work practice.

3 Credits

History /Phil of Social Work
TR 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
R. Aspholm
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30588
3 Cr.
Size: 14
Enrolled: 14
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:00 pm
7:00 pm
SCB 120


4:00 pm
7:00 pm
SCB 120


Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 30588

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 120

  Roberto Aspholm

This course provides a foundation for the graduate social work and includes some texts that will be used across the curriculum. Special emphasis is placed on understanding the history, legacies, philosophy and values of social welfare and social work. This course provides students the opportunity to explore the historical development of the ethics, purposes, and sanctions characteristic of professional social work practice.

3 Credits

History /Phil of Social Work
N. Singh
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30156
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

2:00 pm
5:30 pm
SCB 110

2:00 pm
5:30 pm
SCB 110

2:00 pm
5:30 pm
SCB 110

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 30156

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 110


  Neerja Singh

This course provides a foundation for the graduate social work and includes some texts that will be used across the curriculum. Special emphasis is placed on understanding the history, legacies, philosophy and values of social welfare and social work. This course provides students the opportunity to explore the historical development of the ethics, purposes, and sanctions characteristic of professional social work practice.

3 Credits

Field Pract & Seminar I
W 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
A. Thooft
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30148
3 Cr.
Size: 10
Enrolled: 2
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:00 pm
8:00 pm
SCB 120


Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 30148

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 120

  Amanda Thooft

The field practicum is an educationally directed on-site experience under the supervision of an agency based social work field instructor and a campus based faculty liaison. Students complete a total of 400 hours during the first practicum. On-campus seminars (I and II) taken concurrently with the practicum assist the student in the integration and application of practice theory to their placement learning activities. The first practicum is taken concurrently with GRSW 501 and GRSW 502: Theory and Practice of Social Work I and II.

3 Credits

Field Pract & Seminar III
W 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
A. Thooft
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30149
4 Cr.
Size: 10
Enrolled: 4
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:00 pm
8:00 pm
SCB 120


Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 30149

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 120

  Amanda Thooft

This course provides advanced learning and practice in settings conducive to clinical social work practice under the instruction of an agency-based social work supervisor and campus-based faculty member. Students complete a minimum of 600 hours during the practicum. Campus seminars (III and IV) taken concurrently with the practicum provide guidance for learning continued application of theory and prior experience, and further refinement of social work skills. The clinical field practicum is taken concurrently with GRSW 603: Methods of Clinical Social Work I and GRSW 604: Methods of Clinical Social Work II.

4 Credits

Field Pract & Seminar II
W 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
A. Thooft
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30151
3 Cr.
Size: 10
Enrolled: 2
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:00 pm
8:00 pm
SCB 120


Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 30151

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 120

  Amanda Thooft

The field practicum is an educationally directed on-site experience under the supervision of an agency based social work field instructor and a campus based faculty liaison. Students complete a total of 400 hours during the first practicum. On-campus seminars (I and II) taken concurrently with the practicum assist the student in the integration and application of practice theory to their placement learning activities. The first practicum is taken concurrently with GRSW 501 and GRSW 502: Theory and Practice of Social Work I and II.

3 Credits

Field Pract & Seminar IV
W 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
A. Thooft
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30152
4 Cr.
Size: 10
Enrolled: 4
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:00 pm
8:00 pm
SCB 120


Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 30152

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 120

  Amanda Thooft

This course provides advanced learning and practice in settings conducive to clinical social work practice under the instruction of an agency-based social work supervisor and campus-based faculty member. Students complete a minimum of 600 hours during the practicum. On campus seminars (III and IV) taken concurrently with the practicum provide guidance for learning continued application of theory and prior experience, and further refinement of social work skills. The clinical field practicum is taken concurrently with GRSW 603: Methods of Clinical Social Work I and GRSW 604: Methods of Clinical Social Work II.

4 Credits

Human Behav & Soc Environment
J. Peterson
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30157
3 Cr.
Size: 18
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:30 am
1:00 pm
SCB 150

9:30 am
1:00 pm
SCB 150

9:30 am
1:00 pm
SCB 150

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 30157

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 150


  Jessica Peterson

This foundation course will explore the dynamics of human behavior and prepare a foundation of knowledge on which to build clinical practice skills. Through a study of systems theory, psychodynamic theory and the identification of the biological, psychological and sociological variables influencing development, students will gain a theoretical base for application to the assessment of client systems. Special emphasis in the course is on the important factors of human diversity (ethnic minorities of color, racism, enthnocentrism, aging, sexism, sexual orientation, and religion/spirituality) as they affect the dynamics of human behavior.

3 Credits

Social Policy
MW 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
A. Smith
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30153
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 18
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:00 pm
7:00 pm
SCB 110


4:00 pm
7:00 pm
SCB 110


Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 30153

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 110

  Amy Smith

This course explores a wide range of dimensions pertaining to social welfare policy. The social problems to which policies respond are analyzed and situated within the political-economic structures that produce them. The content and effects of current social policy are examined, and alternative policies are considered. The connections between social policy and clinical social work practice are explored, as are various strategies for influencing social policy, including advocacy, mobilizing, and organizing.

3 Credits

Clinical Practice with Trauma
C. Hollidge
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30161
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 17
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

2:00 pm
5:30 pm
SCB 120

2:00 pm
5:30 pm
SCB 120

2:00 pm
5:30 pm
SCB 120

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 30161

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 120


  Colin Hollidge

This course will focus on an understanding of the psychophysiology of trauma and address clinical work with trauma clients. The course will explore trauma's impact on the organization of the self and its implications for treatment.

3 Credits

Clin SW Prac in Int Healthcare
R. Johnson
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30163
3 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 7
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

2:00 pm
5:30 pm
SCB 150

2:00 pm
5:30 pm
SCB 150

2:00 pm
5:30 pm
SCB 150

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 30163

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 150


  Renita Johnson

The objective of this course is to educate social work students in the direct practice of integrated behavioral health in primary care. Students will become knowledgeable of the roles of behavioral health providers working in primary care settings, theories and models of care, and cross-cultural issues. They will develop skills in engagement, assessment, intervention planning and implementation, and practice evaluation. Because the populations served in primary care settings span the spectrum of severity in both the physical and behavioral health dimensions, students will develop competencies in engaging and supporting patients across a range of health conditions. This includes the essential practice skills needed to effectively address the challenges of integrating services, care, and support for persons with health, mental health, and substance use problems.

3 Credits

Dialectical Behavior Therapy
K. Goodman
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30162
3 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 15
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

2:00 pm
5:30 pm
SCB 140

2:00 pm
5:30 pm
SCB 140

2:00 pm
5:30 pm
SCB 140

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 30162

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 140


  Kate Goodman

This course provides a detailed understanding of the theoretical perspectives, empirical foundations, and treatment strategies of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). DBT is an Empirically Supported Treatment (EST) approach for working with clients who have difficulty managing symptoms associated with Depression, Anxiety, Personality Disorders and Personality Disorder – Trait Specified Disorders (PD-TS), addictions, and dual diagnosis. DBT assists clinicians in expanding their expertise and effectiveness working with and supporting clients with dramatic interpersonal styles, difficulty regulating their reactions to external triggers, suicidal issues, and self harm potential. It is a therapeutic approach that originated from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Students will explore the theoretical basis of this approach, specific DBT interventions, and how to effectively with high-risk, complex, multi-need clients. Students will be encouraged and challenged to assess and critique how DBT aligns and conflicts with clinical social work practice and values.

3 Credits

Assessment & Diagnosis
N. Singh
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30158
3 Cr.
Size: 28
Enrolled: 28
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:30 am
1:00 pm
SCB 110

9:30 am
1:00 pm
SCB 110

9:30 am
1:00 pm
SCB 110

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 30158

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 110


  Neerja Singh

This course will explore the dynamics of mental health assessment and differential diagnosis. Considering the biological, psychological, sociological and spiritual variables influencing behavior, students will gain a theoretical foundation for understanding and assessing mental health and mental health diagnoses. The impact of diversity, social justice, and social determinants of health on behavioral and mental health will be explored. Special emphasis in this course will be given to the complexity of mental health, and to the use and practical limitations of diagnostic systems, including the DSM-5.

3 Credits

Social Work Practice Research
TR 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
K. Moua
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30150
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:00 pm
7:00 pm
SCB 150


4:00 pm
7:00 pm
SCB 150


Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 30150

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 150

  Kao Nou Moua

This course focuses on research in all areas of social work practice. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods are studied in research designs from single-subject designs through group designs to systematic evaluation. A major focus is to develop the knowledge and skills of the student to be an objective evaluator of social work practice as well as to be an active participant in adding the of the knowledge base of social work.

3 Credits

Social Work Practice Research
L. Peterson
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30160
3 Cr.
Size: 16
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:30 am
1:00 pm
SCB 120

9:30 am
1:00 pm
SCB 120

9:30 am
1:00 pm
SCB 120

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 30160

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 120


  Lance Peterson

This course focuses on research in all areas of social work practice. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods are studied in research designs from single-subject designs through group designs to systematic evaluation. A major focus is to develop the knowledge and skills of the student to be an objective evaluator of social work practice as well as to be an active participant in adding the of the knowledge base of social work.

3 Credits

Social Work Practice Research
K. Chigbu
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30298
3 Cr.
Size: 15
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:30 am
1:00 pm
SCB 130

9:30 am
1:00 pm
SCB 130

9:30 am
1:00 pm
SCB 130

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Social Work (Grad) (GRSW)

CRN: 30298

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 130


  Kingsley Chigbu

This course focuses on research in all areas of social work practice. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods are studied in research designs from single-subject designs through group designs to systematic evaluation. A major focus is to develop the knowledge and skills of the student to be an objective evaluator of social work practice as well as to be an active participant in adding the of the knowledge base of social work.

3 Credits

GSPA: Spanish (Grad)

Topics in World Lang Teachings
MW 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
S. Perez Castillejo
07/15 - 08/22
Online: Synchronous
CRN 30420
3 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 7
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

1:00 pm
3:00 pm


1:00 pm
3:00 pm


Subject: Spanish (Grad) (GSPA)

CRN: 30420

Online: Some Synchronous | Online: Synchronous


  Susana Perez Castillejo

This course presents specific linguistic and socio-historical aspects of the teaching of Spanish at the college level in the US. Some of the topics covered are: explaining and minimizing linguistic errors due to transfer from English, accommodating the needs of learners who are heritage speakers, or integrating culture in an inclusive and relevant way. Through the observation of language instructors, the discussion of course readings, and the development of a teaching portfolio, among other assessments, students will gain a working knowledge of adult second language acquisition theory, become familiar with a variety of instructional approaches, and the particular socio-historical context of the Spanish language in the U.S. This course is especially beneficial for College-In-The-Schools (CJS) teachers of Spanish, as it will be taught in the target language.

3 Credits

Caribbean Lit & Cultures
T 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
S. Rey-Montejo
05/29 - 07/11
Online: Synchronous
CRN 30419
3 Cr.
Size: 16
Enrolled: 7
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:30 pm
7:30 pm


Subject: Spanish (Grad) (GSPA)

CRN: 30419

Online: Some Synchronous | Online: Synchronous


  Sonia Rey-Montejo

This course explores multicultural identity of the Hispanic Caribbean through a study of literature and cultures from Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Caribbean Hispanics in mainland Latin America, and beyond. The history of the Caribbean is remarkable because of the confluence of diverse groups and immigrants who formed the Caribbean's multifaceted cultures. Beginning with indigenous civilizations and tracing the effects of colonialism through the era of independence to the present day, this course looks at Caribbean history as background for understanding contemporary Caribbean literature and culture from a post-colonial perspective. Students will read works of literature and analyze music and visual culture, participate in class discussions, and engage in research.

3 Credits

HIST: History

The World Since 1900
K. Donahue
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30027
4 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 25
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: History (HIST)

CRN: 30027

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
      Historic Analysis

Other Requirements Met:
     School of Ed Transfer Course
     Writing to learn

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Kelly Donahue

Introduces students to historical reasoning. Students learn to analyze evidence from the past in context in order to explain how the past produced the ever-changing present. This course examines the origin, development, reception, alteration, and rejection of various ideologies—including, but not limited to, nationalism, imperialism, communism, liberalism, fascism and Nazism—and the political, social, economic, and cultural changes that they produced. Through a close examination of the twentieth century, students gain appreciation for the intricate nature of power and dependency that characterizes the modern world.

4 Credits

The World Since 1900
TR 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Z. Nagy
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30048
4 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 13
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:00 am
12:00 pm


9:00 am
12:00 pm


Subject: History (HIST)

CRN: 30048

Online: Sync Distributed | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
      Historic Analysis

Other Requirements Met:
     School of Ed Transfer Course
     Writing to learn

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Zsolt Nagy

Introduces students to historical reasoning. Students learn to analyze evidence from the past in context in order to explain how the past produced the ever-changing present. This course examines the origin, development, reception, alteration, and rejection of various ideologies—including, but not limited to, nationalism, imperialism, communism, liberalism, fascism and Nazism—and the political, social, economic, and cultural changes that they produced. Through a close examination of the twentieth century, students gain appreciation for the intricate nature of power and dependency that characterizes the modern world.

4 Credits

HONR: Honors

HONORS Minnesota Grown
See Details
O. Herrera
07/15 - 08/22
Topics Lecture 2
CRN 30340
2 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 5
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

10:00 am
12:00 pm
JRC 246


10:00 am
12:00 pm
JRC 246


Subject: Honors (HONR)

CRN: 30340

In Person | Topics Lecture 2

St Paul: John Roach Center 246

Core Requirements Met:
     Diversity/Soc Just AND Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     Writing to learn

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Olga Herrera, Shaz Ahmadi

These interdisciplinary seminars are intended to develop integrating insights through an analysis of topics chosen from different disciplines. Often they are taught by two faculty members or by a visiting lecturer who holds one of the endowed chairs at the university.

2 Credits

IDSC: Interdisciplinary (UG)

Leadership Theory & Practice
MW 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
K. Cooper
05/29 - 07/11
Topics Lecture 1
CRN 30502
2 Cr.
Size: 10
Enrolled: 9
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:30 pm
7:30 pm
OEC 203


5:30 pm
7:30 pm
OEC 203


Subject: Interdisciplinary (UG) (IDSC)

CRN: 30502

In Person | Topics Lecture 1

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Education Center 203

  Kenneth Cooper

The subject matter of these courses will vary from year to year, but will not duplicate existing courses. Descriptions of these courses are available in the Searchable Class Schedule on Murphy Online, View Searchable Class Schedule

2 Credits

LAWS: Law (Grad)

Lawyering Skills III
MR 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm
K. White
05/28 - 07/19
CRN 30521
2 Cr.
Size: 14
Enrolled: 12
Waitlisted: 0
05/28 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

12:30 pm
3:00 pm
SCH 314


12:30 pm
3:00 pm
SCH 314


Subject: Law (Grad) (LAWS)

CRN: 30521

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Schulze Hall 314

  Ken White

This course will focus on the skills necessary for success- fully pursuing an appeal. After a brief introduction to the appellate process and its corresponding procedural rules, students will learn to evaluate a case for appeal, identify and narrow issues, develop a persuasive theory, and write an effective appellate brief. Additionally, students will present a 15-minute oral argument on their briefs to a moot court.

2 Credits

Lawyering Skills III
TR 1:10 pm - 3:00 pm
S. Swanson
05/28 - 07/19
CRN 30522
2 Cr.
Size: 14
Enrolled: 13
Waitlisted: 0
05/28 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

1:10 pm
3:00 pm
MSL 324


1:10 pm
3:00 pm
MSL 324


Subject: Law (Grad) (LAWS)

CRN: 30522

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: School Of Law 324

  Scott Swanson

This course will focus on the skills necessary for success- fully pursuing an appeal. After a brief introduction to the appellate process and its corresponding procedural rules, students will learn to evaluate a case for appeal, identify and narrow issues, develop a persuasive theory, and write an effective appellate brief. Additionally, students will present a 15-minute oral argument on their briefs to a moot court.

2 Credits

Int Anti-Corruption Law
See Details
K. Procaccini
05/20 - 06/16
CRN 30533
2 Cr.
Size: 18
Enrolled: 21
Waitlisted: 0
05/20 - 06/16
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Law (Grad) (LAWS)

CRN: 30533

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     LLM/MSL Elective

  Karl Procaccini, Anders Folk, Kristin Zinsmaster

This course focuses on international anti-corruption law, practice, and compliance. The course will review the history and substance of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practice Act (FCPA), the theoretical and political reasons for anti-corruption laws such as the FCPA, the interpretation of the FCPA by the courts and agencies that enforce it (the U.S. DOJ and SEC), the FCPA’s impact and influence on businesses, anticorruption compliance programs and investigation best practices, the proliferation of anticorruption laws and enforcement around the world, and arguments around FCPA reform.

2 Credits

See Details
J. Kwong
07/15 - 08/11
CRN 30531
2 Cr.
Size: 18
Enrolled: 24
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Law (Grad) (LAWS)

CRN: 30531

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     LLM/MSL Elective
     LLM US Law Elective

  Jennifer Kwong, Stacy Tietjen

Conducting and supervising investigations have become growing responsibilities of many types of attorneys and other professionals. The purpose of this course is to engage in a practical focus on the development of knowledge-based skills and practices that will benefit professionals in the acquisition and analysis of relevant facts to address and solve legal issues and problems. This experience-based course will provide an opportunity for students to learn about criminal, civil, and internal investigations from a practical, hands-on perspective. 

2 Credits

Tpcs:Adv Legal Research MN Law
M 5:00 pm - 6:55 pm
K. Westwood
05/28 - 07/19
CRN 30525
1 Cr.
Size: 12
Enrolled: 5
Waitlisted: 0
05/28 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:00 pm
6:55 pm
MSL 324


Subject: Law (Grad) (LAWS)

CRN: 30525

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: School Of Law 324

  Karen Westwood

The subject matter of these courses will vary from year to year, but will not duplicate existing courses. Descriptions of these courses are available in the Searchable Class Schedule on Murphy Online, View Searchable Class Schedule

1 Credits

Criminal Procedure 1
W 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
A. Meyer
05/28 - 07/19
CRN 30524
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 24
Waitlisted: 0
05/28 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
7:30 pm
MSL 458


Subject: Law (Grad) (LAWS)

CRN: 30524

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture

Minneapolis: School Of Law 458

Requirements Met:
     LLM US Law Elective

  Alex Meyer

This course will explore law enforcement interactions with individuals and the ways in which constitutional constraints upon governmental investigative practices limit the use of evidence in criminal trials. In particular, students will examine interactions during police stops, searches and seizures, arrests and interrogation and will view all of these interactions in light of the rights conferred through the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments.

3 Credits

Family Law
T. Gardner
05/28 - 07/19
CRN 30523
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 27
Waitlisted: 0
05/28 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
7:30 pm
SCH 302


Subject: Law (Grad) (LAWS)

CRN: 30523

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Schulze Hall 302

Minneapolis: In Person

Requirements Met:
     LLM US Law Elective

  Tori Gardner

This course will explore the legal and policy issues relating to the creation and dissolution of family relation- ships. Students will examine topics such as marriage requirements, co-habitation, marital contracts, property distribution upon divorce, spousal support, child custody and child support.

3 Credits

White Collar Crime& Compliance
J. Ristad
06/17 - 07/14
CRN 30532
2 Cr.
Size: 18
Enrolled: 24
Waitlisted: 0
06/17 - 07/14
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Law (Grad) (LAWS)

CRN: 30532

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     LLM/MSL Elective
     LLM US Law Elective

  John Ristad

This course will expose each student to key types of white collar offenses within the context of a focus on ethics and compliance, all through learning how to investigate, prosecute, and defend white collar cases, as well as how to prevent or minimize such cases in any organization. Topics may include conspiracy, mail and wire fraud, bribery and computer and internet fraud, and money laundering. Guest speakers will participate on a regular basis. A critical component of the course will be experiential learning.

2 Credits

Wills, Estates & Trusts I
See Details
D. Rephan
05/28 - 07/19
CRN 30528
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 7
Waitlisted: 0
05/28 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:00 pm
8:00 pm
SCH 314


5:00 pm
8:00 pm
SCH 314


Subject: Law (Grad) (LAWS)

CRN: 30528

In Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Schulze Hall 314

Requirements Met:
     LLM US Law Elective

  David Rephan, Stuart Bear

This course will introduce students to the law governing the transmission of property following death. Students will examine the justifications and limitations on the power to transmit one's property, the operation of intestacy statutes, the capacity to make a will, the requirements of a valid will, the construction of wills, and the inter-vivos trust and other will substitutes.

3 Credits

Supervised Resrch & Writing
R. Kahn
05/28 - 07/19
CRN 30567
0.5 Cr.
Size: 0
Enrolled: 2
Waitlisted: 0
05/28 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Law (Grad) (LAWS)

CRN: 30567

In Person | Simulation

Minneapolis: In Person

Requirements Met:
     LLM/MSL Elective
     LLM US Law Elective

  Rob Kahn

Under the supervision of a faculty member, a student may receive up to two hours of course credit for researching and writing a substantial paper on a topic of the student's own choosing. The student must receive the instructor's per- mission to enroll in this course and must meet periodically with the instructor for discussion, review and evaluation. Each faculty member may supervise the research of no more than five students each semester.

0.5 Credits

Supervised Resrch & Writing
D. Grenardo
05/28 - 07/19
CRN 30568
0.5 Cr.
Size: 0
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/28 - 07/19
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Law (Grad) (LAWS)

CRN: 30568

In Person | Simulation

Minneapolis: In Person

Requirements Met:
     LLM/MSL Elective
     LLM US Law Elective

  David Grenardo

Under the supervision of a faculty member, a student may receive up to two hours of course credit for researching and writing a substantial paper on a topic of the student's own choosing. The student must receive the instructor's per- mission to enroll in this course and must meet periodically with the instructor for discussion, review and evaluation. Each faculty member may supervise the research of no more than five students each semester.

0.5 Credits

MADL: Diversity Leadership

Street Art and Social Justice
H. Shirey
07/15 - 08/22
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30517
2.5 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 22
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Diversity Leadership (MADL)

CRN: 30517

Online: Asynchronous | Online: Asynchronous


  Heather Shirey

Art in the street—including graffiti, murals, and other installations in public space—can provide an expressive avenue for marginalized voices while shaping urban space in a new and more inclusive manner. In contrast to art that is created for museums or the commercial art market, street art is uniquely positioned to engage with social issues from a critical perspective. This class will involve an analysis of street art projects around the world, with a particular focus on art in the Twin Cities. Topics explored in this course include the history of street art over time); the impetus for street art in communities in the USA and globally; street art as a form of protest; street art and marginalized identities; models for creating, preserving, and presenting street art, and, ultimately, the potential for street art to play a role in social change. While this course places and emphasis on art in the Twin Cities, the assignments allow students to engage with and reflect on street art in many different locations.

2.5 Credits

Borders, Immigration, Identity
See Details
O. Herrera
05/29 - 07/11
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30507
2.5 Cr.
Size: 48
Enrolled: 27
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Diversity Leadership (MADL)

CRN: 30507

Online: Asynchronous | Online: Asynchronous


  Olga Herrera, Paola Ehrmantraut

The U.S. public has long maintained contradictory perceptions of immigration: it has been understood as a foundational aspect of American society, and on the other hand, it has been subject historically to waves of xenophobia and the institution of restrictive policies.  In the midst of a mainstream discourse, narratives from immigrant writers carry significant rhetorical weight and bring first-hand perspective that can influence and shift conversations in public spheres, as in politics, education, organizations, etc.  This course privileges immigrant narratives as a counterbalance to public discourse and examines the power of narrative and storytelling through the study of literary genres, including memoir, fiction, poetry, and literary journalism.  We will critically engage with these literary texts through thematic lenses including racial formation in the U.S., labor, family and gender, transnationalism, and pay special attention to immigrant histories and communities in Minnesota, including refugee and Korean adoption narratives.  Students will work with the tools of literary and rhetorical analysis to evaluate and discuss the effect of narrative and consider the impact of narrative in public communication projects.

2.5 Credits

Historical Foundations of Race
D. Williard
07/15 - 08/22
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30202
2.5 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Diversity Leadership (MADL)

CRN: 30202

Online: Asynchronous | Online: Asynchronous


  David Williard

Race has been integral to the legal regime of citizenship in the United States, to the economic course of American history, and to the lived experiences of generations of Americans and those residing in societies that interacted with the United States for centuries.  Specifically, the making of race— the categorical definitions that structured who belonged to specified racial groups, the opportunities and limitations that came with such racial classifications, and the relationship of racialized and ethnic cultural identity to American nationalism—has proven a powerful and enduring element of American history.  We cannot understand our society as a product of complex and contingent pasts without grappling with the role of racial formation in both the American past and in our present.  This course will trace that history, beginning with the  trans-Atlantic slave trade and culminating in the early twenty-first century.  We will approach the relationship between race, power, and citizenship as a dynamic interplay between large-scale changes and lived experiences, and interrogate that relationship to pose questions about its social, legal, and human consequences.

2.5 Credits

MATH: Mathematics

Finite Mathematics
MTWR 9:00 am - 11:00 am
N. Harding
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30002
4 Cr.
Size: 28
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:00 am
11:00 am
OSS 227

9:00 am
11:00 am
OSS 227

9:00 am
11:00 am
OSS 227

9:00 am
11:00 am
OSS 227


Subject: Mathematics (MATH)

CRN: 30002

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall 227

Core Requirements Met:
      Quant Analysis

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Nathan Harding

Elementary set theory, linear equations and matrices, linear programming (optional), finite probability, applications primarily in business and the social sciences. Offered Fall, J-Term, Spring and Summer. 

4 Credits

Calculus with Review I
MTWR 9:00 am - 11:00 am
C. Prondzinski
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30013
4 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 12
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:00 am
11:00 am
OSS 226

9:00 am
11:00 am
OSS 226

9:00 am
11:00 am
OSS 226

9:00 am
11:00 am
OSS 226


Subject: Mathematics (MATH)

CRN: 30013

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall 226

Requirements Met:
     Environmental Sci. Major Appr

  Corey Prondzinski

The first course of a two-course sequence designed to integrate introductory calculus material with the algebraic and trigonometric topics necessary to support that study. Review topics include: number systems, basic algebra, functions, the Cartesian coordinate system and graphing. Calculus topics include limits, continuity, derivatives for algebraic functions, applications of derivatives and more graphing. This course is intended only for students planning to take MATH 109 and does not satisfy the mathematics requirement in the core curriculum. Offered Fall, Spring and Summer. Prerequisite: Placement at MATH 108 or above, or successful completion of MATH 006. NOTE: Students who receive credit for MATH 108 may not receive credit for MATH 105, 111, or 113.

4 Credits

Calculus with Review II
MTWR 9:00 am - 11:00 am
J. Gleason
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30021
4 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 13
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:00 am
11:00 am
OSS 226

9:00 am
11:00 am
OSS 226

9:00 am
11:00 am
OSS 226

9:00 am
11:00 am
OSS 226


Subject: Mathematics (MATH)

CRN: 30021

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall 226

Core Requirements Met:
      Quant Analysis

Other Requirements Met:
     Environmental Sci. Major Appr

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Jolene Gleason

The second course of a two-course sequence designed to integrate introductory calculus material with the algebraic and trigonometric topics necessary to support that study. Review topics include: exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions and their inverses and associated graphs. Calculus topics include: derivatives of the transcendental functions, applications of those derivatives and an introduction to integration. Offered Fall, Spring and Summer. Prerequisite: a grade of C- or better in MATH 108 NOTE: Students who receive credit for MATH 109 may not receive credit for MATH 105, 111, or 113.

4 Credits

Calculus II
MTWR 9:00 am - 11:00 am
T. Rogers
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30004
4 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 10
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:00 am
11:00 am
OSS 227

9:00 am
11:00 am
OSS 227

9:00 am
11:00 am
OSS 227

9:00 am
11:00 am
OSS 227


Subject: Mathematics (MATH)

CRN: 30004


St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall 227

Core Requirements Met:
      Quant Analysis

Other Requirements Met:
     School of Ed Transfer Course

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Tom Rogers

Techniques of integration; applications of integration; infinite series; parametric/polar equations. Offered Fall, Spring and Summer. Prerequisite: a grade of C- or above in MATH 112 or in MATH 113 or MATH 109

4 Credits

MGMT: Management

Inclusive Leadership
See Details
T. Hampton
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30182
2 Cr.
Size: 35
Enrolled: 21
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
8:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Management (MGMT)

CRN: 30182

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
     Diversity/Soc Just

Other Requirements Met:
     Sports Management Minor

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Tonya Hampton

Leaders, both with and without formal management titles, need to appreciate the diverse people internal and external to their organizations and society at large. It is critical that leaders step up to design and deliver effective programs of inclusion in their organizations. Culturally competent leaders think critically about these programs and practice inclusion at individual, interpersonal, team, organization, and community levels. This requires foundational knowledge, skills, and attitudes applied in diverse domestic and global contexts. This course introduces a range of perspectives to explore topics including, but not limited to, human diversity; inclusive cultures; social identity and perception; power and privilege; and models and paradigms for interpersonal and organizational inclusion. Prerequisites: MGMT 200 or MGMT 305 and Junior standing. Note: Students who receive credit for MGMT 385 may not receive credit for MGMT 388

2 Credits

Elements of Global Business
See Details
M. de la Torre
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30183
2 Cr.
Size: 35
Enrolled: 23
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Management (MGMT)

CRN: 30183

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
     Global Perspective

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Marcella de la Torre

This course explores the opportunities and challenges associated with globalization, and provides the foundation for understanding how differences across countries affect businesses and their own careers. Prerequisites: BUSN 100 or permission from the instructor, and Sophomore standing

2 Credits

Strategic Management
TR 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
D. Hirschey
05/29 - 07/25
CRN 30184
4 Cr.
Size: 35
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:00 pm


6:00 pm
9:00 pm


Subject: Management (MGMT)

CRN: 30184

Online: Sync Distributed | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Signature Work
     Writing in the Discipline

  David Hirschey

This course examines organizational issues from an integrative perspective. It draws on concepts from the entire business curriculum to view the organization as a whole. The focus of the course is to have you view the organization from the perspective of the president, rather than that of a manager of a particular function (e.g., VP of marketing). It examines the development of core competence and a sustainable competitive advantage as part of an organization's strategic planning process. Prerequisite: OPMT 200 or OPMT 300; FINC 310; MGMT 200; MKTG 200 or MKTG 300; BETH 300; and CISC 200 or BUSN 202; and senior standing. Note: Students who receive credit for MGMT 480 may not receive credit for MGMT 395.

4 Credits

Leading Self and Others
M. Slack
06/03 - 08/08
CRN 30185
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 19
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:00 pm
SCH 421

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm
SCH 421

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Management (MGMT)

CRN: 30185

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

Minneapolis: Schulze Hall 421


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA
     LLM/MSL Elective

  Mary Slack

Leadership is about insight, initiative, influence, impact, and integrity. You will explore principled leadership in this class, gaining a framework and skillset for developing your ability to make meaningful impact within dynamic and complicated organizations. Leading self and others incorporates insight into individual strengths and diversity, interpersonal and team dynamics, taking initiative and having influence both with and without formal authority, and examining the larger impact on organizational systems and the common good. This core MBA course, taken in the first year of the program, is designed to help students discern that leading is challenging and critical for success in both your career and the UST MBA program. Prerequisites: NONE.

3 Credits

Project Management
See Details
J. Gifft
06/03 - 08/08
CRN 30186
3 Cr.
Size: 28
Enrolled: 23
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Management (MGMT)

CRN: 30186

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA
     LLM/MSL Elective

  Jim Gifft

The field of project management is young and constantly changing. Companies seek to reduce development cycles while increasing the technological complexity of their products. Corporate downsizing has increased the average workload and reduced the resources available for project development. Sound familiar? This course will discuss the fundamental basis for scheduling and project scope difficulties, and provide tools for creating practical solutions. We will become more aware of why we encounter similar pitfalls with each new project. Discover that you are not alone in encountering a chaotic project life-cycle, the complexity people bring, and the reasons why our organizations are continuing to become more chaotic. This course will examine the new phase development of project management. We will use numerous disciplines to create a more dynamic and flexible project management methodology. These disciplines include Industrial Behavior, Psychology, Human Behavior, Chaos and Complexity, Organizational Behavior, and Systems Theory to name a few. As project managers, we face impossible schedules, unrealistic specifications, and limited budgets. As leaders we face personnel issues, motivation requirements and organizational issues. This course will provide insight and practical examples of the areas of knowledge needed to practice effective project management in today's dynamic work environment. Prerequisites: NONE.

3 Credits

Competitive Strategy
See Details
J. Bork
06/03 - 07/18
CRN 30187
1.5 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 07/18
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Management (MGMT)

CRN: 30187

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA
     LLM/MSL Elective

  Joseph Bork

Competitive Strategy is designed to help students learn about the nature of business, and the principled leadership and governance of firms. This course focuses on the formulation of business-level strategy to help students gain a practical understanding of how the functions (finance, marketing, accounting, operations, human resources, etc.) are aligned with business-level strategy to support the mission, goals and objectives of a firm. Major questions explored in this course include: Why are some industries more profitable than others? Why do some firms consistently outperform others? How can a firm build and sustain a competitive advantage? A variety of industry contexts and firms will be used to illustrate the application of the analytical tools and frameworks covered in the course to any type of firm, including for-profits, non-profits and not-for-profits. Prerequisites: NONE.

1.5 Credits

Leading Organizational Change
See Details
K. Leiker
06/03 - 08/08
CRN 30188
3 Cr.
Size: 28
Enrolled: 27
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Management (MGMT)

CRN: 30188

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA
     LLM/MSL Elective

  Kelly Leiker

Change in organizations has become pervasive. This course will examine how change occurs in organizations so students can better understand the process and develop a framework for understanding and managing change more effectively. The course will look at major world and societal changes that contribute to the amount and pace of change in business organizations, review the major theories that try to explain change, and explore diagnostic tools and actions needed for facilitation and implementation of change. Students will also be challenged to become more successful managers by recognizing their personal capacities to direct and experience organizational change while dealing with competing demands on their energy, time and attention. Prerequisites: NONE.

3 Credits

Negotiation Skills
See Details
D. Hansen
06/03 - 08/08
CRN 30189
3 Cr.
Size: 28
Enrolled: 27
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Management (MGMT)

CRN: 30189

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA
     LLM/MSL Elective

  Danielle Hansen

This course explores the major concepts of negotiation inherent in any business or personal situation. The focus will be on interpersonal and inter-group conflict and its resolution. Through the analysis of bargaining and conflict situations, students will be able to learn their own individual "negotiating styles." Some of the major elements of the course include distributive (win-lose) negotiations, integrative (win-win) negotiations, the use of power in negotiations and negotiation ethics. Negotiation cases will be used extensively in the course to allow students to improve their negotiation skills through "hands on" scenarios. Beginning with relatively simple one-on-one negotiations, the course will progress to complex, multi-party negotiations where class members will assume different roles. Prerequisites: NONE.

3 Credits

MKTG: Marketing

Intro to Marketing
C. Lanier
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30190
2 Cr.
Size: 35
Enrolled: 19
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Marketing (MKTG)

CRN: 30190

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


  Clinton Lanier

Introduction to Marketing is designed to help undergraduate students gain a broad, foundational understanding of the basic components of modern marketing. The course will overview the formulation of a marketing strategy (segmentation, targeting, and positioning) and its implementation through the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion), tied to a thorough analysis of the marketplace (company, competitors, customers, etc.). Ethical issues in marketing will be discussed throughout coverage of these topics. After completing the course, students are expected to have gained a general understanding of the complexity of marketing and the role it plays in fulfilling business objectives. Students will leave with a foundation for building additional knowledge and skills related to marketing practice and its interplay with other business functions. Prerequisite: BUSN 100 (may be taken concurrently), and Sophomore Standing Note: Students who receive credit for MKTG 200 may not receive credit for MKTG 300.

2 Credits

Application in Marketing
MW 6:00 pm - 8:05 pm
S. Vuolo
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30191
2 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
8:05 pm


6:00 pm
8:05 pm


Subject: Marketing (MKTG)

CRN: 30191

Online: Sync Distributed | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Writing to learn

  Stephen Vuolo

[This course will be delivered in a Prof + Prof model. For more information on the professional co-teaching the course, click here.] Application in Marketing is a 2-credit course designed to build on the foundations provided in Marketing 200 (Introduction to Marketing) by adding branding, consumer behavior, marketing research, and international marketing as concepts that cut across the basic components of marketing analysis, strategy, and implementation. This course emphasizes an application-oriented approach through case-studies, connections with the local marketplace, and problem solving via active-learning classroom activities. Prerequisite: MKTG 200. Note: Students who receive credit for MKTG 201 may not receive credit for MKTG 300.

2 Credits

Marketing Frameworks
A. Malshe
06/03 - 07/18
CRN 30194
1.5 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 18
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 07/18
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Marketing (MKTG)

CRN: 30194

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA
     LLM/MSL Elective

  Avinash Malshe

Marketing Frameworks is designed to build a practical understanding of the frameworks and tools that are frequently used to solve marketing problems. The course will examine strategy formulation and the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion) tied to a thorough assessment of the marketplace (company, competitors, customers, etc.). Students will develop essential skills related to using marketing research, performing quantitative and qualitative analysis, and critically thinking about marketing decisions related to strategy and tactics. Prerequisites: NONE.

1.5 Credits

Integrated Mktg Communication
M 5:30 pm - 9:45 pm
J. Purvis
06/03 - 08/08
CRN 30195
3 Cr.
Size: 28
Enrolled: 5
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:30 pm
9:45 pm


Subject: Marketing (MKTG)

CRN: 30195

Online: Sync Distributed | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA

  Joelle Allen Purvis

This course provides a broad overview of the role of marketing communications processes. The wide range of communications activities used in selling/promoting products and services are discussed. Specific topics include advertising, public relations, sales promotions, direct marketing, and the strategies that drive them. A combination of readings, cases and application exercises will be used to develop a strategic perspective and an understanding of the need for an integrated communications plan. Prerequisite: MKTG 600 or MKTG 625.

3 Credits

MUSC: Music Classes (UG)

Mus & Culture: Chant to HipHop
C. Kachian
05/29 - 07/11
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30029
4 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Music Classes (UG) (MUSC)

CRN: 30029

Online: Asynchronous | Online: Asynchronous


Core Requirements Met:
      Fine Arts

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Christopher Kachian

This survey course explores the classics of European and American music in their historical, cultural and social contexts. It will investigate the many ethnic, religious, political, philosophical, economic and scientific influences that have shaped these traditions. This course is designed to enable students, regardless of musical background, to increase their understanding of music. The listening skill and knowledge acquired will provide a foundation for students to become more critical and discerning listeners of music of all types. NOTE: Students who receive credit for MUSC 115 may not receive credit for MUSC 118 or 119.

4 Credits

USA Jazz: From Duke to Drake
C. Kachian
07/15 - 08/22
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30499
4 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 12
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Music Classes (UG) (MUSC)

CRN: 30499

Online: Asynchronous | Online: Asynchronous


Core Requirements Met:
      Fine Arts

Other Requirements Met:
     Amer Culture & Diff Minor Appr
     FYE Changemaking
     FYE Soci Just&Cultural Transf
     Writing Intensive
     WGSS Major Approved

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Christopher Kachian

The origins and history of jazz in the United States. Various phases in the development of jazz style are discussed. Blues, ragtime, Dixieland, swing, bop, cool jazz, fusion, as well as other recent developments in jazz performances are investigated. An essential part of the course is the analysis and evaluation of recorded performances by outstanding jazz musicians. Designed for non-majors as well as an elective for music majors interested in jazz. Offered fall semester.

4 Credits

Music of the United States
S. Schmalenberger
05/29 - 07/11
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30539
4 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 23
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Music Classes (UG) (MUSC)

CRN: 30539

Online: Asynchronous | Online: Asynchronous


Core Requirements Met:
      Fine Arts
     Diversity/Soc Just AND Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Sarah Schmalenberger

This course focuses on the study of music in the United States within its historical, cultural, and sociological contexts. The course will develop skills in critical listening analysis using appropriate musical terminology, to describe both aural and written traditions of music. Repertoire to be explored include homeland traditions of cultures and population groups brought over through migration/immigration, blends of popular and concert traditions, and new and emerging styles unique to the United States. Historical, cultural, and social contexts will facilitate and understanding of how music reflects particular identities, ideas, values, and issues among population groups in the United States.

4 Credits

NRSG: Nursing

Perinatal & Childbearing
TR 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
M. Thompson
05/27 - 08/09
CRN 30494
4 Cr.
Size: 50
Enrolled: 48
Waitlisted: 0
05/27 - 08/09
M T W Th F Sa Su

1:00 pm
5:00 pm
SCB 110


1:00 pm
5:00 pm
SCB 110


Subject: Nursing (NRSG)

CRN: 30494

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 110

Meagan Thompson

This course prepares students to care for women, infants, and childbearing families across the spheres of care (disease prevention/promotion of health and well-being, chronic disease care, restorative care, and hospice/palliative/supportive care). The examination and application of these spheres are within the context of maternal-newborn nursing, women’s health, care of families, whole-person wellness, social determinants of health and health equity, health care advocacy and systems change, and interprofessional collaboration. This course integrates didactic and clinical learning in a variety of settings. Prerequisite: C- or better in NRSG 530, 535, 541 and 550.

4 Credits

Nursing for Children
TR 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
A. Walker
05/27 - 08/09
CRN 30492
4 Cr.
Size: 50
Enrolled: 50
Waitlisted: 0
05/27 - 08/09
M T W Th F Sa Su

8:00 am
12:00 pm
SCB 110


8:00 am
12:00 pm
SCB 110


Subject: Nursing (NRSG)

CRN: 30492

In Person | Lecture

St Paul: Summit Classroom Building 110

  Ashley Walker

In this course, students will examine care for children and families across the spheres of care (disease prevention/promotion of health and well-being, chronic disease care, restorative care, and hospice/palliative/supportive care). The analysis and application of these spheres are within the context of pediatric nursing, care of the family, whole-person wellness, social determinants of health and health equity, health care advocacy and systems change, and interprofessional collaboration. An integration of didactic and clinical learning in a variety of settings will prepare students to lead care for children and families. Prerequisite: C- or better in NRSG 600

4 Credits

Complex Nursing Care III
A. Walker
05/27 - 08/09
CRN 30624
4 Cr.
Size: 1
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
05/27 - 08/09
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Nursing (NRSG)

CRN: 30624

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Ashley Walker

In this course, students will transition to professional Registered Nurse practice through a synthesis and implementation of program outcomes. Consideration of the spheres of care, whole-person wellness, social determinants of health and health equity, health care advocacy and systems change, and interprofessional collaboration will be emphasized. This course includes a precepted practicum with final preparation for the NCLEX-RN examination. Prerequisites: C- or better in NRSG 560, 570, 610 and 620. Co-requisites: NRSG 590, 640, and 670

4 Credits

OPMT: Ops & Supply Chain Mgmt

Operations & Supply Chain MGMT
TR 6:00 pm - 8:05 pm
M. Shepherd
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30303
2 Cr.
Size: 35
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
8:05 pm


6:00 pm
8:05 pm


Subject: Ops & Supply Chain Mgmt (OPMT)

CRN: 30303

Online: Sync Distributed | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Sustainability (SUST)

  Mark Shepherd

Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) focuses on all activities essential for the creation and distribution of goods and services. This course introduces the fundamental concepts and techniques utilized in the management of both manufacturing and service operations. Topics include the management of process, technology, production, six-sigma quality, inventory, supply chain, workforce, business process improvement and lean management in operating systems. After completing this course, students will have a better appreciation for the strategic power of the operations and supply chain management function and greater knowledge of how effective operations and supply chain management can enable an organization to attain a sustainable competitive advantage. Sophomore standing. Note: Students who receive credit for OPMT 200 may not receive credit for OPMT 310 nor OPMT 300.

2 Credits

Stat. Methods for Dec. Making
K. Canter
06/03 - 08/08
CRN 30196
3 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 28
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Ops & Supply Chain Mgmt (OPMT)

CRN: 30196

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     MS in Business Analytics
     LLM/MSL Elective

  Kelly Canter

This course provides students with a basic understanding of the role of statistics in the gathering of data, the creation of information and its use in decision-making. Students will learn methods for summarizing data, both numerically and graphically, and for drawing conclusions from sample data. Statistical analyses will be carried out using the computer and statistical software. The focus of the course is on how statistical methods can be placed on the design of statistical studies, collection of data, and the interpretation of results (rather than the details of computation). Prerequisites: NONE.

3 Credits

Operations Strategy
See Details
S. Bordoloi
06/03 - 07/18
CRN 30197
1.5 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 19
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 07/18
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Ops & Supply Chain Mgmt (OPMT)

CRN: 30197

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA

  Sanjeev Bordoloi

This course provides an introduction to the management of business operations. It focuses on the strategic role of the operations function in the survival and success of manufacturing and service organizations. The course will explore a variety of strategic issues related to the design of operational systems and their connection with other functional and business strategies. The course will provide a multi-functional perspective on challenges and opportunities in managing operations. The course will emphasize use of state-of-the-art concepts and quantitative methods for making critical choices in a dynamic business environment. Prerequisite: OPMT 600 or BUAN 640

1.5 Credits

See Details
S. Bordoloi
06/03 - 07/18
CRN 30473
1.5 Cr.
Size: 28
Enrolled: 3
Waitlisted: 0
06/03 - 07/18
M T W Th F Sa Su

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

6:00 pm
9:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Ops & Supply Chain Mgmt (OPMT)

CRN: 30473

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Part-time MBA

  Sanjeev Bordoloi

The service sector is the fastest growing sector of the economy. This course is designed to explore the dimensions of service operations management with special emphasis on sports and entertainment management. With the growth of emerging technologies, sports teams and entertainment firms are increasingly incorporating business analytics techniques to make informed decisions. Utilizing analytics to measure success and operational efficiency, students will have the opportunity to analyze case studies, and employ data analytics tools, thereby fostering critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and a data-driven approach to services, sports and entertainment management. This course aims at applying tools learned in business disciplines such as strategy, marketing, finance, technology and organizational issues in optimizing operations in services, sports and entertainment. Prerequisite: None

1.5 Credits

PHIL: Philosophy

The Person and the Good
S. Laumakis
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30131
4 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 26
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Philosophy (PHIL)

CRN: 30131

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:

Other Requirements Met:
     FYE CommGood/Learning Comm

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Stephen Laumakis

Using philosophical methodology, and with substantial attention to Catholic intellectual tradition, this course enquires into the foundations of ethics, including how our conception of the human person affects our understanding of the moral life. It considers also the question of the rationality of belief in God and the difference (if any) God makes to our understanding of the person and the good. In addressing these topics, the course develops and applies basic logic skills, introduced as an essential part of philosophical method and an indispensable tool of critical thinking.

4 Credits

The Person and the Good
H. Giebel
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30460
4 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 29
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Philosophy (PHIL)

CRN: 30460

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Heidi Giebel

Using philosophical methodology, and with substantial attention to Catholic intellectual tradition, this course enquires into the foundations of ethics, including how our conception of the human person affects our understanding of the moral life. It considers also the question of the rationality of belief in God and the difference (if any) God makes to our understanding of the person and the good. In addressing these topics, the course develops and applies basic logic skills, introduced as an essential part of philosophical method and an indispensable tool of critical thinking.

4 Credits

Disability and Human Dignity
G. Frost
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30461
4 Cr.
Size: 26
Enrolled: 23
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Philosophy (PHIL)

CRN: 30461

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
     Diversity/Soc Just AND Integ/Humanities

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Gloria Frost

This course is a comprehensive introduction to the most pressing issues and questions concerning disability. Students will encounter and critically evaluate longstanding stereotypes and biases about the disadvantages of disability. This course examines disability primarily from a philosophical perspective, yet readings from other disciplines will also be used throughout the course. Some of the central questions examined in the course include: What is disability? Is disability merely a medical condition? In what ways do societal barriers disable? How does economic class impact access to educational, medical and social resources? Does disability itself make a person worse off or is it only social stigmatization and lack of accommodation that makes the lives of those with disabilities worse? How have those with disabilities been disadvantaged in the US? What is the basis for human dignity? What conceptual frameworks allow us to uphold the dignity of those with severe disabilities? Which behaviors and assumptions threaten the equality and dignity of those with disabilities? Prerequisite: PHIL 110 or PHIL 115.

4 Credits

Sig.Wk:Disability & Human Dig.
G. Frost
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30466
4 Cr.
Size: 4
Enrolled: 4
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Philosophy (PHIL)

CRN: 30466

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:
     Diversity/Soc Just AND Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     Signature Work

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Gloria Frost

This Signature Work section of Disability and Human Dignity is a comprehensive introduction to the most pressing issues and questions concerning disability. Students will encounter and critically evaluate longstanding stereotypes and biases about the disadvantages of disability. This course examines disability primarily from a philosophical perspective, yet readings from other disciplines will also be used throughout the course. Some of the central questions examined in the course include: What is disability? Is disability merely a medical condition? In what ways do societal barriers disable? How does economic class impact access to educational, medical and social resources? Does disability itself make a person worse off or is it only social stigmatization and lack of accommodation that makes the lives of those with disabilities worse? How have those with disabilities been disadvantaged in the US? What is the basis for human dignity? What conceptual frameworks allow us to uphold the dignity of those with severe disabilities? Which behaviors and assumptions threaten the equality and dignity of those with disabilities? Prerequisites: PHIL 110 or PHIL 115; and at least 80 credits completed.

4 Credits

Politics, Law, and Common Good
C. Toner
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30468
4 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 28
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Philosophy (PHIL)

CRN: 30468

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Core Requirements Met:

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Chris Toner

A philosophical examination into the origin, nature, purpose, and legitimacy of government and law, especially as these relate to the good of individuals and the common good. Possible questions include: Are human beings by nature political animals? What justifies political and legal authority? What sorts of political regimes can be just and legitimate? Is there a best type of government? Are there universal human rights and, if so, where do they come from? What are the respective roles of legislator, executive, and judge? Can civil disobedience ever be justified? Can violent revolution? Should government and law take stands on questions of morality, religion, and the meaning of life or try to remain neutral in these matters? The course will consider both classical and contemporary reflection on such topics, including from authors within Catholic intellectual tradition in conversation with other traditions and perspectives. Prerequisite: PHIL 110 or PHIL 115.

4 Credits

PSYC: Psychology (UG)

General Psychology
U. Wolfe
05/29 - 07/11
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30031
4 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Psychology (UG) (PSYC)

CRN: 30031

Online: Asynchronous | Online: Asynchronous


Core Requirements Met:
      Soc Sci Analysis

Other Requirements Met:
     School of Ed Transfer Course
     Writing to learn

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Uta Wolfe

An introduction to the research questions, concepts, theories, methods, and findings of psychological science. Although the selection varies with instructor, topics include brain function, psychological testing, sensation and perception, cognition (learning, memory, language), states of consciousness, motivation, human development, personality, origins and treatment of disorders, social behavior, stress and health, and applied psychology (workplace, community, environment).

4 Credits

Lifespan Development
A. Jessee
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30302
4 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 10
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Psychology (UG) (PSYC)

CRN: 30302

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


Requirements Met:
     Family Studies Major Approved
     Family Studies Approved
     FYE Human Well-Being

  Allison Jessee

An introduction to developmental principles and theories throughout the life span. The course also includes research, application and the interplay among the physical, emotional, social and intellectual variables in the process of growth and development. Also examined is how individuals develop the knowledge, skills, and personality characteristics that allow them to become successful later in life as well as how differences among individuals come about. Prerequisite: PSYC 111 NOTE: Students who receive credit for PSYC 202 may not receive credit for PSYC 200 or 204.

4 Credits

Brain & Human Behavior
S. Hankerson
05/29 - 07/11
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30086
4 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 15
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Psychology (UG) (PSYC)

CRN: 30086

Online: Asynchronous | Online: Asynchronous


Requirements Met:
     School of Ed Transfer Course
     Writing to learn

  Sarah Hankerson

An examination of brain systems that subserve human behavior. Topics include: human development, consciousness, social behavior, cognition, emotion and abnormal behavior. Prerequisite: PSYC 111

4 Credits

D. Kim
05/29 - 07/11
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30469
4 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Psychology (UG) (PSYC)

CRN: 30469

Online: Asynchronous | Online: Asynchronous


Requirements Met:
     Sci, Med, Soc (SMDS) Minor

Dave Kim

This course sets forth a framework for understanding abnormal or maladaptive behavior. It will investigate specific diagnostic categories (such as depression and schizophrenia), causal factors and treatments of these maladaptive patterns. Prerequisites: PSYC 111 and junior standing

4 Credits

S. Hankerson
05/29 - 07/11
Online: Asynchronous
CRN 30089
4 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Psychology (UG) (PSYC)

CRN: 30089

Online: Asynchronous | Online: Asynchronous


Requirements Met:
     School of Ed Transfer Course
     Writing to learn

  Sarah Hankerson

This course will provide an overview of cognitive processes, the processes that collectively comprise what is commonly termed "thinking." Topics discussed will include perception, attention, remembering, language, problem solving, reasoning, and social cognition. The course will focus on how these processes operate in everyday situations, as well as empirical (laboratory) investigations of these processes. Connections between cognitive psychology and other areas of psychology (e.g., clinical, biological) will also be discussed. Prerequisite: PSYC 111

4 Credits

Sensation & Perception
U. Wolfe
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30470
4 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 12
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Psychology (UG) (PSYC)

CRN: 30470

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


  Uta Wolfe

A study of the structure and function of sensory systems, the information that these systems provide the brain, and the subsequent interpretation of sensory information that we call perception. The course focuses on visual perception (e.g., brightness, color, form, depth, movement, constancy, illusions) and auditory perception (e.g., detection, discrimination, loudness, pitch) and incorporates art and music. Prerequisite: PSYC 212

4 Credits

Sensation and Perception/LAB
U. Wolfe
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30471
0 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 12
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Psychology (UG) (PSYC)

CRN: 30471

Online: Asynchronous | Lab


  Uta Wolfe

A study of the structure and function of sensory systems, the information that these systems provide the brain, and the subsequent interpretation of sensory information that we call perception. The course focuses on visual perception (e.g., brightness, color, form, depth, movement, constancy, illusions) and auditory perception (e.g., detection, discrimination, loudness, pitch) and incorporates art and music. Prerequisite: PSYC 212

0 Credits

PUBH: Public Health

Internship: Public Health
A. Hedman-Robertson
05/29 - 08/22
Directed Study
CRN 30573
2 Cr.
Size: 5
Enrolled: 4
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Public Health (PUBH)

CRN: 30573

In Person | Directed Study

St Paul: In Person

  Amy Hedman-Robertson

The Public Health undergraduate internship learning experience has a three central goals: 1) to broaden student exposure to public health professionals and agencies, 2) facilitate opportunities for students to integrate, synthesize, and apply knowledge gained from coursework , and 3) provide opportunities for students to observe public health leadership in action. This course requires students to complete 100 hours engaging in public health-related competencies. Prior to registering for this class, students must receive internship site approval by faculty or advisor and secure an agreement, in writing, with an internship site. Prerequisites: STAT 220, PUBH 300, and PUBH 340

2 Credits

READ: Reading (Grad Ed)

Research in Literacy
See Details
K. Rosheim
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30389
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 18
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

1:00 pm
4:00 pm

05/29 - 06/05:
5:00 pm
7:30 pm

1:00 pm
4:00 pm

06/26 - 07/10:
1:00 pm
4:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Reading (Grad Ed) (READ)

CRN: 30389

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Kay Rosheim

This survey course presents a critical review and analysis of the fields of classical and, most significantly, current research in reading. Literacy research will be examined for source, design, implications, and classroom application. Additionally, sound principles in assessing, analyzing, and evaluating reading curriculum, and application of informed analysis for advising and implementing reading curricular and instructional decisions based on data will be explored. Finally, in light of current research and best practice, elements crucial to the administration of a comprehensive literacy program will be examined.

3 Credits

Content Area Literacy 5-12
See Details
B. Auge
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30390
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 18
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

1:00 pm
3:00 pm


1:00 pm
3:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Reading (Grad Ed) (READ)

CRN: 30390

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Brandon Auge

This course will help the teacher construct a framework for supporting/mediating content area literacy instruction. The course will focus on assisting teachers to develop a portfolio of methods, strategies and procedures for 1) diagnosing the reading ability of students within a target content area; 2) determining the readability of texts; 3) selecting appropriate classroom interventions to assist at-risk students' independent reading skills.

3 Credits

Rdg Assessment/Remediation
See Details
L. Fogarty
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30387
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 26
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/04 - 07/09:
4:00 pm
7:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Reading (Grad Ed) (READ)

CRN: 30387

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Liz Fogarty

The student will examine the nature of reading problems, formal and informal approaches to diagnosis, current assessment practices, the development of reading programs for specific needs, and application of specific strategies to instructional settings.

3 Credits

Rdg Assessment/Remediation
See Details
S. Kaback
06/12 - 08/08
CRN 30388
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 18
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:00 pm
7:00 pm

4:00 pm
7:00 pm

07/10 - 08/07:
4:00 pm
7:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Reading (Grad Ed) (READ)

CRN: 30388

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Suzy Kaback

The student will examine the nature of reading problems, formal and informal approaches to diagnosis, current assessment practices, the development of reading programs for specific needs, and application of specific strategies to instructional settings.

3 Credits

Clin Prac: Rdg Asst & Remed
L. Fogarty
05/29 - 07/25
CRN 30384
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 13
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/24 - 06/27:
11:00 am
3:00 pm
In Person

07/01 - 07/02:
11:00 am
3:00 pm
In Person

07/08 - 07/11:
11:00 am
3:00 pm
In Person

06/24 - 06/27:
11:00 am
3:00 pm
In Person

07/01 - 07/02:
11:00 am
3:00 pm
In Person

07/08 - 07/11:
11:00 am
3:00 pm
In Person

06/24 - 06/27:
11:00 am
3:00 pm
In Person

07/08 - 07/11:
11:00 am
3:00 pm
In Person

5:00 pm
7:00 pm

06/24 - 06/27:
11:00 am
3:00 pm
In Person

07/08 - 07/11:
11:00 am
3:00 pm
In Person

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Reading (Grad Ed) (READ)

CRN: 30384

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

Other: In Person


  Liz Fogarty

This course will be a supervised practicum in a reading clinic setting. Content includes comprehensive clinical diagnoses of reading difficulties (quantitative and qualitative) of a continuum of readers K-12; and formal case reports, including diagnosis and recommendation for remediation. Prerequisites: READ704 and instructor's consent. Note: Application must be submitted by April 1 for summer school enrollment.

3 Credits

Clin Prac: Rdg Asst & Remed
A. Evenson
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30385
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 18
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/10 - 06/13:
8:30 am
12:20 pm
In Person

06/17 - 06/20:
8:30 am
12:20 pm
In Person

06/24 - 06/27:
8:30 am
12:20 pm
In Person

06/10 - 06/13:
8:30 am
12:20 pm
In Person

06/17 - 06/20:
8:30 am
12:20 pm
In Person

06/24 - 06/27:
8:30 am
12:20 pm
In Person

06/10 - 06/13:
8:30 am
12:20 pm
In Person

06/24 - 06/27:
8:30 am
12:20 pm
In Person

06/10 - 06/13:
8:30 am
12:20 pm
In Person

06/17 - 06/20:
8:30 am
12:20 pm
In Person

06/24 - 06/27:
8:30 am
12:20 pm
In Person

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Reading (Grad Ed) (READ)

CRN: 30385

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

Other: In Person


  Ann Evenson

This course will be a supervised practicum in a reading clinic setting. Content includes comprehensive clinical diagnoses of reading difficulties (quantitative and qualitative) of a continuum of readers K-12; and formal case reports, including diagnosis and recommendation for remediation. Prerequisites: READ704 and instructor's consent. Note: Application must be submitted by April 1 for summer school enrollment.

3 Credits

Clin Prac: Rdg Asst & Remed
L. Fogarty
06/12 - 08/08
CRN 30386
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 30
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/17 - 06/21:
9:00 am
3:00 pm
In Person

06/24 - 06/26:
9:00 am
3:00 pm
In Person

06/17 - 06/21:
9:00 am
3:00 pm
In Person

06/24 - 06/26:
9:00 am
3:00 pm
In Person

06/24 - 06/26:
9:00 am
3:00 pm
In Person

12:00 pm
3:00 pm
In Person

12:00 pm
3:00 pm
In Person

06/17 - 06/21:
9:00 am
3:00 pm
In Person

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Reading (Grad Ed) (READ)

CRN: 30386

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

Other: In Person


  Liz Fogarty, Kate Kelly

This course will be a supervised practicum in a reading clinic setting. Content includes comprehensive clinical diagnoses of reading difficulties (quantitative and qualitative) of a continuum of readers K-12; and formal case reports, including diagnosis and recommendation for remediation. Prerequisites: READ704 and instructor's consent. Note: Application must be submitted by April 1 for summer school enrollment.

3 Credits

SEIS: Software Eng (Grad)

Foundations of Python I
See Details
M. Dorin
05/28 - 07/17
CRN 30319
3 Cr.
Size: 29
Enrolled: 29
Waitlisted: 0
05/28 - 07/17
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 325

5:30 pm
8:30 pm


5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 325

5:30 pm
8:30 pm


Subject: Software Eng (Grad) (SEIS)

CRN: 30319

CoFlex:In Person&Online Sync | Lecture

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall 325


  Michael Dorin

This is an introductory software development course with a focus on fundamental and foundational concepts. These concepts include general problem solving and algorithm creation techniques, data types, constants, variables and expressions, boolean, control flow, and object-oriented concepts. Applying these concepts, we implement programs using the Python language. We will examine its use as an interpreted and a compiled language, working with data types such as numbers, strings, lists, dictionaries, and sets. Students will learn how to apply Python in managing data. PyTest will be discussed for Unit and Integration Testing.  

3 Credits

Cloud Computing
See Details
R. Chiang
CRN 30320
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 14
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

07/17 - 08/08:
5:30 pm
8:30 pm
SCC 314

07/17 - 08/29:
5:30 pm
8:30 pm

08/10 - 08/29:
5:30 pm
8:30 pm
SCC 314


07/17 - 08/08:
5:30 pm
8:30 pm
SCC 314

07/17 - 08/29:
5:30 pm
8:30 pm

08/10 - 08/29:
5:30 pm
8:30 pm
SCC 314


5:30 pm
8:30 pm
SCC 314


Subject: Software Eng (Grad) (SEIS)

CRN: 30320

CoFlex:In Person&Online Sync | Lecture

St Paul: Schoenecker Center 314


  Ron Chiang

This course covers the fundamentals of IT infrastructure in the cloud. It provides a detailed overview of cloud concepts, services, security, architecture, and economics. This course will examine the theory behind these modern practices and the real-world implementation challenges faced by IT organizations. Students will learn how to design and implement cloud-based solutions. While the lessons will cover a number of theoretical concepts, we will primarily learn by doing. Students will gain hands-on experience with several widely-adopted IT platforms including AWS and Docker. Please note: this course has a Friday meeting date added, 8/9, to meet the required number of course sessions.

3 Credits

Web App Development
TR 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
G. Shrestha
07/17 - 08/29
CRN 30326
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
07/17 - 08/29
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:30 pm
8:30 pm


5:30 pm
8:30 pm


Subject: Software Eng (Grad) (SEIS)

CRN: 30326

Online: Sync Distributed | Lecture


  Gaurav Shrestha

This course will teach students the essentials of becoming a full stack web developer by creating dynamic, interactive websites, and is suitable for anyone with basic computer programming skills. The course initially focuses on HTML, CSS and JavaScript and later transactions into technologies like Angular framework, Node, and Serverless functions in a cloud environment. Students develop skills for designing, publishing, and maintaining websites for professional or personal use. No previous experience or knowledge of web development is needed. Prerequisites: SEIS 601 or 603

3 Credits

Database Mgmt Systems & Design
See Details
R. Chiang
05/28 - 07/17
CRN 30321
3 Cr.
Size: 26
Enrolled: 24
Waitlisted: 0
05/28 - 07/17
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 325

5:30 pm
8:30 pm


5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 325

5:30 pm
8:30 pm


Subject: Software Eng (Grad) (SEIS)

CRN: 30321

CoFlex:In Person&Online Sync | Lecture

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall 325


Requirements Met:
     Software Data Mgmt Conc
     Software Technical Elective

  Ron Chiang

This course focuses on database management system concepts, database design, and implementation. Conceptual data modeling using Entity Relationships (ER) is used to capture the requirements of a database design. Relational model concepts are introduced and mapping from ER to relational model is discussed. Logical database design, normalization, and indexing strategies are also discussed to aid system performance. Structured Query Language (SQL) is used to work with a database using the Oracle platform. The course also covers query optimization and execution strategies, concurrency control, locking, deadlocks, security, and backup/recovery concepts. Non-relational databases are also briefly introduced. Students will use Oracle and/or SQL Server to design and create a database using SQL as their project.

3 Credits

Data Preparation and Analysis
See Details
S. Naqvi
CRN 30325
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 21
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

07/17 - 08/29:
5:30 pm
8:30 pm
SCC 408

07/17 - 08/29:
5:30 pm
8:30 pm


07/17 - 08/29:
5:30 pm
8:30 pm
SCC 408

07/17 - 08/29:
5:30 pm
8:30 pm


5:30 pm
8:30 pm
SCC 408


Subject: Software Eng (Grad) (SEIS)

CRN: 30325

CoFlex:In Person&Online Sync | Lecture

St Paul: Schoenecker Center 408


  Syed Naqvi

This course provides a broad introduction to the subject of data analysis by introducing common techniques that are essential for analyzing and deriving meaningful information from datasets. In particular, the course will focus on relevant methods for performing data collection, representation, transformation, and data-driven decision making. The course will introduce students to Statistical Science including Probability Distribution, Sampling Distribution, Statistical Inference, and Significance Testing. Students will also develop proficiency in the widely used Python language which will be used throughout the course to reinforce the topics covered. Packages like NumPy and Pandas will be discussed at length for Data Cleaning, Data Wrangling: Joins, Combine, Data Reshape, Data Aggregation, Group Operation, and Time Series analysis. Prerequisite: SEIS 603 Please note: this course has a Friday meeting date added, 8/9, to meet the required number of course sessions.

3 Credits

Data Analytics & Visualization
See Details
M. Rege
CRN 30322
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 25
Waitlisted: 0
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 313

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 313

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 313

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 313

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 313

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 313


5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 313

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 313

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 313

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 313

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 313

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 313


5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 313

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 313


Subject: Software Eng (Grad) (SEIS)

CRN: 30322

CoFlex:In Person&Online Sync | Lecture

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall 313

Requirements Met:
     LLM/MSL Elective

  Manjeet Rege

The course provides an introduction to concepts and techniques used in field of data analytics and visualization. Data analytics is defined to be the science of examining raw data with the purpose of discovering knowledge by analyzing current and historical facts. Insights discovered from the data are then communicated using data visualization. Topics covered in the course include predictive analytics, pattern discovery, and best practices for creating effective data visualizations. Through practical application of the above topics, students will also develop proficiency in using analytics tools.

3 Credits

Machine Learning
See Details
C. Lai
05/28 - 07/17
CRN 30323
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 14
Waitlisted: 0
05/28 - 07/17
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 333

5:30 pm
8:30 pm


5:30 pm
8:30 pm
OSS 333

5:30 pm
8:30 pm


Subject: Software Eng (Grad) (SEIS)

CRN: 30323

CoFlex:In Person&Online Sync | Lecture

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall 333


  Chih Lai

Machine Learning builds computational systems that learn from and adapt to the data presented to them. It has become one of the essential pillars in information technology today and provides a basis for several applications we use daily in diverse domains such as engineering, medicine, finance, and commerce. This course covers widely used supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms used in industry in technical depth, discussing both the theoretical underpinnings of machine learning techniques and providing hands-on experience in implementing them. Additionally, students will also learn to evaluate effectiveness and avoid common pitfalls in applying machine learning to a given problem. Prerequisites: SEIS 631 and 632, 632 can be taken concurrently.

3 Credits

Artificial Intelligence
S 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
M. Rege
05/28 - 07/17
CRN 30324
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 15
Waitlisted: 0
05/28 - 07/17
M T W Th F Sa Su

9:00 am
4:00 pm


Subject: Software Eng (Grad) (SEIS)

CRN: 30324

Online: Sync Distributed | Lecture


  Manjeet Rege

Artificial Intelligence has made significant strides in recent times and has become ubiquitous in the modern world, impacting our lives in different ways. By harnessing the power of deep neural networks, it is now possible to build real-world intelligent applications that outperform human precision in certain tasks. This course provides a broad coverage of AI techniques with a focus on industry application. Major topics covered in this course include: (1) how deep neural networks learn their intelligence, (2) self-learning from raw data, (3) common training problems and solutions, (4) transferring learning from existing AI systems, (5) training AI systems for machine visions with high accuracy, and (6) training time-series AI systems for recognizing sequential patterns. Students will have hands-on exercises for building efficient AI systems. Prerequisite: SEIS 763

3 Credits

SPAN: Spanish

Elementary Spanish II
TWRF 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
S. Rey-Montejo
05/29 - 07/11
Online: Synchronous
CRN 30008
4 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 8
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

10:00 am
12:00 pm

10:00 am
12:00 pm

10:00 am
12:00 pm

10:00 am
12:00 pm


Subject: Spanish (SPAN)

CRN: 30008

Online: Some Synchronous | Online: Synchronous


Core Requirements Met:

Other Requirements Met:
     School of Ed Transfer Course

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Sonia Rey-Montejo

Continuation of SPAN 111. Emphasis on grammatical structure, aural-oral practice, writing, reading. Continuation of Hispanic culture. Prerequisite: SPAN 111 or its equivalent with a grade of C- or better.

4 Credits

Intermediate Spanish I
TR 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
F. Contreras Flamand
07/15 - 08/22
Online: Synchronous
CRN 30009
4 Cr.
Size: 24
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

1:00 pm
3:00 pm


1:00 pm
3:00 pm


Subject: Spanish (SPAN)

CRN: 30009

Online: Some Synchronous | Online: Synchronous


Core Requirements Met:
     Global Perspective

Other Requirements Met:
     School of Ed Transfer Course
     Writing to learn

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Fernando Contreras Flamand

Designed to increase listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish. Intensive review of grammatical structures of Elementary Spanish I and II. Continued exposure to Hispanic culture. Prerequisite: SPAN 112 or SPAN 122 or their equivalent with a grade of C- or better.

4 Credits

Spanish Applied Linguistics
MW 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
S. Perez Castillejo
07/15 - 08/22
Online: Synchronous
CRN 30418
4 Cr.
Size: 4
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

1:00 pm
3:00 pm


1:00 pm
3:00 pm


Subject: Spanish (SPAN)

CRN: 30418

Online: Some Synchronous | Online: Synchronous


Core Requirements Met:
     Global Perspective

Other Requirements Met:
     School of Ed Transfer Course
     Writing in the Discipline

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Susana Perez Castillejo

This course focuses on the theory and development of the field of Spanish second language acquisition and pedagogy. Special attention will be dedicated to the most common grammatical, linguistic, and methodological issues related to teaching Spanish to English native speakers. Topics covered will also include the role of technology in language teaching and methods for evaluating the linguistic competence of learners of Spanish. Prerequisites: Successful completion of SPAN 300, 301, 305, and 315 or their equivalents with a C- or better in each course.

4 Credits

SPED: Special Educ. (Grad Ed)

Ed Research: SPED
See Details
C. Chou
06/12 - 08/22
CRN 30425
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 14
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:00 pm
7:00 pm

5:00 pm
7:00 pm

5:00 pm
7:00 pm

5:00 pm
7:00 pm

5:00 pm
7:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Special Educ. (Grad Ed) (SPED)

CRN: 30425

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Chien-Tzu Chou

This is an introductory research course designed to help graduate students understand, evaluate, and conduct research in the field of special education.  Through participation in the course, class members will learn the basic concepts and procedures in special educational research.  Although the course is intended primarily to help graduate students and teachers become better consumers of research, it is also designed to provide students with introductory skills and experiences to conduct practitioner-based research. As part of the course requirements, students will complete a literature review and develop an action research project to address a problem of practice in special education.

3 Credits

Comm & Soc Interventions
See Details
A. Ruzicka
06/12 - 08/08
CRN 30421
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 24
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/17 - 06/18:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
MOH 322

06/17 - 06/18:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm

06/17 - 06/18:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
MOH 322

06/17 - 06/18:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm

1:00 pm
2:00 pm

06/20 - 06/22:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
MOH 322

06/20 - 06/22:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm

06/20 - 06/22:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
MOH 322

06/20 - 06/22:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm

06/20 - 06/22:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
MOH 322

06/20 - 06/22:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Special Educ. (Grad Ed) (SPED)

CRN: 30421

Hyflex: Flexible Learning | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 322


  Ashley Ruzicka, Becca Hintz

The purpose of this course is to learn to assess, evaluate, identify needs, develop goals and objectives, design intervention plans, monitor effectiveness and adjust programming for individuals with communication and social skill needs. This course provides an overview of typical social and communication development, as compared and contrasted to the delayed and disordered social and communication development of individuals who experience challenges, and the impact of communication and social differences on learning and behavior.

3 Credits

Methods Autism Spec Dis
See Details
K. Dixon
07/26 - 08/22
CRN 30423
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 23
Waitlisted: 0
07/26 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

07/29 - 08/02:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
MOH 322

07/29 - 08/02:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm

07/29 - 08/02:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
MOH 322

07/29 - 08/02:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm

07/29 - 08/02:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
MOH 322

07/29 - 08/02:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm

07/29 - 08/02:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
MOH 322

07/29 - 08/02:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm

07/29 - 08/02:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
MOH 322

07/29 - 08/02:
1:00 pm
5:00 pm

8:00 am
6:00 pm
MOH 322

8:00 am
6:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Special Educ. (Grad Ed) (SPED)

CRN: 30423

Hyflex: Flexible Learning | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 322


  Korto Dixon, Becca Hintz

The purpose of this course is to develop an understanding of ways that autism spectrum disorder may effect an individual's social communication skills, behaviors, thinking and perceiving, sensory processing, motor skills, vocational skills, academic skills, organizational skills, and other functional skills. This course provides the skills necessary to develop, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for an individual with ASD utilizing evidence-based practices and methodologies for teaching students with ASD.

3 Credits

Methods: Learning Disab
See Details
M. Kirchoff
05/29 - 07/25
CRN 30343
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 5
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:00 pm
7:30 pm


5:00 pm
7:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Special Educ. (Grad Ed) (SPED)

CRN: 30343

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Mary Kirchoff

The purpose of this course is to explore Tier III interventions in reading, spelling, and mathematics for students with learning disabilities (LD) and emphasizes fidelity of treatment in planning, teaching and monitoring student progress. This course provides specific skill proficiency with Orton Gillingham reading/spelling methodology and evidence-based practices in mathematics and written language instruction.

3 Credits

Collab, Co-teach & Technology
See Details
C. Shevlin-Woodcock
06/12 - 08/22
CRN 30432
3 Cr.
Size: 26
Enrolled: 26
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:45 pm
8:30 pm
MOH 324

4:45 pm
8:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Special Educ. (Grad Ed) (SPED)

CRN: 30432

CoFlex:In Person&Online Sync | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 324


  Cindy Shevlin-Woodcock

The purpose of this course is to develop professional practices including developing an ethic of collaboration and the knowledge and skills needed to effectively collaborate with faculty, administrators, students, para-educators, families, and community members; applying collaboration practices when co-teaching, consulting, developing interagency agreements, and supervising paraprofessionals; and utilizing current educational technology in the classroom to impact student learning. This course provides these professional practices in the context of program planning and implementation for students receiving special education services.

3 Credits

Fund: Stu w/Mild-Mod Needs
See Details
L. Van Gomple
06/12 - 08/22
CRN 30428
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:45 pm
8:30 pm
MOH 318

4:45 pm
8:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Special Educ. (Grad Ed) (SPED)

CRN: 30428

Hyflex: Flexible Learning | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 318


  Lauren Van Gomple

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview to the educational disabilities of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), developmental disabilities (DD) including developmental cognitive disabilities (DCD), emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD), specific learning disabilities (LD) and other health disorders (OHD). This course covers history, definitions, eligibility criteria, characteristics, etiology, and professional organizations and resources. This course provides fundamental information about individualized education program (IEP) development, use of assistive technology (AT), and contemporary issues in the field.

3 Credits

Methods: Emot Behav Dis
See Details
L. Housman-Moline
05/29 - 07/25
CRN 30342
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 7
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/05 - 07/17:
5:00 pm
9:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Special Educ. (Grad Ed) (SPED)

CRN: 30342

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Lonna Housman-Moline

The purpose of this course is to learn the effective application of research-based interventions designed to teach students with emotional behavioral disorders (EBD) in K-12 school settings. This course provides interventions based on behavioral, psycho-educational and ecological theory in order to prepare teachers to work with youth with emotional and behavioral disorders in educational settings.

3 Credits

Methods:EC Spec Education
See Details
B. Ingelin
06/12 - 08/22
CRN 30430
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 16
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:45 pm
8:30 pm
MOH 324

4:45 pm
8:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Special Educ. (Grad Ed) (SPED)

CRN: 30430

Hyflex: Flexible Learning | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 324


  Bonnie Ingelin

The purpose of this course is to facilitate development of effective teaching skills for professionals in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), birth-6 with an emphasis on using evaluation and assessment information to plan developmentally appropriate individualized programs in the least restrictive environment (LRE) for children with a variety of disabling conditions. This course provides an emphasis on activity and play-based intervention and special methods for use with children with motor, sensory, health, communication, social-emotional and/or cognitive disabilities.

3 Credits

ST&S: Early Childhood SE
See Instructor
B. Ingelin
05/29 - 08/22
No Classroom Required
CRN 30349
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 5
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

Subject: Special Educ. (Grad Ed) (SPED)

CRN: 30349

In Person | No Classroom Required

Minneapolis: No Room

  Bonnie Ingelin

The purpose of this course is to provide a practicum in an educational, family, hospital and/or community-based setting with infants, toddlers, preschoolers, including children with disabilities and their families. This practicum will provide opportunities for planning and implementing early intervention services; utilizing curriculum for an early-childhood class with adaptations for children with disabilities; selecting individual goals; and embedding goals in routines and curricular activities; developing skills in assessment and evaluation; and partnering with families in home and/or educational settings. This course provides documentation of competencies and practical experiences gleaned from the coursework and 100 hours of field experiences. An initial teaching license requires a minimum 12-week student teaching experience.

3 Credits

Fundamentals Special Ed
See Details
J. Williams
06/12 - 08/22
CRN 30426
3 Cr.
Size: 20
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:45 pm
8:30 pm
MOH 324

4:45 pm
8:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Special Educ. (Grad Ed) (SPED)

CRN: 30426

Hyflex: Flexible Learning | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 324


  Julie Williams

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of special education and specific categories of exceptionality and examine the theories, legal mandates, definitions, and terminology related to special education. This course provides characteristics of individuals with exceptionalities including but not limited to: gifted and talented, autism spectrum disorder, learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, developmental disabilities, sensory disabilities, early childhood special education, other health disorders, and speech and language disorders.

3 Credits

Positng & Hdlg & AAC Strat
See Details
E. Simunds
06/12 - 08/08
CRN 30434
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:00 pm
9:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Special Educ. (Grad Ed) (SPED)

CRN: 30434

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Erin Simunds

The purpose of this course is to provide a detailed discussion of normal gross motor, fine motor, oral motor and sensory development, followed by examination of the implications of the development of abnormal movement, sensory dysfunction, and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). This course provides current positioning and handling theories and techniques and feeding interventions along with an overview of sensory defensiveness and optimal arousal states critical to successful learner performance. Practicum experience with classmate partners and children with physical or sensory impairment includes transfer and lifting techniques and equipment usage. . This course includes an examination of the principles and procedures involved in AAC assessment as well as practical guidance on designing and implementing intervention strategies that meet AAC needs and improve the lives of individuals who have severe communication disorders.

3 Credits

Methods: Dev Disabilities
See Details
L. Florman
06/12 - 08/08
CRN 30435
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 11
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:00 pm
9:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Special Educ. (Grad Ed) (SPED)

CRN: 30435

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Lynn Florman

The purpose of this course is to examine philosophies, perspectives, methods and materials for supporting the learning of students with developmental disabilities who have extensive or pervasive needs for support. This course provides learning characteristics, curricular approaches and models, systematic instructional strategies, adaptations, friendships and other natural support networks, self-determination, use of technology, planning for transition and potential services for adults.

3 Credits

PBS for Diverse Learners
See Details
D. Page
07/15 - 08/22
CRN 30341
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 8
Waitlisted: 0
07/15 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

07/24 - 08/22:
5:00 pm
9:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Special Educ. (Grad Ed) (SPED)

CRN: 30341

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Dana Page

The purpose of this course is to explore the unique strengths and needs of students with behavioral challenges and focus interventions on positive behavior supports. This course provides interventions designed to address school, home and community needs.

3 Credits

Instructional Strategies Div
See Details
K. Seo
05/29 - 07/25
CRN 30344
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 8
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/25
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:00 pm
7:30 pm


5:00 pm
7:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Special Educ. (Grad Ed) (SPED)

CRN: 30344

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Kyounghee Seo

The purpose of this course is to increase understanding and knowledge of strategic and explicit instructional strategies to address the academic and social needs of students identified with educational disabilities. This course focuses on current state-of-the-art learning strategies and scientifically research-based instruction and remedial approaches to address the needs of students with educational disabilities.

3 Credits

SPUG: Special Education (UG)

Fund: Stu w/Mild-Mod Needs
See Details
L. Van Gomple
06/12 - 08/22
CRN 30429
4 Cr.
Size: 5
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:45 pm
8:30 pm
MOH 318

4:45 pm
8:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Special Education (UG) (SPUG)

CRN: 30429

Hyflex: Flexible Learning | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 318


  Lauren Van Gomple

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview to the educational disabilities of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), developmental disabilities (DD) including developmental cognitive disabilities (DCD), emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD), specific learning disabilities (LD) and other health disorders (OHD). This course covers history, definitions, eligibility criteria, characteristics, etiology, and professional organizations and resources. This course provides fundamental information about individualized education program (IEP) development, use of assistive technology (AT), and contemporary issues in the field.

4 Credits

Methods:EC Spec Education
See Details
B. Ingelin
06/12 - 08/22
CRN 30431
4 Cr.
Size: 5
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:45 pm
8:30 pm
MOH 324

4:45 pm
8:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Special Education (UG) (SPUG)

CRN: 30431

Hyflex: Flexible Learning | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 324


  Bonnie Ingelin

The purpose of this course is to facilitate development of effective teaching skills for professionals in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), birth-6 with an emphasis on using evaluation and assessment information to plan developmentally appropriate individualized programs in the least restrictive environment (LRE) for children with a variety of disabling conditions. This course provides an emphasis on activity and play-based intervention and special methods for use with children with motor, sensory, health, communication, social-emotional and/or cognitive disabilities.

4 Credits

Fundamentals Special Ed
See Details
J. Williams
06/12 - 08/22
CRN 30427
4 Cr.
Size: 5
Enrolled: 0
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:45 pm
8:30 pm
MOH 324

4:45 pm
8:30 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Special Education (UG) (SPUG)

CRN: 30427

Hyflex: Flexible Learning | Lecture

Minneapolis: Opus Hall - Minneapolis 324


  Julie Williams

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of special education and specific categories of exceptionality and examine the theories, legal mandates, definitions, and terminology related to special education. This course provides characteristics of individuals with exceptionalities including but not limited to: gifted and talented, autism spectrum disorder, learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, developmental disabilities, sensory disabilities, early childhood special education, other health disorders, and speech and language disorders.

4 Credits

STAT: Statistics

Introductory Statistics II
M. Isaacson
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30472
2 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 10
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Statistics (STAT)

CRN: 30472

Online: Asynchronous | Lecture


  Marc Isaacson

This course provides students who already have a solid conceptual understanding of statistics the opportunity to apply their knowledge to analyzing data using modern statistical software. Topics include data visualization, inference for one and two samples, analysis of variance, chi-square tests for goodness of fit and association, and simple and multiple linear regression. Prerequisites: STAT 206 or AP Statistics Credit. Note, students who receive credit for STAT 201 may not receive credit for STAT 220.

2 Credits

Introductory Statistics
S. Berg
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30016
4 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 27
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Statistics (STAT)

CRN: 30016



Core Requirements Met:
      Quant Analysis

Other Requirements Met:
     Liberal Arts Bus Minor Appr
     School of Ed Transfer Course

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Sergey Berg

This course is composed of an in-depth study of the processes through which statistics can be used to learn about environments and events. There will be an intensive focus on the application, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of both descriptive and inferential statistics in a variety of real-world contexts. Topics include data collection, research design, data visualization, bootstrap confidence intervals, inference for one and two samples, randomized hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, chi-square tests for goodness of fit and association, and simple and multiple linear regression. Extensive data analysis using modern statistical software is an essential component of this course. Prerequisites: Math placement at level of MATH 108 or above; or MATH 006, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 108, 109, 111, or 113. NOTE: Students who receive credit for STAT 220 may not receive credit for STAT 201 or STAT 206.

4 Credits

Statistics I (Lab)
TR 2:00 pm - 3:40 pm
D. Ehren
05/29 - 07/11
CRN 30055
0 Cr.
Size: 30
Enrolled: 27
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su

2:00 pm
3:40 pm


2:00 pm
3:40 pm


Subject: Statistics (STAT)

CRN: 30055



Core Requirements Met:
      Quant Analysis

Other Requirements Met:
     Liberal Arts Bus Minor Appr
     School of Ed Transfer Course

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  David Ehren

This course is composed of an in-depth study of the processes through which statistics can be used to learn about environments and events. There will be an intensive focus on the application, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of both descriptive and inferential statistics in a variety of real-world contexts. Topics include data collection, research design, data visualization, bootstrap confidence intervals, inference for one and two samples, randomized hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, chi-square tests for goodness of fit and association, and simple and multiple linear regression. Extensive data analysis using modern statistical software is an essential component of this course. Prerequisites: Math placement at level of MATH 108 or above; or MATH 006, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 108, 109, 111, or 113. NOTE: Students who receive credit for STAT 220 may not receive credit for STAT 201 or STAT 206.

0 Credits

TEGR: Teacher Ed. (Grad Ed)

Diversity & Cultural Comp
See Details
A. Hewett-Olatunde
06/12 - 08/22
CRN 30379
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 8
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

5:00 pm
8:00 pm

5:00 pm
8:00 pm

07/10 - 07/31:
5:00 pm
8:00 pm

5:00 pm
8:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Teacher Ed. (Grad Ed) (TEGR)

CRN: 30379

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Amy Hewett-Olatunde

This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge, practices, and dispositions to humanize those who are historically underserved. The course engages students with issues such as race, intersectionality, class, gender, exceptionality, oppression, and discrimination while examining the crucial role of educators in influencing positive, systematic change for social justice.

3 Credits

Engineering in P-12 Clrm
K. Irizarry
06/12 - 08/08
CRN 30359
3 Cr.
Size: 10
Enrolled: 8
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

06/17 - 06/20:
9:00 am
3:00 pm
OSS 329

06/17 - 06/20:
9:00 am
3:00 pm
OSS 329


06/17 - 06/20:
9:00 am
3:00 pm
OSS 329

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Teacher Ed. (Grad Ed) (TEGR)

CRN: 30359

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: O'Shaughnessy Science Hall 329


  Kelsey Irizarry

This course will focus on an overview of current P-12 engineering education programs, exploration of pedagogy and content, links to national and State Academic Standards, and a survey of assessment mechanisms that evaluate impact of classroom initiatives. A variety of delivery modes will be used to introduce students to methods and to educators who have successfully introduced engineering into a wide variety of classes across several disciplines. Engineering resources for course participants will be presented and discussed. A final project is required, in which practicing educators and education students create a unit or module focused on a hands-on engineering activity for P-12 educators in their licensure area.

3 Credits

Lang Dev, Literacy & Lit I
See Details
L. Fogarty
06/12 - 08/22
CRN 30380
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 13
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
7:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Teacher Ed. (Grad Ed) (TEGR)

CRN: 30380

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Liz Fogarty, Annie Ittner

This course is Part 1 of a two-course literacy sequence designed to introduce the pre-service teacher to the theory and practice of elementary curriculum and instruction in the areas of reading, language arts, and children's literature. Campus and elementary school experiences emphasize best practice in literacy instruction for meeting the diverse needs of all students. The course presents developmentally appropriate practice for kindergarten, primary, and intermediate grades, the current knowledge base of research, and recommendations for professional development. As the introductory course in literacy, it focuses on language development, assessment and interpretation of relevant data regarding literacy processes, and serves as the knowledge base for understanding curricular development in and applications for literacy in the elementary classroom. Participants will research critical issues in the field of literacy development. Prerequisite: TEGR 510.

3 Credits

Lang Dev, Literacy & Lit II
See Details
K. Kelly
06/12 - 08/08
CRN 30381
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 18
Waitlisted: 0
06/12 - 08/08
M T W Th F Sa Su

4:30 pm
7:00 pm

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Teacher Ed. (Grad Ed) (TEGR)

CRN: 30381

Online: Some Synchronous | Lecture


  Kate Kelly

This course is Part II of a two-course literary sequence designed to introduce the pre-service teacher to the theory and practice of elementary curriculum and instruction in the areas of reading, language arts, and children's literature. Campus and elementary school experiences emphasize best practice in literacy instruction for meeting the diverse needs of all students. The course presents research-based best practices in teaching reading for kindergarten, primary, and intermediate grades. This second course in the literacy sequence extends the foundations in language, assessment and interpretation of relevant data regarding literacy processes, and explorations into children's literature to classroom applications in composing processes (writer's workshop), assessment and evaluation as it informs teaching, planning and reflection, and interdisciplinary instruction. Participants will research critical issues in the field of literacy development. By Special Permission Only. Prerequisite: TEGR 550.

3 Credits

Topics: ProdStrug&MathRigor
L. Payne
05/29 - 08/22
CRN 30561
3 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 5
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 08/22
M T W Th F Sa Su

12:00 pm
2:00 pm
MCH 117

06/25 - 07/23:
12:00 pm
2:00 pm
MCH 117

+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Teacher Ed. (Grad Ed) (TEGR)

CRN: 30561

Blended Online & In-Person | Lecture

St Paul: McNeely Hall 117


  Lucy Payne

3 Credits

THEO: Theology (UG)

Spirituality:Christian Marriag
M. Spencer
05/29 - 07/11
Topics Lecture 3
CRN 30498
4 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 21
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Theology (UG) (THEO)

CRN: 30498

Online: Asynchronous | Topics Lecture 3


Core Requirements Met:
     Diversity/Soc Just AND Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     FYE Changemaking
     FYE Human Well-Being
     Writing to learn

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Marguerite Spencer

This section is designed to acquaint students with the theology of Christian marriage, understood as covenant relationship and as sacrament, that is, an effective sign of God's love in our world. Primary though not exclusive emphasis will be on the Roman Catholic tradition. Students will also examine contemporary cultural attitudes toward sexuality, marriage, and the family in the light of Christian theology.

4 Credits

Spirituality:Christian Marriag
M. Spencer
05/29 - 07/11
Topics Lecture 3
CRN 30563
4 Cr.
Size: 25
Enrolled: 24
Waitlisted: 0
05/29 - 07/11
M T W Th F Sa Su
+ asynchronous coursework

Subject: Theology (UG) (THEO)

CRN: 30563

Online: Asynchronous | Topics Lecture 3


Core Requirements Met:
     Diversity/Soc Just AND Integ/Humanities

Other Requirements Met:
     FYE Changemaking
     FYE Human Well-Being
     Writing to learn

(2021 Core Planning Guide)

  Marguerite Spencer

This section is designed to acquaint students with the theology of Christian marriage, understood as covenant relationship and as sacrament, that is, an effective sign of God's love in our world. Primary though not exclusive emphasis will be on the Roman Catholic tradition. Students will also examine contemporary cultural attitudes toward sexuality, marriage, and the family in the light of Christian theology.

4 Credits

Advanced Search

Day(s) of the Week
Open/Closed Courses